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Product Selector & 3D files for connectors - Amphenol Socapex
948 Promenade de l’Arve - BP 29 74311 THYEZ France. Footer Assistance. Assistance. FAQ; Technical support; Export Control Classification Form; Certifications; Our distributors; STAY CONNECTED Receive our latest information and product updates. Email. Country
Mechanical Power Relays MPR -
2 Mechanical Power Relays MPR 1638 5 Order numbering code Type No. MPR10-N bistable Number of poles 881 single pole Rated voltage 1 12 V 2 24 V Current rating 1 100 A (M8, M10) 2 200 A (M8, M10) 3 300 A (M10) Design of load terminals 1 M8 studs (100 A, 200 A) 2M10 studs (100 A, 200 A, 300 A) Accessories of load terminals 1 washers ...
Mechanical Power Relays MPR -
2 Mechanical Power Relays MPR 1638 5 Order numbering code Type No. MPR10-N bistable Number of poles 881 single pole Rated voltage 1 12 V 2 24 V Current rating 1 100 A (M8, M10) 2 200 A (M8, M10) 3 300 A (M10) Design of load terminals 1 M8 studs (100 A, 200 A) 2M10 studs (100 A, 200 A, 300 A) Accessories of load terminals 1 washers ...
Reduced Flange 38999 Jam Nut Receptacles - Amphenol Socapex
948, promenade de l’Arve BP29 74311 Thyez Cedex - France Phone: +33 (0)4 50 89 28 00 We reserve the right to modify our products in any way we deem necessary. Any duplication is prohibited, unless approved in writing. Follow Amphenol Socapex on social media : Designed by Amphenol Socapex