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PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 1/27/2010 9:56:13 AM
320876 |
Maximum Cable Diameter. 0.26. Housing Color
The significant attention on Ampheonl AssembleTech, the US Consulate ...
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
Whip Antennas MU 1-LX/... -
0 dB mobile antenna with black-chromed, stainless steel whip. Type MU 1-LX/s covers 370 – 410 MHz Type MU 1-LX/l covers 406 – 440 MHz Type MU 1-LX/h covers 430 – 470 MHz
Configurator Singles | Amphenol
©2025 Amphenol Alden Products | Medical Connector Solutions. Terms & Conditions. Supplier Terms & Conditions
High Speed Connectors | Products - Amphenol
The Mini-SAS external I/O connector consists of a die-cast metal cage and a Compact Multi-Lane SMT connector. It supports Fiber Channel & InfiniBand standards, making it the perfect solution to the ever-growing demand for high-speed mass storage systems, servers & storage area networks.
Indoor Patch Antenna for Wall or Ceiling Mount
Indoor Patch Antenna for Wall or Ceiling Mount PCPI-WIFI 1-Band | 1-Port | Patch Antenna | Right Hand Circular Polarization | 70° | 2400-2500 MHz | 5.0 dBic | SISO | Indoor
Datenblatt E-Serie EH Analog (Dokumentennummer 551247) - Temposonics
I 2 I Temposonics® E-Serie EH nalog Datenblatt 4 5 3 1 Messzyklus 1 Ein Stromimpuls erzeugt ein Magnetfeld 2 Die Interaktion mit dem Magnetfeld des Positionsmagneten generiert einen Torsionsimpuls 3 Der Torsionsimpuls breitet sich aus 4 Der Wandler erfasst die akustische Welle 5 Die Position wird anhand der Laufzeit ermittelt Magnetostriktives Messelement
c:userspdf31-2225 -
Title: Created Date: 5/30/2011 6:14:13 PM
ST300 Shorty™ Thru-hull - Airmar
Speed and Temperature. The ST300, speed and temperature sensor is low in price and short in size. As part of our Shorty ™ Series, it is designed for boats with limited headroom. The total height of housing is only 75 mm (2.96").
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Backshells from Amphenol PCD - Amphenol Australia
482 For more information on Backshells visit • or email: Dualok III SJT 38999 PCB HD EMI Filter Transient I II Accessories Herm/Seal Aquacon Amphenol Fiber Optics Contacts Connectors Cables HIgH SPEED 26482 Matrix 2 83723 III 5015 26500 Pyle 22992 Class L Back-
Multimode Cable Assemblies - Amphenol Australia
Amphenol Multimode Cable Assemblies FEATURES • Utilise high quality connectors • 100% optically tested for insertion loss. They are individually packaged and labeled
Control/Instrumentation Wire and Cable Trex-Onics Low Capacitance ...
Wire and Cable otion Control Control/Instrumentation Bus/Data Igniter Wire ining Cable Reeling Cable TPC Wire Cable / USA 00-1- / Canada 00--01 / exico 001---1 / pecifications subject to change.
main | B258 50/200kHz, 1kW, w/ FB, Navico BL, DT
B258 50/200kHz, 1kW, w/ FB, Navico BL, DT. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
SMZ Right Angle Crimp Plug RG-179 Belden 179DT 75 Ohm
Assembly Instructions Right Angle Crimp Solder (Size: 143 kb) Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle; Part Status: Active: Product Specifications. Body Finish: Gold: Body Material: Brass: Cable Type (Terminates to) RG-161, RG-179, RG-187, Belden 179DT, Belden 1520A, Belden 1521A, Belden 1522A, Belden 9221: Contact Finish:
Audio Video Monitor Cables for Sale | Cables on Demand | Page 2
Buy Broadcast-Grade Audio/Video/Monitor Cables Direct from one of the world's largest Cable Manufacturers: Amphenol. Amphenol A/V cables offer performance comparable to boutique retail brands at a savings of 70% or more. By offering our cables factory-direct and in OEM style packaging, we can pass the savings onto you. Amphenol Cables on Demand is your home theater cable headquarters; with a ...
Model 352C34/ACS-4 | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Maretron | N2KView Vessel Monitoring Software -
Maretron N2KView Vessel Monitoring Software. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Product Page | PCB Piezotronics
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