Search Results for p-209062p01
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Cable Glands and Cord Grips - Amphenol Industrial Operations
A m p h e n o l E U / 20 / 9 5 C. 2 Amphenol Cable Glands and Cord Grips Amphenol Explosion Proof and Industrial Cable Glands This section will provide you with information on Amphenol’s complete family of cable glands, and will assist you in determining which of our glands will satisfy your specific need. If you have further questions ...
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DESCRIPTION L I S T A m p h e n o l
o nt p anel m ount i ng) Ø 3 1. 4 + 0. 2 0 (f o r r e a r p a n e l m o u n t i n g) tommy n key-40°c ~ +105°c part number-40°c ~ +125°c rts018n2p rts018n2p03 contact size min. insulation o.d. small.wire range max. insulation o.d. 8# Ø5.2mm 8awgØ6.8mm 27 27 33.3 33.3 4 x Ø 3. 1 0 master keyway Ø28.6 33.8ref 11.3 2.2 unef 1"1/16"-18 ...
A D D I T I O N A L C O N F I G U R A T I O N S A V A I L A B L E - P L E A S E C O N S U L T F A C T O R Y PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD CONNECTOR GUIDE FAKRA CONNECTOR SERIES Vertical Part Number Description FA1-NXSP-PCB-2 Gold Plated Body FA1-NXSP-PCBD6 Gold Plated Body, Thin Profile 2FA1-NXSP-PCBB6 Tin Plated Body, Thin Profile Right Angle
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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