Search Results for p-phenol
A m p he n o l E U / 2 002 / 9 5 / C Amphenol offers the 97 Series Connector Family - A general duty standard cylindrical connector, MIL-5015 style. The 97 Series is a widely used connector series for the auto-motive, robotics, machine tool and welding industries, as well as numerous other commercial applications from heavy equip-ment to ECG ...
$ p skhqro& rusrudwlrq ([dfw1 dp hri5 hjlvwudqwdv6shflilhglq& kduwhu ' hodz duh 6wdwhri,qfrusrudwlrq & rp p lvvlrq)loh1 xp ehu + doo$ yhqxh : doolqjirug & rqqhfwlfxw $ gguhvvri3ulqflsdo([hfxwlyh2 iilfhv =ls& rgh / dqfh( ' ¶$ p lfr
C:UsersjheadDesktopJ193915 Y ReceptacleC-ATM04-2P-P007 REV 01 - Amphenol
5(9'(6&5,37,21 '$7(5(9,6,216 (&2%<$335 6 5(/($6( 1(: 352'8&7 -81 =(1,1 $70 3 3 127(6 81/(66 27+(5:,6( 63(&,),(' 0$7(5,$/ +286,1* 7+(5023/$67,& %/$&.
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P31385-Mxxx M29 Power Cable, Female Straight, Shielded 12AW - Amphenol Sine
P31385-Mxxx M29 Power Cable, Female Straight, Shielded 12AWG, TPE
C01610G0170001 17+PE Female receptacle with mounted gasket - Amphenol Sine
17+PE Female receptacle with mounted gasket. Mounting hole Ø26.2. Suitable sealing for screws must be provided. For use with crimp contacts (sold separately).
ATF13-12PC-BM01 12 Position 90° Receptacle, Pin, Gold contac
AT06-12SC-MM01 12-Way Plug, Female Connector with C Position Key and Reduced Diameter Seal (E-Seal) and End Cap. Comparable to PNs# DT06-12SC-CE01, DT06-12SC-CE05, 934456133
AT04-12PA-P075 12-way receptacle, (3) 4 pin busbar=26 amps, - Amphenol Sine
AT04-12PA-P075 12-way receptacle, (3) 4 pin busbar=26 amps, nickel plating, keyed A, grey. Comparable to PN# DT04-12PA-P075
FLS6BS10N3P03 3 Position Plug, Pin, Shell Size 10, with Bac - Amphenol Sine
FLS6BS10N3P03 3 Position Plug, Pin, Shell Size 10, with Backshell, Cable OD Range 4.0-6.5mm, Fast Lock Coupling
Circular Connectors | Products - Amphenol
P-Lok® This series, based on the SAE AS50151 is a ruggedized harsh environment, metal push/pull coupling, power and signal connector. With over 80 insert arrangements ranging from 2 to 26 contacts per connector and up to 135 amps possible with a standard operating temperature from -55°C to +125°C.
/(1*7+ 0[[[ 0HWHUV - Amphenol Sine
$ 7(&+1,&$/ '$7$ 6+((7 5(/($6( 0$< .00 5)& 0$7,1* &<&/(6 ! 7(03(5$785( 5$1*( & 72 & 3527(&7,21 ,3 0$7(' &21',7,21 5r+6 &203/,$17
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Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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