Search Results for pl-259
UHF Straight Solder Plug RG-8 RG-213 RG-225 Non-Constant Impedance
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pl259 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
This thick low-attenuation coaxial cable is best suited with high-power long-run antenna installations for high-frequency applications such as Broadcast, Ham Radio, CB Radio, Wi-Fi, GSM, Base Station and Mobile Uplink. PL259 Extension Cable, 10'.
pl-259 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PL259 Extension Cable, 20'. Part # 329-20. MFG # 329806-1. Coaxial Cable Assembly features a RG-58U Coax cable pre-assembled with PL-259 fittings on both ends for quick installation of hardware. Constructed of nickel plated brass.
pl-259 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
32' cable pack with screw-on adapter and PL259 cable that has a small connector on one end which is designed to facilitate easy routing through holes and conduits. Includes a screw-on adapter with a standard PL259 that is used with all Vesper AIS transponders, antennas, and the SP160 splitter.
CO-213UHFMX20-050 | Coaxial Cable Assembly | Amphenol
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Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-050 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male ...
Buy 50 ft Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-050 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. RG213 UHF (PL-259) Coaxial Cable Assemblies by Amphenol combine 50 Ohm RG213 coax cable with pre-terminated UHF (PL-259) Male connectors for a high-power low-loss interface with your RF equipment.
PL259 Extension Cable, 20' - Gemeco
Coaxial Cable Assembly features a RG-58U Coax cable pre-assembled with PL-259 fittings on both ends for quick installation of hardware. Constructed of nickel plated brass. Specifications
Solderless PL259 for RG8X/RG58AU - Gemeco
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UHF (PL-259) to UHF (PL-259) Cables (Coaxial Cable Assembly with UHF ...
Shop UHF (PL-259) to UHF (PL-259) Cables (Coaxial Cable Assembly with UHF Connectors) at Amphenol Cables on Demand.
pl259 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PL259 Extension Cable, 10'. Coaxial Cable Assembly features a RG-58U Coax cable pre-assembled with PL-259 fittings on both ends for quick installation of hardware. Constructed of nickel plated brass. Keep up-to-date on product news and the latest offers.
main | Solderless PL259 for RG8X/RG58AU
Solderless PL259 for RG8X/RG58AU. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
pl-259 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
RG213 UHF (PL-259) Coaxial Cable Assemblies by Amphenol combine 50 Ohm RG213 coax cable with pre-terminated UHF (PL-259) Male connectors for a high-power low-loss interface with your RF equipment.
PL259 Extension Cable, 50' -
Coaxial Cable Assembly features a RG-58U Coax cable pre-assembled with PL-259 fittings on both ends for quick installation of hardware. Constructed of nickel plated brass.
NOTICE - These drawings, specificati ons, or other data (1) are, and rema in the are given by Amphenol Corp. The fur nishing of these drawings, specifica tions, or
pl259 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Antenna Cable Pack Supplied with connectors and weather boot to make the installation quick and easy. 16' cable pack with screw-on adapter and PL259 cable that has a small connector on one end which is designed to facilitate easy routing through holes and conduits.
Cable-Small Connector and PL259 Connector, 30m - Gemeco
99' cable pack with screw-on adapter and PL259 cable that has a small connector on one end which is designed to facilitate easy routing through holes and conduits. Includes a screw-on adapter with a standard PL259 that is used with all Vesper AIS transponders, antennas, and the SP160 splitter.
pl259 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PL259 Extension Cable, 10' Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Amphenol Silver PL259 for RG-8 (US Made) - Gemeco
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Connectors | Products - Amphenol
AFSI’s line of 109 series hermaphroditic connectors offers the ultimate in flexibility and is a direct replacement for the TAC4.