Search Results for pm240-2
Model 042M37 | PCB Piezotronics
Y-shaped dual volts cable for CSI 2140 only. One 8-pin male M12 connector to two female BNC connectors for volts channels A(red) and B(blue). 0.2 meters long
Z02 Series Pedestal Housings - An Amphenol Company
Charles Industries is the top manufacturer of outdoor fiber pedestals, such as the Z02 Series Pedestal Housings for FTTH and broadband networks. Inquire now!
3652-35 4W E&M/ER Installation Guide - Charles Industries
Refer to Figure 2 for the location and description of these options. I/ III II O N 1 P S2.1 .2 .4 .8 O N S3 1234 1248 O N 1234 16 5 XMT ATTN (dB) S4.1 .2 .4 .8 O N 1234 S5 12 48 O N 12 34 16 5 RCV ATTN (dB) SX OPN LP S1 S10 2 3652-35 LINE DROP T & R LINE 4W E&M/ER ISS 1 DROP T1 & R1 LINE DROP RCV BUSY XMT BUSY E & M Figure 2. 3652–35 4W E&M ...
M1012 Series -
2 SPECIFICATIONS: Input Voltage range1: 85 to 265 VRMS Frequency: 47-63 Hz / 400 Hz High Power Factor2: > 0.98 Operates through transients IAW MIL-STD-704A-F Output Voltage Regulation Less than ±3% (no load to full load, –20°C to +50°C). Backup Backup (full load, 0°C to+50°C) > 10 minutes Charge time from de-pleted to full capacity (0°C ...
10124150-102LF | AIRMAX VS2® | Amphenol
AirMax VS2®, Backplane Connectors, 4-Pair, 120 -position, 2mm pitch, 10 column, 4 Walls, Right Angle Header,small press-fit, 2 side plating.
5778500 -
16-Port Antenna 698-960 | 1427-2690 MHz Integra compatible 5G Ready 65° 1993 mm 5778500 5778500G 5778500Dx Octa Band, 16-Port, 65°, XPOL, Panel Antenna, Variable Tilt, 1993 mm
SGX Sensortech
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l Sensors Division Temposonics Intrinsically Safe Position Sensors
4 3. HOW TO ORDER SYSTEM COMPONENTS 3.1 Temposonics Intrinsically Safe Position Sensor Enclosure Style 1 = Standard, dust-tight (similar to NEMA 1) 2 = Ruggedized, dust-tight (similar to NEMA 1) 3 = Ruggedized, splash-proof (similar to NEMA 4) Stroke Length Units U = U.S. Customary (inches and tenth -- xxx.x inches) M = Metric (millimeters) Stroke Length The value to enter depends on stroke ...
SIM2D84V - Amphenol Air LB
EN4165 / SIM is a modular, multifunctional rectangular connector. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and power requirements at a fraction of the space.
SV Microwave, Inc.
2) break corners & edges .005 r. max. 3) cham. 1st & last threads. 4) surface roughness 63 mil-std-10. 5) dia.’s on common centers to be concentric within t.i.r. 6) remove all burrs unless otherwise specified 95077 300-32-022 cage code 2400 centrepark west drive, suite 100 west palm beach, fl 33409 title: cable assembly proprietary instructions
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Distortion(100 gram payload, 30 Hz to 2 kHz) <5 % <5 % [6] Maximum Amplitude(Acc 100 Hz no payload) 20 g pk 196 m/s^2 pk Maximum Amplitude(Vel 100 Hz no payload) 15 in/sec pk 380 mm/s pk Maximum Amplitude(Displ 100 Hz no payload) 50 mils pk-pk 1.27 mm pk-pk Control Interface Test Sensor In Voltage or ICP® Voltage or ICP® [1]
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosure CUBE-PM64015PN1 General ...
2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The CUBE includes a 2250W DC powered thermosiphon. Figure 2 shows the components of the CUBE . Figure 1 Front View of the CUBE . LT-PM64015PN1 Page 2 of 4 5 th Printing . Figure 2 CUBE Components (4) LIFTING HOISTS SOLAR SHIELD THERMOSIPHON (4) EXTERNAL GROUND STUDS
Model M640B02 4-20 mA Output Velocity Sensor Installation and Operating ...
The Model 640/641/645/646 B Series operates from a standard 2-Wire, 4-20mA loop. If using a loop powered unit, attach the positive (+) input from the power supply to Pin A or Red wire on the sensor and the negative (-) input from the power supply to Pin B or Blue Wire of the sensor.
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
power: 2 watt (power input derated linearly from 25c to 0.5 watts at 125c) peak power: 500 watts (peak power for a duty cycle of 5x10-4 maximum pulse duration of 5 microseconds) engagement/ disengagement: 2 in-lbs table 1 db value attenuation accuracy vswr "a" dc-2 ghz2-4 ghz4-8 ghz8-12.4 ghz12.4-18 ghz dim. ...
power: 2 watt (power input derated linearly from 25c to 0.5 watts at 125c) peak power: 500 watts (peak power for a duty cycle of 5x10-4 maximum pulse duration of 5 microseconds) engagement/ disengagement: 2 in-lbs table 1 db value attenuation accuracy vswr "a" dc-2 ghz2-4 ghz4-8 ghz8-12.4 ghz12.4-18 ghz dim. ...