Search Results for positronic combo-d
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
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SMPM Male PCB Surface Mount Connector (Glass Seal), FD
SV Microwave proudly presents the SMPM Male PCB Surface Mount Connector (Glass Seal), FD P/N: 3211-20028. It has the greatest mechanical specs!
Flexwell Waveguide Flaring and Connector Assembly
Rev. D Instruction Sheet Tools Required 1. Fine Toothed Hacksaw 2. Rule, 6 inch 3. Knife 4. Light Metal Snips 5. Ball Peen Hammer 6. Screwdriver, 3/16" Blade 7. Allen Wrench, 3 /16 "8. Electrical Tape 9. Clean Rag 10. Heat Gun or Torch Figure 1. Figure 3. Figure 2. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS Radio Frequency Systems ...
middle east countries | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Amphenol Advanced Sensors Germany GmbH Sinsheimer Strasse 6 | D -75179 Pforzheim T: +49 (0) 7231- 14 335 0 F: +49 (0) 7231-14335 29 Email: USA / Americas Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc. T: +1(814) 834-9140 F: +1(814) 781-7969 Email: Find out more on ...
a dcn 41727 10/15 dal b dcn 47552 06/18 stw checked: approved: drawn: stw 05/13/04 stw 05/13/04 jmc 05/13/04 rohs compliant freq. range: dc to 40.0 ghz
Model 339A30
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MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol® Tri-Start connectors provide EMI/EMP shielding capability which exceeds MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements. The TV and CTV Series III connector with standard solid metal-to-metal coupling, EMI grounding fingers and conductive finishes have proven to be the ultimate in EMI/EMP shielding effectiveness.
641B00 4-20 MA OUTPUT VELOCITY SENSOR Revision: D ECN #: 50726 Performance ENGLISH SI Measurement Range 0.0 to 0.5 in/sec rms 0.0 to 12.7 mm/s rms [1] Output 4-20 mA 4-20 mA Frequency Range(± 10 %) 600 to 60 kcpm 10 to 1 kHz [2][3] Broadband Resolution 0.005 in/sec pk 0.13 mm/s pk [4]
Model 130A24 | PCB Piezotronics
Optional: 079A46: 5 pack of water resistant pads for the 130A24 array microphone: 1: Supplied: 100-15124-40: 1: ACS-21: Calibration 130 Series microphone; microphone/preamplifier together
Model 086E80
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ZTP-135SR Thermopile IR Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
We believe that making sustainable choices in the way we conduct our business creates short-term and long-term value for our stakeholders. We do not create long-term value by merely complying with regulations, but we go beyond compliance to find ways to green our operations and our products to ensure continuity of the material and human resources that we need to operate the business.
d:pdf34-1111-12g 2 -
Title: Created Date: 1/14/2019 2:20:48 PM
Ne comprend pas les pièces d'usure ou les accessoires. Numéro de référence BLD5770 Les humidimètres Protimeter équipés de Bluetooth peuvent utiliser l’application gratuite Protimeter Connect. L’application permet aux utilisateurs d’enregistrer des mesures et des photos. Amphenol Capteurs avancés
MCX Right Angle Crimp Plug RG-58 RG-141 Times LMR-195 50 Ohm
Body Finish: Gold: Body Material: Brass: Cable Type (Terminates to) RG-58, RG-141, Times LMR-195, Times LMR-200-LLPL, Belden 7806A, Belden 8219, Belden 8240, Belden ...
Model 3501A1360KG
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Taking the Heat - PCB
Taking the Heat. Sensors for high temperature dynamic measurements. Applications > Gas turbine vibration measurements > HALT/HASS testing > Automotive engine testing
Differential PE Signal Conditioner - PCB
Key features n PE, Differential PE, IEPE and VELCOIL/RCC inputs n Acceleration, velocity and displacement outputs n AC and DC programmable outputs n 10/100 Ethernet and RS-232 Interface n Programmable 6-pole HP, LP, BP Filter n TTL compatible Warning and Alert alarms n User selectable English or Metric units n Replacement for Endevco Model 6634C Description The model 6634D vibration amplifier ...
Amphenol Assembletech
Micro HDMI (Type D) Waterproof. Mini 2pin Cable. M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture. SAS and SATA Fixture. Mini SAS Fixture. HD Mini SAS Fixture. SlimSAS Fixture. OCuLink Fixture. HDMI Fixture. AOC. USB AOC. DisaplayPort AOC. HDMI AOC. Others. Communication cable. Network Cable Assy. MHL.
date | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
A Series™ - Contact Size 16 Options (Works with: AT, ATV, AHD-9, ARC, DuraMate and PanelMate Series) Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 10-2023 Machined Contacts, Sockets & Pins Part Number DescriptionSize AWG Type
10147875 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Buy 2.5ft Amphenol CS-DSSMDB37MF-002.5 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. Amphenol 37-pin (DB37) Standard D-sub cables are offered in a fully molded and shielded package at an affordable price; perfect for the home or office.