Search Results for prima de antiguedad como se calcula
LWL Sachsenkabel GmbH
LWL Sachsenkabel GmbH
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 4 0 obj > endobj xref 4 40 0000000016 00000 n 0000001303 00000 n 0000001400 00000 n 0000001631 00000 n 0000042918 00000 n 0000054721 00000 n 0000054847 00000 n 0000054979 00000 n 0000055115 00000 n 0000055247 00000 n 0000055316 00000 n 0000055396 00000 n 0000081072 00000 n 0000081330 00000 n 0000081782 00000 n 0000081807 00000 n 0000082407 00000 n 0000082476 00000 n ...
Ampehnol All Sensors Produkte
Entdecken Sie die anpassbaren Ultra-Niederdrucklösungen von Amephenol All Sensors nach Familie.
Technische Daten MobiLED ULTIMA -
Doc. No. 03103-R3 DE 2014 MobiLED ULTIMA Technik SMD-LED LED-Farbe amber / weiß Blickwinkel 120° Aufl ösungsvarianten Höhe: bis zu 32 Zeilen Breite: bis zu 240 Spalten (Genaue Aufl ösungen auf Anfrage) Betriebsspannung 12 VDC oder 24 VDC (9 - 36 VDC) Leuchtdichte max. 3500 cd/m² (amber), max. 7000 cd/m² (weiß) Betriebstemperatur -40 ...
USB Type-C connection system for harsh environment
designed by amphenol socapex 5 c ⌀ amphenol socapex _____ ⌀ amphenol socapex _____ ⌀ amphenol socapex _____ ⌀ amphenol socapex _____ ° ⌀ amphenol socapex ...
Rugged Ethernet, USB & Display connectors - Amphenol Socapex
A large selection of ruggedized, field RJ45 Ethernet, USB & Display solutions: RJ Field, USB Field, Mini DisplayPort connectors, cordsets, cables. These solutions enable the transmission of Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, Cat 7 Ethernet through ruggedized military links. Your standard RJ45, USB 2.0, USB 3.0, DisplayPort plugs or cordsets are converted into a military-grade solution for harsh environments ...
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 6 0 obj > endobj xref 6 48 0000000016 00000 n 0000001528 00000 n 0000001625 00000 n 0000001893 00000 n 0000002019 00000 n 0000002151 00000 n 0000002176 00000 n 0000002776 00000 n 0000002801 00000 n 0000003263 00000 n 0000004755 00000 n 0000005850 00000 n 0000005986 00000 n 0000006011 00000 n 0000006319 00000 n 0000007852 00000 n 0000007984 00000 n 0000008009 00000 n ...
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
VITA 66.1 和 66.4 - Connecteurs VITA | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol VITA 连接器符合 VITA 66.1 和 66.4 标准,是专为恶劣环境设计的坚固耐用的商用光互联系统 (COTS)。这些连接器提供多种导引可能性,预装 MT 标准附件,是民用和军用航空航天应用、电子系统和 C5ISR 通信的理想选择。VITA 连接器配有一个 MT 型浮动支架,可精确对准光纤并保证性能稳定可靠。
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
C:UsersjbloodDesktopPBLite Rework drawingsC-P29030-A1 - Amphenol Sine
$ 7(&+1,&$/ '$7$ 6+((7 5(/($6( 0$< .00 5)& 0$7(5,$/6 /,67 6,=(352&(66 63(&,),&$7,216 0$7(5,$/ 63(&,),&$7,216 81/(66 27+(5:,6( 63(&,),(' 3/ '(& $oo glphqvlrqv duh lq ...
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
Ampehnol All Sensors Produkte
Entdecken Sie die anpassbaren Ultra-Niederdrucklösungen von Amephenol All Sensors nach Familie.
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
WARNING - Amphenol Sine
risque de chocs electriques ne pas debrancher sous tension. 2) electrical data: current (max): 15a voltage (max): 600v ac/dc insulation resistance (min): 5000m ohms dielectric test voltage: 2200v short circuit amperage rating: 65ka - breakers and fuses p1 p2 technical data: 1) materials: insulation insert: thermoplastic, ul 94/v-0
Miniature Amplified Low Pressure Sensors
a 16035 Vineyard Blvd. Morgan Hill, CA 95037p 408 225 4314 f 408 225 2079 e all sensors All Sensors DS-0101 Rev A The Miniature Amplified Output pressure sensors is based upon a proprietary technology to reduce all output offset or common mo de
Dystrybutorzy Amphenol Socapex | Amphenol Socapex
948 Promenade de l'Arve - BP 29 74311 THYEZ Francja. Pomoc w stopce. Pomoc. FAQ; Wsparcie techniczne; Formularz klasyfikacji kontroli eksportu; Certyfikaty; Nasi dystrybutorzy; POZOSTAŃ W KONTAKCIE Otrzymuj nasze najnowsze informacje i aktualizacje produktów. E-mail. Kraj