Search Results for processador i3 10
B45 Traditional/CW Thru-hull - Airmar
600 W. The B45 is Airmar’s smallest and most economical, dual-frequency, bronze, stem transducer. It features a single, 50/200 kHz ceramic element.
Kaye Validator 2000 - Wired Thermal Validation
KAYE HEADQUARTERS. Amphenol Advanced Sensors Germany GmbH Sinsheimer Strasse 6 D-75179 Pforzheim. T +49 (0) 7231-14 335 0 F +49 (0) 7231-14335 29
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Thermometrics NTC Type B Series Glass Coated Bead Thermisors
Thermometrics NTC Type B Series Glass Coated Bead Thermisors
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PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 10/12/2007 1:15:05 PM
ValProbe® RT 1.3 -
ValProbe® RT 1.3 -
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 2/7/2001 10:45:35 AM
ValProbe® RT CO2 Logger -
ValProbe® RT CO2 Logger -
NovaSensor PT1907 Pressure and Temperature Sensor Die
NovaSensor PT1907 Pressure and Temperature Sensor Die
Pyle 26500 | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Shells experience a less than 10% loss in yield strength at elevated temperatures, 204°C (399°F) Shell hardware resists corrosion for the life of the connector without the need of additional finishes; Same shell styles offered as in aluminum; Variety of stainless steel accessories are available
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PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
MIL-DTL-5015 High Power Connectors and Contacts - Amphenol Aerospace
High Power Mil-DTL-5015 Connectors Available with a Range of Contacts, Finishes, and Configurations
Antennas | WiFi, Bluetooth, Cellular, GPS, & More | PCTEL
Bluetooth (2.4 GHz) Cellular + WiFi Cellular 2G (1900 MHz) Cellular 3G (850 MHz/1900 MHz) Cellular 4G (700 MHz, 1700 - 2100 MHz, 1900 MHz and 2500 - 2700 MHz) Cellular 5G (600 MHz - 6 GHz) Cellular CBRS/5G NR (3300 MHz-4200 MHz) Cellular LTE (700 MHz / 900MHz) FirstNet (758 - 798 MHz) Globalstar L Band (1610–1618.75 MHz) GNSS (B1 - 1559-1591 MHz) GNSS (E1 - 1575.420 MHz) GNSS (G1 - 1589.0625 ...
Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace
WBX065X10F000 Archives - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
WBX065X10F000 Archives - Amphenol Antenna Solutions