Search Results for profimess gmbh
Kaye ValProbe RT Humidity/Temperature Logger -
The ValProbe RT logger with humidity and temperature sensors comes with RF technology to give users real-time data viewable on their Validation Console. With a
Kaye ValProbe RT Humidity/Temperature Logger -
The ValProbe RT logger with humidity and temperature sensors comes with RF technology to give users real-time data viewable on their Validation Console. With a
Technical data INFOtainment - Stretched Small
LAWO Informationssysteme GmbH Stockfeldstr. 1 76437 Rastatt GERMANY Phone: +49 7222 1001- 0 Fax.: +49 7222 1001-134 Subject to technical changes that serve the interests of progress. LAWO Informationssysteme GmbH. Size 28“ Resolution 1.920 x 240 (Full HD x n) Active Display Area 698 mm x 87 mm Aspect Ratio 8 : 1 Brightness ca ...
SPM2 Poliermaschine SPM2 Polishing Machine -
Merkmale Normgerechte Politur von Einzelsteckern Hohe Reproduzierbarkeit des Polierergebnisses Robuste und langlebige Auslegung Einfache Bedienung
Kaye ValProbe Cryo Loggers
Il nuovo Cryo Logger con la punta molto sottile e flessibile è il datalogger perfetto per un intervallo di temperatura esteso da -85 ° C a + 140 ° C. Il logger fornisce una soluzione unica per una varietà di applicazioni, come camere criogeniche, liofilizzatori, congelatori ultraleggeri e altre applicazioni a temperature elevate. È anche perfetto per l'uso in autoclave e altre ...
Products - KAYE
Kaye offers industry-leading thermal validation system for accurate monitoring and compliance in pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Discover advanced wired and wireless solutions for temperature validation.
Data Sheet E-Series EP/EL Analog (Doc Part No. 551245)
Data Sheet E-Series EP/EL Analog (Doc Part No. 551245)
Kaye Earns Prestigious ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accreditation in its China ...
Kaye is proud to announce that we have earned ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation by the China National Accreditation for Conformity Assessments (CNAS) and by the...
Tactical Shelters / Command Headquarters
5 1. PowerinG your deFences The Requirement Generators must be capable of running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and be to- tally reliable. The generator must start at below minus 45 degrees Celsius and work reliably and with high efficiency up to at least 55 degrees Celsius at 3000 meters
presents -
by ExploGuard, the explosion protection system of Paar Logistik GmbH, prevents explosions in all kind of fuel tanks. ExploGuard thus prevents the function of the fuel tank system and enables the crews of armored vehicles to get away from the danger spot. ExploGuard reduces the swash movements in fuel tanks tremendously. ExploGuard can be applied to all kinds and shapes of fuel tanks.
Tactical Shelters / Command Headquarters
5 1. PowerinG your deFences The Requirement Generators must be capable of running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and be to- tally reliable. The generator must start at below minus 45 degrees Celsius and work reliably and with high efficiency up to at least 55 degrees Celsius at 3000 meters
presents -
by ExploGuard, the explosion protection system of Paar Logistik GmbH, prevents explosions in all kind of fuel tanks. ExploGuard thus prevents the function of the fuel tank system and enables the crews of armored vehicles to get away from the danger spot. ExploGuard reduces the swash movements in fuel tanks tremendously. ExploGuard can be applied to all kinds and shapes of fuel tanks.
Tactical Shelters / Command Headquarters
5 1. PowerinG your deFences The Requirement Generators must be capable of running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and be to- tally reliable. The generator must start at below minus 45 degrees Celsius and work reliably and with high efficiency up to at least 55 degrees Celsius at 3000 meters
Temposonics Blog
Willkommen auf unserem Blog für Positionssensoren. Er ist die führende Plattform für mehr Details über Temposonics Sensoren & Technologie und wo sie in Industrie-, Mobilhydraulik- und Füllstandsanwendungen eingesetzt werden.
Kaye Netpac Wired 有线监控系统
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Germany GmbH Sinsheimer Strasse 6 D-75179 Pforzheim. T +49 (0) 7231-14 335 0 F +49 (0) 7231-14335 29 KAYE Americas Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc. 967 Windfall Road St. Marys, PA 15857 Tel: +1(814) 834-9140 Fax: +(814) 781-7969
Conditionneur de signal numérique ICP-USB - PCB
Le conditionneur de signal numérique ICP®-USB, modèle 485B39, est un conditionneur de signal numérique ICP-USB de poche à double canal qui fournit à tout capteur ICP - accéléromètres, microphones, marteaux d'impact, tachymètres laser et autres - une sortie numérique USB.
Temperature Calibrator - LTR-150 Dry Block and Liquid Bath - KAYE
Kaye LTR-150 è il calibratore multiuso più avanzato specificamente progettato per soddisfare le esigenze di capacità e flessibilità per la validazione termica. Dalla sua capacità di calibrare 48 capacità di termocoppie, alla sua versatilità per funzionare come un calibratore a secco, a bagno liquido o di superficie, l'LTR-150 consente di risparmiare ore e ore di tempo durante la ...
K170 Ice Point Reference - KAYE
Le Ice Point Reference K170 effectue un référencement de points de glace pour un maximum de 75 thermocouples. L'utilisateur raccorde des thermocouples externes aux bornes d'entrée de l'unité, qui sont à leur tour connectées à des TC internes correspondants qui se terminent en cuivre à la température d'un mélange d'eau glacée produit de manière thermoélectrique.
Kaye ValProbe Temperature Logger
La famille des enregistreurs de température ValProbe est conçue pour une mesure de processus précise, pratique et fiable pour les applications pharmaceutiques et d'appareils médicaux. La conception sans fil simplifie grandement la surveillance et la validation des environnements de service et d'accès difficile. Les sondes sont disponibles en version rigide, flexible et flexible.