Search Results for pt02a-14-12p
Radsok - Amphenol Sine
14 2.5 Wallbushing Connector family Feed-through-power Connector. 6.0 mm and 8.0 mm Radsok IP65/IP67 against the wall IP20 in mated condition 16 2.6 Tools Eletro hydraulic crimping unit and crimping dies. 18 2.7 Radsok industrial solutions 20 2.8 press|mate Radsok can be integrated in Standard cable lugs. 3.6 mm up to 16.0 mm Radsok 22 3 ...
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Created Date: 3/14/2001 4:29:16 PM
Instruction Sheet -
14. 15. 16. Thread the gasket up to the cofiet. Apply a light film of grease to the threaded gasket. Slide the backnut forward and over the threaded gasket and collet. See Figure 7. Apply a light film of grease to the body O-ring and slip It into posltlon on the connector body as shown In Figure 1. Apply a light film of grease to the
What Does Bandpass Mean? Definition & Modern Applications - Q Microwave
Nov 14, 2024 7:15:00 AM Surveillance and reconnaissance, covert operations, space exploration. These aren't simply sci-fi... Read more Filters. How Bandpass Filter Cutoff Frequencies Impact Military Tech. David Higginson. Dec 13, 2023 1:17:56 PM
00X 5 U - Amphenol Sine
Contact arrangement IEC 61076-2-106 03-a 04-a 05-a 05-b 06-a 07-a 07-b 08-a 12-a 14-a Rated voltage IEC 60664-1 150 V 100 V 32 V 100 V 32 V Rated impulse withstand voltage IEC 60664-1 1500 V 800 V 1500 V 800 V Pollution degree IEC 60664-1 31) Installation category IEC 60664-1 I Insulation group IEC 60664-1 II, 400 < CTI < 600
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Assembly - Amphenol Sine
Contact arrangement IEC 61076-2-106 03-a 04-a 05-a 05-b 06-a 07-a 07-b 08-a 12-a 14-a Rated voltage IEC 60664-1 150 V 100 V 32 V V 32 V Rated impulse withstand voltage IEC 60664-1 1500 V 800 V 15000 V 800 V Pollution degree IEC 60664-1 31) Installation category IEC 60664-1 I Insulation group IEC 60664-1 II, 400 < CTI < 600
Home - Amphenol Australia
Home - Amphenol Australia
61XX - Amphenol Sine
50 mm² 1 Ø 14,5 mm 36 g EK 12042 (Klauke) oder / or AHPW 400C (Neko) TE 0500 103 N 02 100 6122 002 70 mm² 00 Ø 16,5 mm 38 g TE 0500 201 N 02 100 6123 002 95 mm² 000 Ø 19,0 mm 51 g TE 0500 301 Oberflächenbeschichtung / surface plating: Ag Abisolierlänge / stripping length : 18,5 52,2 16 23,2 Steckzyklen / mating cycles: >500 Material ...
SGX - Legal - SGX Sensortech
Informacja dla Sygnalistów. W związku z przyjęciem w SGX Europe Sp. z o.o., z siedzibą w Katowicach, ul. Konduktorska 42, wpisaną do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy Katowice Wschód w Katowicach , Wydział VIII Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod nr KRS: 0000572677, NIP: 6342844879, procedury ochrony danych sygnalisty oraz zgłaszania naruszeń prawa ...
pt02a-10-6p | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for pt02a-10-6p AT04-08PA-PM05 8-Way Flange Mount Receptacle with Gasket, Pi AT06-08SA-MM01 8-Way Plug, Female Connector with A Position Key, Reduced Diameter Seals (E-Seal) and End Cap.Comparable to PNs# DT06-08SA-CE05, DT06-08SA-CE01, 934455112 ... (14° to 140°F) Storage Temperature Range -20° to 85°C (-4°to 185°F) Tested ...
6782-5001-dB - Sheet1 - XMA Corp
draw ing practices per ansi-y-14.5 surface phone:603-222-2256 unless otherwise specified these drawngs and specifications are the property of xma corp. or omni spectra and shall not be reproduced, copied nor used - in whole or in part - as a basis for the plated attenuator, 1.85mm-m/f, dc-65 7.92.312.880 22.35.312 7.925.