Search Results for purpose of firewall
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Vendor/ Subcontractor Management - Amphenol
document contains confidential proprietary information, and shall not be copied, disclosed, reproduced or used for any other purpose; unless written permission is granted by Amphenol Ltd. Amphenol Ltd retains the right to request the prompt return of this document. CONTENTS PAGE: 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS FLOWDOWN
ATEX Certification - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Sira 03ATEX1101X Iss 19
other data by Amphenol Corp., or to any other person to anyone for any purpose is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise in any manner licensing, granting rights to permitting such holder or any other person to manufacture, use or sell any product, process or design, patented or otherwise, that may in any way be
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RET Control Units - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
MDDU Module for Antenna Sharing 3 of 3 REV091913 Granted or pending patents apply to this product. Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical or range values only and may vary as a result of normal manufacturing and operational conditions.
Premises Enclosures “Infinity Premises Enclosures”, IPE Series
Description: Infinity Premise Enclosures combine style and easy product installation with our patented True Flex™ Quick Mount feature and Cable Retention slots.
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12-Channel (3633-80) and 6-Channel (3633-81) Data Service Unit-Data ...
1.1 Document Purpose This document provides general, installation and testing information for the 12-Channel and 6-Channel Data Ser-vice Unit—Data Port (DSU-DP). This document covers the following model numbers: Model Number Description Figure 3633-80 12-Channel Data Service Unit—Data Port Figure 1
Product - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Product - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
6U4MT360X12Fxys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 4FT, 20-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (6x) 1695-2700 | (2x) 3300-4200 | (2x) 5150-5925 MHz, Fixed Tilt
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other data by Amphenol Corp., or to any other person to anyone for any purpose is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise in any manner licensing, granting rights to permitting such holder or any other person to manufacture, use or sell any product, process or design, patented or otherwise, that may in any way be related to
Amphenol FCI 10078991
2025/02/04 2025/02/05 2020/12/08-Detouillon, Da Lamy, Alexandr Sawanth, Ambaa ELX-F-54239-1 C Released PDS: Rev :C STATUS:Released Printed: Feb 05, 2025
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosure SHRD56-051 ... - Charles Industries
1.2. Product Purpose The SHRD56 consists of a protective enclosure (shroud) that supports remote radio head (RRH) units and other customer supplied equipment. 1.3. Product Mounting and Location This enclosure is suitable for outside plant -type (OSP) locations and those that may require NEC compliance. The outdoor SHRD56
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