Search Results for pvc terminal connector
Q8D-03AMMM-QL8A02: HS-Lok Connectors | Amphenol LTW
Q8D-03AMMM-QL8A02, ALTW’s HS-Lok Push-Lock connectors provide you a simple quick and safe release to save your time and cost, with just a small pull force. The audible feedback and guided key design ensuring error-proof and easy assembly for blind mating.
Model 034K20 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 034K20:4-conductor, low noise, shielded FEP cable,20-ft, mini 4-socket plug to (3) BNC plugs (labeled X, Y, Z)
Diplex Filters DIPX 108/136-... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Available with SMA or BNC connector types. Coated with black vinyl to prevent corrosion. Specifications. Electrical; Model: DIPX 108/136-... Frequency: Low port : 0 - 108 MHz High port : 136 - 1300 MHz: Max. Input Power: 25 W each port: Insertion Loss: 0 - 108 MHz : 1.0 dB 136 - 1300 MHz: 0.8 dB
BA6012-0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Connector 1 PORT Polarization Vertical Gain 2.1 dBi Overall Length 1.13 m (3.7 ft) ORDERING OPTIONS Select from the following ordering options ANTENNA MODEL NUMBER MOUNTING HARDWARE SHIPPING WEIGHT BA6012-0 N275F Mounting Bracket Kit 0.9 kg (2 lbs) ORDERING NOTE: Specify Center Frequency. Bandwidth: 5% of center frequency 2.1 dBi N Female ...
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350A Dual-Feed High-Current Panel - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
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CA0911B800805012 - M16 8 Position Circular Molded, Std. Stra
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ CA0911B800805012 - M16 8 Position Circular Molded, Std. Strain Relief, Female to Leads, 22AWG, COMMUNICATION & DATA, UL 300V Flexible Cable Assy, 5 Me
CC5516A13 - Amphenol Air LB
1100 individual junction terminal; 1100 accessories; 1130 modules with inserted components; 1174 circular grounding modules. 1174 modules for crimped contacts; 1174 modules with inserted resistors; ... Rectangular connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Plugs;
SIM3D43NAA - Amphenol Air LB
1100 individual junction terminal; 1100 accessories; 1130 modules with inserted components; 1174 circular grounding modules. 1174 modules for crimped contacts; 1174 modules with inserted resistors; ... Rectangular connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Plugs;
Hybrid Assemblies - RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
HBF058-08U1S1-350F2 HYBRIFLEX® RRH Hybrid Riser Direct 1x1, 8 AWG, 5/8”, Single-Mode Fiber with DLC to DLC Connectors, 350 ft . Length,m (ft): 106.6 (350) F/O Cable Type: G657-A2 Single Mode, Bend Tolerant; Number of F/O Pairs: 1; Fiber Termination End 1: DLC Connector; Fiber Termination End 2: DLC Connector; Number of DC Pairs: 1; Cross Section of Power Cable, mm² (AWG): 8.4 (8)
SS175 Medium Ultra-Wide Chirp, 1kW, 0° Tilt, Garmin 12-Pin, DT
SS175 Medium Ultra-Wide Chirp, 1kW, 0° Tilt, Garmin 12-Pin, DT
SIM3MK2022SDP - Amphenol Air LB
Module With straight PCB contacts Socket Without peripheral sealing Contacts #22 Tin-plated with Lead Polarization D Serie3 Fluorinated silicone
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Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
Amphenol Aerospace
CONTACT INSERTION INTO CONNECTOR Using insertion tool (part number M81969/8-09 or M81969/14-04), insert contact assembly into rear connector grommet hole. Contact must be aligned with hole and not inserted at an angle. Push forward until contact is felt to snap into posi-tion within insert. Remove tool. CONTACT REMOVAL FROM CONNECTOR
Harsh Environment Connectivity Options for Ruggedized RF- Over-Fiber ...
Another military grade solution for APC connectors becoming popular in the market is based on the ARINC801 standard (refer to Figure 2). These connectors, made by Amphenol, Radiall, and Sabritec, are derivative of the D38999 series connector. D38999 connectors were originally designed as electrical connectors.
Penta band antenna, dual polarisation, 10 connectors
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Plug&Play - Amphenol Sine
• Rugged Over-molded Connectors & Feature Crush & Oil Resistant Cables • Compliant with various code compliances such as NFPA 79-2007 standards, UL2237 PVVA Listed Potential Applications Distributed Power & Control of Motors, Parcel Distribution, Palletizing, Packing and Shrink Wrapping, Airport Baggage Handling,
696-960 / 1695-2180 / 1695-2180 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Connector Description The antenna has six (6) connectors located at the bottom, each marked with a colored ring. Low Band 696-960 MHz Red Rings (2x) 7/16-DIN Female High Band #1 1695-2180 MHz Blue Rings (2x) 7/16-DIN Female High Band #2 1695-2180 MHz White Rings (2x) 7/16-DIN Female Electrical Characteristics Low Band High Band #1 and #2