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Military Power Connectors 55181 - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Description: Qualified to MIL-C-55181, MW Series Power Connectors are waterproof, polarized and have a center lock coupling screw. Ideal for interconnection of power and control circuit electric equipment in military and harsh environments, such as soldier communication and ground vehicles.
D38999 Series III PCB Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol provides 38999 Series III type connectors with PC Tail contacts, which are ideal for printed circuit board applications, either with rigid attachment or flex print assembly attachments.
ePower-Lite 3.6mm. Featuring high current carrying capabilities, optional EMI and HVIL, and secondary lock with keyway function which are all benchmarks of the connector series. The sustained current is up to 120A max and provides two types of wire connections (16mm2 and 25mm2) and a busbar option for the receptacle side.
Amphenol Network Solutions > Product
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a 16035 Vineyard Blvd. Morgan Hill, CA 95037 p 408 225 4314 f 408 225 2079 e all sensors. All Sensors DS-0419 / DCN 10431 / Rev B
2.92mm Male Connector for .085 Cable - SV Microwave
SV Microwave offers the 2.92mm Male Connector for .085 Cable SF1511-60071.The perfect RF connector for ultimate performance.
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Amphenol AMAO Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
Amphenol AMAO Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering 40-60 Delaware Ave, Sidney NY 13838 Amphenol Military-Aerospace Operations (AMAO)
300-12-012 - SV Microwave
Title: 300-12-012.cad Author: vjuback Created Date: 10/22/2004 1:55:59 PM
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Ampehnol All Sensors Products | All Sensors
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
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Amphenol . Created Date: 1/20/2025 6:04:42 PM
MIL-DTL-38999シリーズIII (TV シリーズ)|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
よく比較される製品. HD38999 シリーズ. Micro38999 (2M シリーズ). 小径フランジD38999. 航空宇宙,産業機器. フィードスルーバルクヘッド. 関連情報
Accesorios - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex es un líder reconocido en el suministro de conectores circulares de alto rendimiento, incluidos los conectores D38999, 2M Micro Miniature, Rugged Ethernet, USB, Display, RFM y PT/451, adaptados a una amplia gama de aplicaciones críticas dentro de los sectores de defensa y aeroespacial. Estos conectores eléctricos están diseñados para satisfacer las rigurosas exigencias de ...