Search Results for reach
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM SF2921-61560 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM SF1521-60061-1S LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
Declaration - SV Microwave
ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM M39012/55B3112 LEAD 7439-92-1 30,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
Automotive Component Durability Testing - PCB
PCB PIEZOTRONICS, INC 3 1. Introduction Automotive component durability applications include compression, tension, impact and fatigue testing of latches, doors, hoods ...
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 2922-6007 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 1285-6004 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
Amphenol Reports Record Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2021 Results
Fourth Quarter 2021 Highlights: Record sales of $3.027 billion, up 25% in U.S. dollars and 18% organically compared to the fourth quarter 2020 Record GAAP diluted EPS of $0.72, up 26% compared to prior year Record Adjusted Diluted EPS of $0.70, up 23% compared to prior year GAAP and Adjusted Operating Margin of 19.6% and 20.1% Record Operating and Free Cash Flow of $464 million and $379 ...
SMA Female PCB Edge Launch Connector, .031" PCB Thickness
The SMA Female PCB Edge Launch Connector, .031" PCB Thickness" 2985-6037 is now available at SV Microwave. Order now with our distributors.
Declaration - SV Microwave
ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 1222-4012 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 8038-6006 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
Safety IndustrialHealth Agriculture CarbonDioxide sensor INIR2-CD100 ...
*1. Wait for 45 mins for the Sensor to warm up and reach the Ambient Temperature after power on. *2. NOTE: All data and tests are relating to EN 60079-29-1 and AQ 6211, European and Chinese standards. For more information about Average please read the Application Note 1, “Integrated IR Protocol & Calibration”.
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 7012-1926 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 3321-60059 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
Declaration - SV Microwave
ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 3290-4002 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM SF1287-6001 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM SF1521-60124-1S LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
Rugged Copper to Fiber Media Converter - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s Rugged Copper to Fiber Media Converter utilizes our trusted 38999 connectors paired with a Samtec ribbon in order to bring applications an optical fiber link distance to 10km.
Fiber Optic Bulkhead Feed -Through - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol extends its line of harsh environment fiber optic components with a multi-channel fiber optic feed-through. This feed-through is designed to perform in demanding aerospace environments and any other applications where a high degree of environmental sealing is required between bulkheads.
Declaration - SV Microwave
ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM SF1621-60026-1S LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
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ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM SF1112-6034 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc