Search Results for remembrance day
Amphenol DC Electronics Nogales Operations Achieves ISO Registrations
Nogales, MX, September 23, 2015 – Amphenol DC Electronics (ADCE), a division of Amphenol Industrial Global Operations Group (NYSE: APH) today announced the registration of its Nogales, MX facility to the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 quality standards. “Our objective from day one was for Nogales to mirror our San Jose, CA facility and that took a major leap forward today with these ...
Electro-Mechanical Assembly Manufacturing and Design
NPI Solutions specializes in custom assembly manufacturing and focuses on simple to complex electro-mechanical integration, assembly manufacturing, and design for manufacturability. We engineer and manufacture cable assemblies, harnesses, box builds, and the integration of complex electro-mechanical assemblies.
Gen Z – The Next Gen Computing Architecture - Amphenol CS
The world is demanding higher levels of computing performances. It is the need of the day to develop a system that meets the massive data requirements without compromising on the security.
112G for Quickest Data Transfer - Amphenol CS
The first obvious issue is the high frequency needed for 400GBASE-KR4. The protocol is designed to accommodate 28 dB channels at 26.56 GHz. The current channel has around 52 dB of loss at that frequency.
Amphenol Corporation - News & Events - Events
Current Day; Scheduled Event; Upcoming Events. Archived Events. Selecting a year value will change the event content. Select year: About Amphenol. Our Company; Product News; Investor Relations; Environmental, Social and Governance; Resources. Supplier Responsibility; Anti-Human Trafficking & Slavery Statement; Careers;
8639 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
SFF-8639 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol SFF8639 connector supports up to 4 ports PCIe based devices and meet a wide range of vertical and right angle configurations for usage across server and storage equipment and next-generation enterprise applications.
Amphenol 2021 Sustainability Report
AMPHENOL CORPORATION At Amphenol, our entrepreneurial culture and our exceptional people remain the foundation of our long-term success. A key hallmark of our Amphenolian culture is that our people around the world
G-Series GP/GH Analog/Digital Outputs - Temposonics
2 Temposonics Product overview G-Series sensors feature a microprocessor-based design with enhanced diagnostics and programmability offering the flexibility to fit a wide
Questions About 10GbE-CX4 Cables? Read Our CX4 Cable Guide.
Share on Social Media x facebook pinterest linkedin tumblr reddit email10GbE-CX4 Cable Frequently Asked Questions Network Engineers have a plethora of cabling options when it comes to installing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet compliant backbone, but which solution is truly optimal under the circumstances? 10-Gigabit Ethernet CX4, aka 10GbE-CX4 or 10GBASE-CX4, combines low cost, low latency, and […]
A Deep Dive into High-Speed Computing Server Interconnect Solutions
InfiniBand stands tall as a stalwart in the realm of high speed computing interconnect solutions. With its high bandwidth, low latency, and support for multiple topologies, InfiniBand is a go-to choice for clusters handling intensive computational tasks.
Corporate Governance Principles - Amphenol
2 o reviewing, evaluating and monitoring the Company’s ongoing responsibilities to its employees, customers, stockholders and other stakeholders; o reviewing, evaluating and monitoring those systems relating to the Company’s continuing compliance with applicable laws; o reviewing, evaluating and monitoring the Company’s sustainability and corporate
Valued Customer Partners Letter - Charles Industries, LLC
Fiber Terminal Enclosures – Indoor. Fiber Wall Solutions (CFWS) Fiber Terminals, Building (CFBT) Fiber Building Terminal – Multi-Compartment (CFBT-D3)
Amphenol Corporation - Investor Relations
Delivering Strong Performance. The electronics revolution continues to create exciting, long-term growth opportunities for Amphenol. We remain global leaders in developing new applications to drive demand for our broad range of high-technology products across all of our diversified end markets.
Cell Connection Systems in e-Mobility - Amphenol CS
FlexLock™ is compliant with USCAR-T2V2 and LV-214 S3 specs, with 2A per contact for high power. It has 2 pitch options, standard on 2.54mm and 3.20mm for larger creepage and clearance distances. FlexLock™ is built around a reliable dual beam contact system for excellent electrical performance and offers an active latch and Connector Positioning Assurance (CPA) to ensure a reliable ...
Fastener Assembly | PCB Piezotronics
Ensuring quality assembly of threaded fasteners begins with proper setup of the assembly tools and may include periodic testing of the tools on the assembly line, torque audits of assembled fasteners, and the capability of testing and analyzing fasteners if problems arise.
ValProbe RT Humidity/Temperature Logger - KAYE
The ValProbe RT logger with humidity and temperature sensors comes with RF technology to give users real-time data viewable on their Validation Console. With a humidity range of 15% to 95%, and a temperature range from 0°C to 70°C, this logger has a wide range of capabilities for temperature and hum
Enabling a More - Amphenol
AMPHENOL CORPORATION ABOUT THIS REPORT We conducted a new survey of material sustainability topics in 2019 to help guide our sustainability strategy.
Enabling the Electronics Revolution - Amphenol
2 AMPHENOL CORPORATION 2019 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS1 For the Years Ended December 31 2019 2018 2017 In millions, except per share data Net sales $8,225 $8,202 $7,011 Operating income $1,619 $1,687 $1,428
Amphenol Reports Second Quarter 2022 Record Results
Second Quarter 2022 Highlights: Record sales of $3.137 billion, up 18% in U.S. dollars and organically compared to the second quarter 2021 Record GAAP diluted EPS of $0.76, up 29% compared to prior year Record Adjusted Diluted EPS of $0.75, up 23% compared to prior year Operating Margin of 20.7% Record Operating and Free Cash Flow of $543 million and $452 million Announces acquisition of NPI ...
Hidden costs of run-to-failure maintenance - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
843 Progress Drie Frederic, MD 21701 Tel: +1 (301) 330 8811 Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies A run-to-failure (RTF) approach to maintenance consumes your budget with hidden costs that erode profits over