Search Results for rjftv
rj45 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol Socapex RJF TV 견고한 이더넷 커넥터 계열은 열악하고 까다로운 환경에서 견고하고 안정적인 이더넷 연결을 제공하도록 설계된 고성능 커넥터 제품군입니다. Cat5e, Cat6 및 Cat6A 변형으로 제공되는 이 커넥터는 군사, 항공 우주, 산업 및 운송을 비롯한 광범위한 ...
011-2510-503 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for rjftv inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20socapex Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (FR AMPHENOL ... 561-840-1800 Amphenol Socapex 948 Promenade De L’Arve – BP 29 74311 Thyez France +33 (0) 4 50 89 28 00 Amphenol Times Microwave, Inc. 358 Hall Avenue Wallingford, ...
ka2047-23 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
rjftv | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol ka2047-23 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol RJF TV series.pdf. catalogue RJF Cat6.pdf. RJFTV Circular metal shell Thread coupling Based on MIL-DTL-38999 series III Aluminum, Stainless Steel and Marine bronze shell NEW: Cat6 version RJF Circular metal shell Bayonet coupling Based on MIL-C-26482 series I.
26482 series 2 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The Amphenol Socapex connector RJF TV ATEX Zone 2 versions offer explosion-proof Ethernet solutions for Zone 2 environments, making them ideal for use in various Oil & Gas applications including Geophysics, Drilling, Transportation, and Downstream operations. These connectors comply with the EN60079-15 standard and are suitable for low-power ...
ms3102 inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20australia | Amphenol ...
Search Results for fpc inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20fci FCI Basics High-Speed flex connectors can transfer data rates up to 10Gb/s. It has a 0.30mm pitch, in-line layout and backflip actuator coupled with locking feature for strong FPC retention.High-speed FPC provides a low profile and compact solution while maintaining high-speed ...
RJF 544 - 坚固的以太网、USB 和显示器连接器 | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex RJF 544 是一种坚固耐用的 RJ45 连接系统,专为恶劣的工业环境而设计。它符合 IEC 60603-7 variante 12 标准,具有抗冲击、抗振动和抗牵引的性能。系统采用密封设计,可防液体和灰尘,防护等级为 IP68。它适用于各种应用,包括无线基站、视频控制、机器人、工业过程控制和特种机器。
RJF TV Cordsets & jumpers - | Amphenol Socapex
A Amphenol Socapex oferece conjuntos de cabos RJF TV testados em fábrica e jumpers prontos a instalar. Estes conjuntos de cabos incluem cabos Ethernet tácticos e um revestimento PUR reforçado para maior durabilidade. A ficha RJF TV baseia-se no conetor 38999 e está presente em cada lado, enquanto o recetáculo RJF TV é fornecido com uma extremidade traseira RJ45.
cybersecurity | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
CapLock und PlugLock sind Verriegelungszubehör zur Sicherung der Ports von Amphenol Socapex 38999, RJFTV und USBFTV Steckern und Kappen. CapLock ist ein Verriegelungsring, der die Kappe auf der Buchse sichert und so den unbefugten Zugriff auf den Anschluss verhindert. PlugLock ist ein Verriegelungsring, der den Stecker an der Buchse sichert ...
Notifications de changement de produit (PCN) - Amphenol Socapex
rjf tv cat5e, cat6, cat6a, rjf cat5e, cat6, cat6a, rjf rb, rjf 544, rj45/m12 adaptor, rjf tv atex zone 2 versions, rjf tv cordsets & jumpers, rj45 tactical cordsets, rjs-gmc with expanded beam technology, µcom 10 gb+, tvµcom 10 gb+, µcom cordsets & jumper. rjf tv with r&m core.
rnj | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
RJF TV Cordsets & jumpers - Amphenol Socapex Amphenol Socapex ofrece cables y puentes de TV RJF probados en fábrica y listos para instalar. Estos juegos de cables incorporan cables Ethernet tácticos y una cubierta de PUR reforzado para una mayor durabilidad. El conector RJF TV se basa en el conector 38999 y está presente en cada lado ...
Differential Twinax Contacts - High speed contacts - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex's Differential Twinax Contacts are a great solution for differential pairs with impedance of 100 to 150 Ohms. Available in contact size 8, these connectors are suitable for MIL-DTL-38999, EN3645, EN4165 and ARINC600 connectors, and are offered in crimp and PC Tails versions. However, these contacts require modification of cavities Size 8 to accommodate keyed contacts.
163-045101-00 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
• RJFTV connectors: jam nut receptacle based on MIL-DTL-38999 III • Full / Half Duplex, Automatic or Configurable • RJ45 MDI/MDIX Auto-crossover • RJ45 TD and RD Auto-polarity Dimensions • Version 1x1: 220 x 122 x 80 mm without connectors and caps • Version 2x2: 220 x 122 x 80 mm without connectors and caps. ...
38999シリーズ - MIL-DTL-38999 SERIES I, II & III, V & EN3645 コネクタ|Amphenol ...
Amphenol Socapex - MIL-DTL-38999 SERIES I, II & III, V & EN3645コネクタに関する高度な専門知識
tv07rqf-25-17s | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
rjftv | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol tv07rqf-25-17s | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol The Amphenol Socapex RJF TV rugged Ethernet connector series is a range of high-performance connectors that are designed to provide robust and reliable Ethernet connectivity in harsh and demanding environments. Available in Cat5e, Cat6, and Cat6A ...
62in-16f-22-21sc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 62in-16f-22-21sc RJF TV - Reduced Flange - Amphenol Socapex Due to technical modifications, all information provided is subect to change without prior notice Designed by Amphenol Socapex Amphenol SOCAPEX
RF 동축 접점 - 고속 접점 - Amphenol Socapex
고주파 전송이 필요한 RF 응용 분야의 경우 Amphenol Socapex의 RF 동축 접점은 탁월한 선택입니다. 이 접점은 최대 65GHz의 주파수를 처리하도록 설계되어 시중에서 가장 높은 주파수 옵션을 제공합니다. 또한 8, 12, 16 등 다양한 크기로 제공되므로 필요에 가장 적합한 것을 선택할 수 있습니다.
EN3645 - 38999 계열 | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex의 EN3645 커넥터는 MIL-DTL-38999 계열 III 커넥터와 유사하지만 가장 까다로운 응용 분야를 충족하기 위한 추가 요구 사항을 제공하는 고성능 솔루션입니다. 상업용 및 군사 항공 우주를 비롯한 가장 열악한 환경에서 탁월한 성능을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다.
Produktsuche - Amphenol-Air LB
Amphenol-Air LB Produktsuche: Finden Sie den richtigen Stecker, Verbindung und Lösung für Ihr Segment - Militär, Railway, Zivilluftfahrt, CCTV, Raumfahrt uvm.
connector inmeta:gsaentity_divisions%3damphenol%2520socapex | Amphenol ...
Search Results for sma connectors catalog inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20aerospace smd coaxial connectors inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20aerospace ... reliability-prediction-report-for-the-cf-020400-059 - LIN POS ADJ 500MA 8TDFN 5.5VIN Max 105C Max CAP CER 22UF 6.3V 10% X5R 0603 CRYSTAL 25.000MHZ 18PF SMD (3
MDP FTV - 坚固的以太网、USB 和显示器连接器 | Amphenol Socapex
MDP FTV 是围绕 Mini DisplayPort 的完整加固解决方案,允许您将标准 Mini DP 线缆插入金属插头,以防止受到冲击、灰尘和液体的影响。Amphenol Socapex Mini DisplayPort 连接器是一种坚固耐用的多功能解决方案,适用于需要高速数据传输的恶劣环境。其紧凑的 13 号外壳和带防脱钩装置的三起始螺纹耦合机制(MIL ...