Search Results for rnj
Ethernet Military Switch RESMLAC-28MG - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex MIL-STD-461 military Ethernet Switch, also known as RESMLAC-28MG, is a highly advanced and fully managed miniature portable Ethernet switch that is designed for use in harsh military and industrial environments. This switch features 24 Gigabit ports and four combo 10G ports, making it suitable for a wide range of data acquisition and transmission applications, including ...
Croatia | Amphenol Socapex
CAD Files Now Available for Our Rack & Panel RNJ Connectors. Read more Pre Header. Support Ask a quote; Careers; My Amphenol; English English; Français; Apply. Croatia. 45.8061 15.98378 Arnaud DARNERE Business Development Manager Export ...
RNJ Reduced Flange - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Due to technical modifications, all information provided is subject to change without prior notice Designed by Amphenol Socapex TOOLING RNJ Reduced Flange –Dimensions & tooling
rnj | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
RNJ Low Profile rack and panel connectors are designed to connect electrical devices between a moving unit (rack) and a fixed unit (panel). The locking of the mating pair is ensured by the mechanical device of the rack.
Soubory CAD pro naše konektory RNJ pro stojany a panely jsou nyní k ...
3D modely konektorů pro stojany a panely. Novinky : Soubory CAD pro naše stojany a panely jsou nyní k dispozici...
Ethernet Military Switch RJSMLAC-8UG-CAPS - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex MIL-STD-461 Ethernet Military Switch RJSMLAC-8UG-CAPS is a high-performance, unmanaged military Ethernet switch that is fully MIL-STD compliant. Featuring RJFTV connectors, it has 8 Gigabit ports, making it ideal for applications such as data acquisition and transmission, rugged networks, battlefield communication, combat vehicles, and avionic and shipboard systems.
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol has been designing and manufacturing electrical and electronic connectors since the company’s inception in 1932. For nearly a century, we’ve been helping customers transmit power, data and signal in the harshest environments, from subsea applications to the outer reaches of space and everywhere in between.
I file CAD sono ora disponibili per i nostri connettori RNJ per rack e ...
Modelli 3D per connettori a rack e a pannello. Siamo lieti di annunciare che i file CAD per i nostri connettori Rack & Panel RNJ, RNJ Low Profile e RNJ Reduced Flange sono ora disponibili sul nostro sito web. È possibile scaricarli direttamente dalle seguenti pagine di prodotto: - RNJ: RNJ - HE308 - Rack & Panel - Serie 38999 | Amphenol Socapex - RNJ Low Profile: RNJLP - Rack & Panel Low ...
RJF Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6A - Amphenol Socapex
Les connecteurs RJF sont dotés d'une carrosserie métallique renforcée qui offre une excellente durabilité et une protection contre les chocs et les manipulations brutales. Le mécanisme unique de verrouillage Push pull garantit une connexion sûre et fiable, tandis que le système d'étanchéité intégré assure une protection contre la poussière et la pénétration de l'eau.
WHO’S WHO - Amphenol PCD
WHO’S WHO NOAH LEVINE Marketing Specialist Rugged Solutions (ASF: USB, RJF, RNJ) M: (978) 880-2413 COURTNEY DEGUST
RNJLP - Rack & Panel Perfil bajo - Serie 38999 | Amphenol Socapex
El conector Amphenol Socapex RNJLP Rack & Panel Low Profile es una solución ligera y de alta densidad para entornos difíciles. Derivado de la serie 38999 III, presenta capacidad de realineación en tres ejes, lo que permite realineaciones axiales, angulares y longitudinales. El RNJLP ofrece la misma distancia entre paneles que el ARINC 404 y es adecuado para aplicaciones como la ...
PT/451 - 26482 Series I - Amphenol Socapex
What is mil-dtl-38999? MIL-DTL-38999 is a standard for high performance circular connectors designed for cable-to-panel I/O applications in military, aerospace and other demanding situations.
RNJ - gereduceerde flens - 38999 serie | Amphenol Socapex
De Amphenol Socapex RNJ connector met gereduceerde flens is een rack- en paneelconnector die is ontworpen voor gebruik in ruwe omgevingen. Hij heeft een lichtgewicht en compact ontwerp, waardoor hij ideaal is voor ruimtebesparende toepassingen.
Nous connaitre - Amphenol Socapex
amphenol socapex Nos valeurs. Passion et audace. Innover dans les produits, les processus, les technologies et la digitalisation. Développer de nouveaux marchés et trouver de nouveaux clients.
MILVA NGVA D38999 Cordsets & Jumpers - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex offers high-quality MILVA NGVA D38999 Cordsets and Jumpers that are factory tested and ready to install according to MILVA NVGA standards. These products are designed to provide reliable connectivity in demanding environments, including ground vehicles, remote-controlled weapon turrets, military Ethernet and USB networks, Ethernet switches, battlefield communication, military ...
Ya están disponibles los archivos CAD de nuestros conectores RNJ para ...
Modelos 3D para conectores de bastidores y paneles. Nos complace anunciar que los archivos CAD de nuestros conectores Rack & Panel RNJ, RNJ Low Profile y RNJ Reduced Flange ya están disponibles en nuestro sitio web.
Ethernet Military Switch RJSML-8ELMG - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex Ethernet Military Switch RJSML-8ELMG is an Entry Level Managed military Ethernet switch that is designed to be used in harsh military and military environments. This switch features eight Gigabit ports, which make it ideal for data acquisition and transmission in rugged networks, combat vehicles, avionic and shipboard systems, and battlefield communication C5ISR.The switch ...
Conformité au règlement REACH - Amphenol Socapex
REACH introduit des responsabilités environnementales pour les fabricants. Amphenol Socapex s'engage pleinement à respecter le règlement REACH et à répondre aux exigences de ses clients de manière rigoureuse.
Get to know Amphenol Socapex | Amphenol Socapex
CAD Files Now Available for Our Rack & Panel RNJ Connectors. Read more Pre Header. Support Ask a quote; Careers; My Amphenol; English English; Français; Apply. Get to know Amphenol Socapex. Breadcrumb. Home; Get to know Amphenol Socapex Contact Us +33 4 50 89 28 00. 948 Promenade de l’Arve - BP 29 ...
Ethernet Military Switch RJSML-8US1/8UG1
The Amphenol Socapex MIL-STD-461 Ethernet Military Switch RJSML-8US1/8UG1 is a fully MIL-STD compliant unmanaged military Ethernet switch that is designed to be used in harsh military and military environments. This switch features eight fast or Gigabit ports, which make it ideal for data acquisition and transmission in rugged networks, combat vehicles, avionic and shipboard systems, and ...