Search Results for rpsmaコネクタ
BNC Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency BNC Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of BNC Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
「耐環境型光コネクタ&ケーブルアセンブリ」カタログ変更情報 2019年4月19日 アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 2019年4月19日 ページ 項目 変更前 変更日 p19 mtフェルール:2つ、4つ、もしくは8つ格納(24芯~192芯) 変更後 ※mtフェルール1つあたり、12芯あります。
2M801 Dual-Start Acme Thread Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
2M801 is generally considered a legacy series. Its successor, the 2M805 series, has a number of important improvements, including a triple-start thread (which reduces the number of turns it takes to fully mate the connectors) and an EMI band (which increases shell-to-shell conductivity and greatly improves signal shielding).
AT Series™ Connectors - Amphenol Sine
Heavy-Duty, Multi-Pin, 13A-25A, Thermoplastic Connectors. Available in 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 13 (Mixed), 15 (Mixed) and 18 position. Amphenol Sine Systems’ AT Series ...
Automotive Interconnects | ADAS | EV Charging | Automotive Lighting ...
Connectors are typically used to connect sensors, actuators, and other components that make up the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). These connectors must be able to support high-speed data transmission, withstand vibration and temperature fluctuations, as well as provide superior electrical performance and EMI protection, and meet the stringent requirements of the automotive ...
MT38999 Multi-Channel Connectors with MT Ferrules
High fiber density in a relatively small circular connector package with all the advantages of the MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connector; Three levels of alignment provide for precision fiber-to-fiber interface:
hvc2p28fs | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
75P Clamp was designed as a one-for-one replacement to outperform industry-standard metal clamps (i.e. AS21919). Featuring benefits such as a locking feature, butterfly stacking, weight savings, durable PEEK polymer band material, and multiple cushion material options that are non-conductive and non-corrosive, a versatile solution for anyone looking to reduce weight and installation time.
pythonでできる! 株価データ分析 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
建設機械でよく使われるインターコネクト製品|技術情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ- 主なアプリケーションでよく使われるインターコネクト製品; 一歩進んだアンフェノール製品をお使いいただくために; all ...
pt06se-10-6s | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PTシリーズ 高性能丸型コネクタ い。また、10マイクロセカンド以上の電気的中断が あってはならない。 衝撃 mil-std-1344 方法2004 嵌合されたコネクタに3軸方向に50gの衝撃を加え ても10マイクロセカンド以上の電気的瞬断があって はならない。
ecomate® Circular Connectors - Rugged Metal and Threaded Plastic
Circular, Multiway, Plastic and Metal Connectors . Our ecomate® Family of circular, multiway connectors provide an IP65 thru IP69K rating range (in mated condition) for indoor/outdoor industrial applications and feature robust, durable, plastic or metal construction with either a circular bayonet, a quick-locking automatic, or a rapid coupling system option.
PTシリーズⅠ コネクタの結線手順
コネクタについては付属品を全て取りはずして下さい。 2.洗浄 インサート・コンタクト・シェルの内径部は油等の汚染物がつかないようにして 下さい。 洗浄の際にはエチルアルコールを染み込ませた布等で拭き取って下さい。
jx310-50247 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for jx310-50247 Xcede® HD | Backplane Connectors | Hard Metric Form Factor - Amphenol CS Data Rate: 20Gb/s.
差動式スポット型感知器 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
pt00se | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
10-660975-430n | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol. Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 10-2023 Machined Contacts, Sockets & Pins Part Number DescriptionSize AWG Type AT60-215-1631 Male Contact - Pin, Gold-plated 1614 Machined AT62-209-1631 Female Contact - Socket, Gold-plated 16 14 ...
pt02a-10-6p | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
産業用角型コネクタ heavy|mate® - C 146
特長. ヘビーデューティ仕様産業用角型コネクタの標準; モジュラーの組合せにより自在に設計可能; 信号、電源、エア、同軸、イーサネットなど多彩な組み合わせを1つのコネクタに格納