Search Results for runge-kutta method
TN-9 Shunt Calibration of a Strain Gage Sensor - PCB
Shunt calibration is a method of periodically checking the gain or span of a signal conditioner, which is used in conjunction with a strain gage based transducer, without exposing the transducer to known, traceable, physical input values.
Method The typical method of collecting shunt calibration data is as follows: 1. Connect the transducer to an appropriate strain gage signal conditioner and allow adequate time for the system to stabilize. 2. Apply a full-scale, N.I.S.T. traceable, mechanical input (or load) to the transducer. 3.
2.4mm Male to SMPM Male Adapter, SB | SV Microwave
SV engineers designed and developed a 2.4mm Male to SMPM Male Adapter, SB. Ideal for high-performance applications, Mil-Aero and Medical.
TN-15 Dynamic Pressure Calibration - PCB
PCB’s Model 113A24 quartz pressure sensor exhibits consistent sensitivity when calibrated by five different methods, over a wide frequency range, at amplitudes from 100 to 1000 psi.
Low frequency machinery monitoring: measurement considerations
Low frequency monitoring of industrial machinery requires specialized sensors, instrumentation and measurement techniques. The primary goal when measuring low frequency vibrations is to minimize electronic noise from the sensor and monitoring instrument.
A simple test method of measuring impact force versus displacement, and then integrating for the area under force-displacement curve provides an output in energy units.
VITA Developer Kit - SV Microwave
SV Microwave has developed a unique product line that allows customers to quickly and easily prototype embedded system designs for VITA 67 using ruggedized cable assemblies and backplane modules in SMPM, SMPS and NanoRF series.
Staying in time – Data acquisition and transmission ... - Temposonics
transmitted one after the other due to the serial transmission method. First 8 bit for the temperature data and then 24 bit for the position data are transmitted, so that the total data length is 32 bit. If an alarm bit and a parity bit are transmitted in addition to the position data, these
General Signal Conditioning Guide - PCB
quartz and ceramic ICP® sensors. These sensors are comprised of a basic piezoelectric transduction mechanism (which has an output proportional to force, pressure, accel-eration, or strain, depending on the sensor type) coupled to a h.
NovaSensor PT898 Pressure and Temperature Die
When excited by either constant voltage or constant current, a PT898 pressure sensor produces a differential millivolt output signal directly proportional to the applied pressure. With NovaSensor’s SenStable® process, PT898 die features excellent long-term stability and repeatability (< 0.1% / year typical).
Amplitude Linearity Measurement and Damped Accelerometer - PCB
Amplitude linearity is a measure of how linear the output of an accelerometer is over its specified amplitude range. It is sometimes called amplitude non-linearity, since it specifies the deviation from perfect linearity. Manufacturers of accelerometers typically rely on several methods to measure non-linearity of the device.
Learn About Connector Termination Styles - Amphenol CS
Among the basics of connectors, it is essential to determine what termination method is to be chosen. Most applications require a particular type of termination to match design requirements. This article provides insight into the common type of connector terminations.
RS Technologies (a division of PCB Load & Torque, Inc.) developed and patented an auditing method known as the “M-Alpha Torque-Tension Audit”, to estimate residual clamping load without having to rely on strain gaging a bolt, using ultrasonic methods, or using force washers.
Input torque can be thought of as the amount of work (or energy) applied to a threaded fastener causing the bolt to turn an “x” amount of degrees and in turn stretching the bolt producing a clamp load. The input torque is divided into two factors: thread torque and underhead torque.
Acceleration Sensing Technologies for Severe Mechanical Shock - PCB
These devices in-clude explosive bolts, separation nuts, pin pullers and pushers, bolt and cable cutters and pyro-activated operational hardware, flex-ible linear shape charges (FLSCs), mild detonating fuses (MDFs), explosive transfer lines, V-band (Marmon) clamps, and more.
Source Identification Using Acoustic Array Techniques - PCB
Acoustic array techniques are presented as alternatives to intensity measurements for source identification in automotive and industrial environments. With an understanding of the advantages and limitations described here for each of the available methods, a technique which is best suited to the application at hand may be selected.
TN-5 Mounting Techniques - PCB
When choosing a mounting method, both the advantages and disadvantages of each technique should be closely considered. Characteristics such as location, ruggedness, amplitude range, accessibility, temperature and portability may be extremely critical. However, often times the most important and overlooked consideration is the affect the
head is ideal for access when space is at a premium. With high-resolution angle measurement, these wrenches are ideal for troubleshooting bolted joints and torque-angle audits using Torque Angle Signature Analysis techniques as well as employing .
Smart methodologies of monitoring reciprocating compressors - PCB
methods. The amplitude of each shock event that occurs within a preset time window is measured and is then compared with two preset threshold levels. Based on improved exceedance criteria, a Reciprocating Fault Index (RFI) is calculated that indicates the health of the machine.
Smart Methodologies of Monitoring Reciprocating Compressors - PCB
Typical vibration monitoring techniques that are routinely used on rotating machinery like in Figure1 have been unsuccessfully applied to reciprocating engines and compressors for many years. Figure 1(a) – Rotating Machine- Conventional Vibration Monitoring. Figure 1(b) – Reciprocating Machine Vibration Monitoring .