Search Results for ryzen 5 4500u vs ryzen 5 5600
Right Angle Connectors and Cable Assemblies | SV Microwave
18 GHz (select models to 26.5 GHz) Shielding Effectiveness: ≥ -90 dB; Dielectric withstanding Voltage: 1000 VRMS; Mating Cycles: 500; Mating Torque: 7 - 10 in - lbs; Inter-mate ability: 2.92mm; Temperature Rating-65°C to +165°C; Corrosion (salt spray) MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Condition B; Vibration:
SGX - Industrial
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-ICRO53 - Amphenol MCP
(3.60) cup area area contact area solder area cup area 0.10 reference layout tolerance & place area (a clip area a 75 pcb area clip area reference pca layout
OAL - SV Microwave
5) surface roughness 63 e mil-std-10. 6) dia.’s on common centers to be concentric within .005 t.i.r. 7) remove all burrs unless otherwise specified 7029-3381-3382 title: proprietary the information contained in this drawing is the sole property of sv microwave, inc. any reproduction in part or as a whole without the ...
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HDAS Series - Amphenol Socapex
Mating force per contact (N) 0.6 < F < 0.8 § 4.5.3 Unmating force per contact (N) 0.3 < F < 0.5 § 4.5.3 Durability cycles 500 § 4.5.9 Sinusoidal vibrations (200 to 2000 Hz) micro discontinuity 2ns 15 g § 4.5.10 Random vibrations (600 to 700Hz) micro discontinuity 2ns 1.2 g² / Hz § 4.5.10 Shocks 6ms ½ sinus 2ns 100 g § 4.5.10
C:\Users\jhead\Desktop\C-AT60-202-20XXX-A6.dwg - Amphenol
6(( 3$57 180%(5 &+$57 0ruoh\ 'ulyh &olqwrq 7rzqvkls 0, 6lqh 6\vwhpv zzz dpskhqro vlqh frp $pskhqro 0$7(5,$/6 /,67 6,=( 352&(66 63(&,),&$7,216
EU RoHS Declaration
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Kontaktbuchse -
IEC 60 512-5-2 94 A 2) empfohlene Crimpwerkzeuge recommended crimp tools Hydraulische Akku-Presse hydraulic battery-press STILO1 91100 - Weitkowitz Presseinsatz WM-Form press insert WM-shape EURO-Serie / 6mm² 90430 - Weitkowitz N 01 060 6602 001 1) Die Krafteinleitung beim Stecken und Ziehen muss entlang der Achse der Kontaktbuchse erfolgen
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Assembly - Amphenol Sine
Current rating IEC 60512-5-3 10A/+40°C 7A/+40°C 3A/+40°C Insulation resistance IEC 60512-3-1 >1010 Ohm2) Contact resistance IEC 60512-2-1 <5mOhm Climatic category IEC 60668-1 40 / 100 / 21 Temperatur range-40°C...+100°C / -40°F...+212°F IP degree ÎEC 60529 IP 68 (in mated condition) Insertion and