Search Results for s10052-021-09133
AmphenolAmphenol Low Mating Force Rectangulars - Amphenol Aerospace
nnectors called Low Mating Force Rectangulars. This is because of the Brush contact’s advantages for low mating force, stable el. ctrical performance and extended service life. Amphenol provides a wide variety of interconnec.
Termination Instructions - Amphenol Aerospace
L-Ref Number Part Number Subject Description; L-410 5015 5015 MS-E,F Series Connectors MIL-C-5015
L-624-1 - Amphenol Aerospace
See Tool Table for choice of turret head and selection setting according to contact size, part number and wire gauge size. Setting Up and Operation: Consult tool manufacturer’s manual. Strip wire to required length.
SMA Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency SMA Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of SMA Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
Amphenol Network Solutions > ADAPTER MOUNTING KITS
Isolated panel adapter kit, includes hardware and ISO pad for 1/2RU, 23"-19" EIA
Filter Connectors - Amphenol Canada
connector shell. The use of X7R ceramics allows ACC to manufacture a filter connector with capacitance from 100pF to 100nF within the same planar array in a ‘C’ circuit at operating voltages of 200VDC or hig.
SMPS SERIES - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
The SMPS connector utilizes the same great features of the SMP and SMPM connector series in an even smaller package. The SMPS series is ideal in applications where density is of the utmost importance. MIL-STD-202, Method 107. Cond. B, -65°C to +165°C. Still looking? Contact us for access to over 10,000 products. Still looking?
Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors are UL recognized and CSA recognized. AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Phone: 888-364-9011 191 Delaware Avenue
Title: ms-modified-cylindrical-connectors-catalog-amphenol-industrial Created Date: 1/7/2003 11:19:07 AM
Cross Reference - Airmar
Airmar's transducer cross reference offers a variety of transducer information—from wiring diagrams and more. Just enter the first few numbers of the part number and see the results immediately. Enter any of the following into the search box:
Mil-Spec and Custom Circular Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace's Mil-Spec Qualified Connectors include MIL-DTL-38999 Series I, II, and III; MIL-DTL-26482 Series II; MIL-DTL-83723; MIL-DTL-5015; and MIL-DTL-22992 Class L connectors.
signal mate C091 Family - Amphenol Sine
up to IP69K when mated. The compact design provides excellent EMI shielding capability ensuring the highest integrity for power.
VITA 66.1 and 66 - Amphenol Socapex
specifications. These products can be utilized in VPX systems as defined per VITA 46 or as standalone blind-mate optical con. ector solutions. Amphenol’s connector systems provide reliable high-speed connections for the most extreme commercial and milit. ied by Amphenol. Connectors are supplied less.
C 091 Crimp contacts - Amphenol Sine
56 Supplied as Wire Gauge Insul. Pieces Part Number Figure Ø mm Silver Gold Pin contact Ø 1.5 mm single contact 0.09-0.25 mm2 0.7-1.6 100 VN01 015 0052 (1) VN01 015 0052 (2) contacts on reel 200 ZN01 015 0052 (1) ZN01 015 0052 (2)
Backshells Archives - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Strain relief, environmental protection and EMI/RFI shielding at the termination area of any connector. Support most applications with a full line of Military (MIL) specification, commercial, and custom solutions options. 100% Aluminum up to 50% weight saving. Offers superior EMI performance vs other light weight backshells.
NPI-19 Series NovaSensor Low Pressure Sensors
Custom configurations and other pressure ranges available. Please consult the factory. NPI media isolated sensors are designed to operate in hostile environments and yet give the outstanding sensitivity, linearity, and hysteresis of a silicon sensor.
A AMPHENOL CORPORATION CF-020011-433 - Amphenol Aerospace
G-Series Position Sensors - Temposonics
Temposonics ® G-Series linear position sensors provide high durability and accurate position measurement solutions in harsh industrial settings. Redundant rod version (GT2/3) for cylinder integrated position measurement.
Data Sheet - PCB
The absolute, linear position sensors provided by Temposonics rely on the company’s proprietary Temposonics® magnetostrictive techno-logy, which can determine position with a high level of precision and robustness.
EU RoHS II CoC - Amphenol Aerospace
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