Search Results for samsung c9000 c rom file
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
2500F52308-1026 YES CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL, RECEP. 6(c) Per review of the materials & processes utilized in the manufacture of the above -listed part number , Amphenol Aerospace Operations and Commercial Air Division hereby acknowledges the referenced product is in conformity with the following:
Prüfstände für Kraftwerke
Lösungen für Prüfstände im Kraftwerksbau: Kayes Thermoelement-Referenzsysteme, K170 Ice Point/ UTR, für hochpräzise Temperaturmessungen im Kraftwerksbau
注塑式弯头插头 - 组件 - 定制 - Amphenol-gec
Amphenol AMAO Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
21-901284-004 YES CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL RECEP. 6(c) Per review of the materials & processes utilized in the manufacture of the above -listed PN, Amphenol Military - Aerospace Operations hereby acknowledges the referenced product is in conformity with Directive 2011/65/EU
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
QWLD Connectors | MIL-DTL-22992 Connectors | Mil-Spec Type Circulars ...
High durability - waterproof and explosion proof, resistant to abrasion, corrosion, vibration, and shock; Quick, positive mating - double stub threads per MIL-STD-1373 standards for fast coupling, easily cleaned
Amphenol All Sensors Products | All Sensors
Pressure Max: 150 Units: PSI Operating Temperature:-25 to 85 C Supply Voltage: 3.3 VS Honeywell PN: Supply Voltage: 3.3 VS
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
D38999/20FE8PN YES CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL, RECEP. 6(c) Per review of the materials & processes utilized in the manufacture of the above -listed part number , Amphenol Aerospace Operations and Commercial Air Division hereby acknowledges the referenced product is in conformity with the following:
6.0 ± 0 -
C O N N E C T O R S : 2.4mm Straight Male ( SF1611-60003 ) SMPM Size 12 Socket ( SF3211-6004 ) C A B L E : Ø.085 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 50 GHz V S W R : 1.4:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
10-628485-652N YES CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL, RECEP. 6(c) Per review of the materials & processes utilized in the manufacture of the above -listed part number , Amphenol Aerospace Operations and Commercial Air Di vision hereby acknowledges the referenced product is in conformity with the following:
12.0 ± 0 -
C O N N E C T O R S : SMPM Female QB (3221-60004 ) SMPM R/A Female ( 3222-40005 ) C A B L E : Ø.085 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 40 GHz V S W R : 1.3:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz
安费诺(常州)电子有限公司 -
首页; 关于我们. 公司介绍. Terms; 企业文化; 资质荣誉; 发展历程; 标准产品. 标准产品. POWERLOK 一代系列. 插座. 120安培. 1芯. 180 ...
Americas Dropdown -
Kaye Validator AVS; Kaye Validator 2000; Wireless (RF) ValProbe RT System
2个载流端+4个信号端 - 组件 - Amphenol-gec
系列:PowerLok 4.0系列连接器类型:插头安培: 40安培芯位:2个载流端+4个信号端...
Optimizing Microwave Signal Transmissions In Extreme Cryogenic Environments
Optimizing Microwave Signal Transmissions In Extreme Cryogenic Environments Times Microwave Systems SiO2 Products Martin Winkler SiO2 Product Manager
Marine bronze connectors - Amphenol-Air LB
Eigenschaften • Temperatureinsatzbereich: von -65°C bis + 200C° • Dichtigkeit bis 1 BarVG-Zulassung: VG95319-1011 Ausführung B, VG96912L Ausführung BBackshells are available in various versions: Band adapter, double cone adapter, individual adapter, molded adapter, adapter with strain release shells Characteristics • Temperature range ...
Miniature Low Pressure data sheet -
Offset Temperature Shift (0°C-50°C), note 2 Offset Warm-up Shift, note 3 Offset Position Sensitivity (1g) Offset Long Term Drift (one year) Linearity, hysteresis error, note 4 Span Shift (0°C-50°C), @ 1 “H2O, note 2 Nominal 1.0 10 0.05 Maximum 12.0 ±500 ±250 ±100 ±50 ±200 0.25 ±300 Units “H2O mV mV uV uV uV uV %fs uV One Port Part ...
EU RoHS Declaration -
ITEM # RoHS COMPLIANCE STATUS 1138-4002 YES W/ EXCEPTION 6C SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
Thermomerics Laboratory Grade Calibration Standards
±0.0015C from 0°C to +60°C & ± 0.0025°C from +60°C to +100°C (ES) • Stability 0.005°C / year (S) 0.002°C / year (AS) 0.005°C / year (ES) • Traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Typical Applications • General Laboratory and Hospital Use
2014年8月15日UAST hobby course channel-Photoshop与PPT混搭设计技巧
Mini HDMI (Type C) HDMI Type A. Micro HDMI (Type D) Waterproof. Mini 2pin Cable. M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture. SAS and SATA Fixture. Mini SAS Fixture. HD Mini SAS Fixture. SlimSAS Fixture. OCuLink Fixture. HDMI Fixture. AOC. USB AOC. DisaplayPort AOC. HDMI AOC. Others. Communication cable.