Search Results for sars-cov-2 overall result
Owego - Amphenol Aerospace
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NTC Type JW, JC -
Type JW Specifications Description NTC or PTC chip thermistor on a ceramic/metal shoe assembly sealed in a polymer housing and provided with flexible twin cable connections.
Super-Trex® Ultra-Gard™ Portable Cord - TPC Wire
Super-Trex® Ultra-Gard™ Portable Cord is highly flexible and rated for usage in harsh industrial environments with excellent resistance to impact, cutting, abrasion, oils, and most industrial chemicals.
P C • P: 011 • Em: pmpm mppm mpmm • COMPATIBILITY: Intermateable with Existing Nett Warrior Push-Pull Connectors • POWER: Warrior Grip Contact System - 10 Amp Capability in a Size #23 Contact • LOCKED & LOADED: Unmating Force of 13 ± 3 lbs; won’t disconnect until they should
Food & Beverage Industry - Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
Trex-Onics® Overall Shielded Continuous Flex Multi-Conductor Cable is designed for industrial applications that require continuous flexing. Quick-Connex® M12 DC Micro Cordsets Cordsets made with Trex-Onics® Control Cable are designed for high cycle, constant motion applications and provide excellent defense against impact, cutting, abrasion ...
Amphenol AMAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
RoHS 2 provides that EEE has to meet the requirements of the Directive. Since equipment consists of different components, the EEE itself can only meet the substance requirements if all its components and parts meet the substance restriction requirements of RoHS 2, including non-electronic or non-electric components like fasteners or the ...
Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF
EU RoHS II CoC - Amphenol Aerospace
3urgxfw frpsoldqfh dvvhvvphqwv duh edvhg rq $$2 dqg $&$' gdwd dqg 0dwhuldo 'hfodudwlrqv uhfhlyhg iurp rxu vxssolhuv ,w lv qrw rxu vwdqgdug sudfwlfh wr shuirup frqilupdwru\ dqdo\vlv rq vxssolhg pdwhuldov qru dvvxph oldelolw\ eh\rqg vxssolhg surgxfw frvw iru dq\ huuruv ru rplvvlrqv dwwulexwhg wr rxu vxssolhu
Combiners -
Career Opportunities. We are often looking for skilled and loyal new employees to join our company, so check this page to stay updated. Careers; Become a distributor
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
EEE, which is in the scope of RoHS 2 must meet the substance restrictions according to Art. 4 but do not need CE marking. Product compliance assessments are based on Amphenol-specific data and Material Declarations received from our suppliers. It is not our standard practice to perform confirmatory analysis on supplied materials, nor assume ...
3urgxfw frpsoldqfh dvvhvvphqwv duh edvhg rq $$2 dqg $&$' gdwd dqg 0dwhuldo 'hfodudwlrqv uhfhlyhg iurp rxu vxssolhuv ,w lv qrw rxu vwdqgdug sudfwlfh wr shuirup frqilupdwru\ dqdo\vlv rq vxssolhg pdwhuldov qru dvvxph oldelolw\ eh\rqg vxssolhg surgxfw frvw iru dq\ huuruv ru rplvvlrqv dwwulexwhg wr rxu vxssolhu
SMA Cable Assemblies - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of SMA Cable Assemblies designed for radio frequency applications. SMA Cable Assemblies feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
3urgxfw frpsoldqfh dvvhvvphqwv duh edvhg rq $$2 dqg $&$' gdwd dqg 0dwhuldo 'hfodudwlrqv uhfhlyhg iurp rxu vxssolhuv ,w lv qrw rxu vwdqgdug sudfwlfh wr shuirup frqilupdwru\ dqdo\vlv rq vxssolhg pdwhuldov qru dvvxph oldelolw\ eh\rqg vxssolhg surgxfw frvw iru dq\ huuruv ru rplvvlrqv dwwulexwhg wr rxu vxssolhu
Base Station Antennas
Career Opportunities. We are often looking for skilled and loyal new employees to join our company, so check this page to stay updated. Careers; Become a distributor
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LTE 4G/5G Antennas 7511835 -
Model Product No. Frequency; End fed dipole: 7511835: 810 - 875 MHz: Add to quote
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance -
V‡°‹ë‰Ì³£Åü H-V÷@MæóË 9ɪ‚%Èm)O Æ 2]è*0‡š“H+UŽÄ(w˜ƒC"t!ä $* „×…vH~D›ê.@F+TÃck>1•ÿg 1eeÎ }C 3^N¦uÎtD~L‰¢Þ ‘d´J0 º £Nd @RÊB ÁÑÄq(- ÑX$Ç]»ÊŽ &S•¯I&‹{ b™w«71¡H^¨&D“äE'xiØH;be K] †t: 5snM {À¿Ë ¨|N ;ú 6»ˆ ;&%ò %óYL¦: \m,CŸ¹uL ønpç ŽMz;Ï «tÁy¸ð ...
10-Gigabit (10G) Ethernet Network Cables & Modules - Amphenol
Buy 10-Gigabit (10G) Ethernet Network Cables & Modules for your AI/datacenter network build-outs factory-direct from Amphenol Cables on Demand ( We stock hundreds of popular Network Patch Cords (Ethernet Cables), Direct Attach Copper (DAC) Cable Assemblies and Optical Transceiver Modules that are specifically engineered and optimized for handling all aspects of your 10 ...
Amphenol AMAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
RoHS 2 provides that EEE has to meet the requirements of the Directive. Since equipment consists of different components, the EEE itself can only meet the substance requirements if all its components and parts meet the substance restriction requirements of RoHS 2, including non-electronic or non-electric components like fasteners or the ...