Search Results for sds template
Statements and Certifications - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace's Statements and Certifications. Military and Commercial Electrification Part 3 – Building the Bridge to Fully-Electric Platforms
According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II, as amended. 1.1. Product identifier. 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against. 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet. 1.4. Emergency telephone number. 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture. 2.2. Label elements.
N Environmental Compliance Specification for Products and ERIFIED ...
3.2.5 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for all the raw materials used in the parts/components and materials supplied to us. 3.2.6 Cascade the requirements in this specification to their sub-tier suppliers. Sub-tier supplier data input is a must for complete material and substance data determination.
Product Environmental Compliance Report Multisearch - Amphenol CS
Enroll a list of parts here to get their Product Environmental Compliance Reports (If you want to search for less than 10 parts) You can also import up to 50 parts using an Excel spreadsheet. Click here to download the template and please retain the column header (cell A1) as 'Part Number'.
Amphenol TFOCA-II FKIT-006 /TFOCA Fiber Systems
TFOCA-II ® Plug Strip Template FSST0015 TFOCA Plug Strip Template FSST0017 TFOCA Receptacle Strip Template FSST0026. Fiber Optic Solutions Amphenol ... Epoxy, Bi-pack, Mil-A-24792 MSDS MSDS-EPOXY24792 Loctite 242 MSDS MSDS-LOCT242 Loctite 565 MSDS MSDS-LOCT565 Optic Pad MSDS MSDS-OPTICPAD Parker Lube - Super O Lube MSDS ...
Amphenol TFOCA-II ®, 4-Channel FKIT-005 Fiber Systems
TFOCA-II ® Receptacle Strip Template FSST0002. Fiber Optic Solutions Amphenol Fiber Systems International FKIT-005 ... Epoxy, Bi-pack, Mil-A-24792 MSDS MSDS-EPOXY24792 Loctite 242 MSDS MSDS-LOCT242 Loctite 565 MSDS MSDS-LOCT565 Optic Pad MSDS MSDS-OPTICPAD O Lube MSDS MSDS-PKRLUBE Polishing Plate, 6 x 6 x .25" PPSP1106
Amphenol TFOCA-II FKIT-005-FSP FusionSplice Fiber Systems International
TFOCA-II ® Receptacle Strip Template FSST0002. Fiber Optic Solutions Amphenol Fiber Systems ... Epoxy, Bi-pack, Mil-A-24792 MSDS MSDS-EPOXY24792 Loctite 242 MSDS MSDS-LOCT242 Loctite 565 MSDS MSDS-LOCT565 Optic Pad MSDS MSDS-OPTICPAD O Lube MSDS MSDS-PKRLUBE Polishing Plate, 6 x 6 x .25" PPSP1106
Product MSDS Request -
Pursuant to your request for a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), of Amphenol Industrial & Aerospace Operations (AIAO) interconnect products, we hereby offer the following information.
Quality Standards | Amphenol Socapex
Our 8D Template Logistics / Quality. Quality concern should be considered even for a small quality. We always expect a fast and effective support from our suppliers. We don’t request corrective actions for each non-conformity. Please follow instructions on our NCR when a 8D report is requested.
Manual Service Disconnects (MSDs) are crucial in this context, serving as key components in safety design. MSDs allow for the safe and eficient disconnection of energy storage systems during maintenance or emergencies, preventing accidental electrical hazards and ensuring the safety of both technicians and the system.
Establish minimum quality assurance requirements for all suppliers/subcontractors that affect SSI Technologies, Inc. manufactured products. To ensure all suppliers and subcontractors to SSI Technologies comply with or follow the established Quality standards of IS0 9001 and/or IATF 16949.
MS3180 & MS3181 - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Protect unmated MIL-DTL-26482 connectors by providing environmental protect as well as keeping impurities out of the termination area. Offered with four QPL plating options: Black Zinc Nickel (K), Cadmium Olive Drab (W), or Electroless Nickel (K) and Anodic Black (A) and a QPL approved with a chain (C) or with a stainless steel rope (R).
+44 (0)1827 263250 - Amphenol Invotec
As such, we ensure chemicals are used as intended by working with the supplier/manufacturer of such chemicals, and following guidance, such as on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). We also have, under constant review, a substance register for chemicals we use or store.
User Guide: Certificates of Conformance - PCB
CS001 User’s Guide Template Rev. NR 10/30/08 Rev M – 5/6/2024 Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide the requirements and/or information to be included on Certificates of Conformance from suppliers as specified on a purchase order or other contractual agreement.
Fiber Optic Support for Shipboard Systems - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
Since 1993, Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI) has designed, developed and manufactured rugged fiber optic connectors and cable assemblies for myriad shipboard systems including: missile, UAV, acoustic, launch, and communications systems.
SSI Technologies, LLC
E) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Requirements list below applies only to a Level 4 PPAP. All other PPAP levels should include requirements per the AIAG PPAP manual.
Download Fonts | Style Guide | Amphenol MAO
We give presentations all over the world, so it is important that our brand is easily recognizable to our audience. We have created a Group PowerPoint Presentation and a PowerPoint Template for your use :
Charles Fiber Hub Enclosure CFITH-144 Series ... - Charles Industries
This document provides general information for the CFITH-144 Series fiber hub enclosure. Figure 1 shows the front view of the pole/wall mount model. Hereafter, the Charles CFITH-144 Series will be referred to as the “CFIT.” 1.2. Product Purpose.
About the FKIT-004 - Amphenol FKIT-004
TFOCA Receptacle Strip Template FSST0026 Biconic Termini Heat Sink - Curing Adapters FSTF0441 FKIT-004 Termination Kit Parts List. Fiber Optic Solutions ... Epoxy, Bi-pack, Mil-A-24792 MSDS MSDS-EPOXY24792 Optic Pad MSDS MSDS-OPTICPAD Polishing Plate, 6 x 6 x .25" PPSP1106 Resilient Pad, 70 to 90 Durometer PPSP2000 O Lube ...
Foulfree Transducer Coating - Airmar
Transducer Safe: Airmar certifies that Foulfree ™ coating results in no loss in transducer performance. Propspeed ® ’s patented coating formula has proven effective on vessels around the globe.