Search Results for sim868 hardware design
Telaire Ventostat Wall Mount CO2, Humidity and Temperature Transmitter
Telaire Ventostat Wall Mount CO2, Humidity and Temperature Transmitter
whether from design onset or as a component replacement. With the addition of a removable lock housing, mating to the board can remain intact under harsh vibration environments. RADSOK® PowerBlok™ WTB (Wire to Board) Electrical Characteristics. Rated Current: Contact Size: 2.4mm 3.6mm: Wire Gauge 12-14 AWG: 6-8 AWG
ValProbe® RT Humidity/ Temperature Logger -
ValProbe® RT Humidity/ Temperature Logger -
BDO Pedestals 2 -
UMS36-STD 36” Metal Mounting Stake w/hardware UMS42-STD 42” Metal Mounting Stake w/hardware UMB102A Universal Pole Mount Bracket w/hardware BDO GLBBRKT Grade Level Box Mount Bracket Kit (BDO 3-6) BDO GLBBRKT-R Grade Level Box Mount Bracket Kit (BDO 7) Ribbon Fiber Accessories 97-RIBNTRAY144 Tyco® FOSC A/B ribbon splice tray (144 fibers), 1 ...
Introduction to Impact Hammers | PCB Piezotronics
Modally Tuned® impact hammers have been proven over thousands of requirements in such applications as automotive design, bridge health assessment, and aerospace vehicle development. Their design has been refined, through the selection of their materials of construction, to deliver consistent, accurate results.
Thermometrics Temperature Sensors in Catheter Applications
Thermometrics Temperature Sensors in Catheter Applications
Thermometrics Temperature Sensors for Cold Chain & Continuous Data ...
Thermometrics Temperature Sensors for Cold Chain & Continuous Data ...
Mini-SAS HD Cable Assemblies 12G/24G - Amphenol
This PC board design also lowers PS-NEXT, FEXT, and AXT crosstalk. A copper cable assembly is available in either a 4x or 8x configuration, providing flexibility for SAS system data bandwidth designs. ... 8644 external cables are available to connect Mini-SAS HD with Mini-SAS, making backward integration with legacy system hardware possible.
P79 Traditional/CW In-hull - Airmar
600 W. Our P79 is a dual-frequency, depth-only, in-hull transducer that easily adjusts to hull deadrise angles up to 22°. The P79 includes a plastic mounting base which is aligned to the centerline and secured inside the hull.
Amphenol Connector Reference Guide - Volume 1
QWL – a more economical, compact heavy duty design for commercial power and control applications; single key shell polarization and double stub thread coupling . MIL-DTL-22992 Series Connectors ... such as protection caps and backshell hardware, contact Amphenol, Sidney, NY. Miniature Crimp Connectors Part Number Breakdown
Multi-band Combiners - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Combiners (or multi-plexers) allow operators to combine multiple frequencies onto a single run of coax reducing overall costs, wind loads and weight in a streamlined site arrangement.
SIZE B C- - Amphenol Sine
information only. design features, specifications and performance data shown hereon are the property of the amphenol corporation. no rights of reproduction are implied. all dimensions are subject to normal manufacturing variations. customer: next ass'y: 3) note reference = x 6 position, pcb mount receptacle, pins, boardlock, atp, straight ...
Computer System Validation -
Computer System Validation -
Revision “A” - Amphenol Aerospace
TB-2344 XCede HD2 Connector Design Guidelines . 2.2 Commercial Standards ... 2.2.2 GR-1217-CORE-Generic Requirements for Separable Electrical Connectors used in Telecommunications Hardware 2.2.3 IEC-512-Electromechanical components for electronic equipment – Basic testing
of sealing and hardware types. Whether the application calls for a small straight sealing body design, or a larger angled style, Amphenol/Pyle National Cord Grips provide rugged aluminum components to withstand years of service. Amphenol®/Pyle®Industrial Cord Grips Features: • UL Listed and CSA certified.
Thermometrics Fluid Temperature Sensors for Medical Applications
Thermometrics Fluid Temperature Sensors for Medical Applications
New High Power PSMP Offers Ultimate Board to Board Solution - Amphenol RF
With a minimum board spacing of 12.6 mm, the compact three-piece design allows maximum flexibility for high-density board spacing, and is an ideal solution for blind-mating situations. PSMP connectors are designed for high power applications up to 200 W at frequencies of 2.2 GHz and have an operating frequency up to 10 GHz.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Brochure - Amphenol Sensors
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Brochure - Amphenol Sensors
Model 078W30 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 078W30:4-conductor, twisted bundle, low noise, shielded, flexible polyurethane cable, 30-ft, 1/4-28 4-socket plug, IP-68 rated to triple splice assem
NovaSensor P165 3F Medical Silicon Absolute Pressure Sensor Die
NovaSensor P165 3F Medical Silicon Absolute Pressure Sensor Die