Search Results for smart utilities
UTC Utility Technology Forum (UTF) - Charles Industries, LLC
Smart Coil DSL Line Conditioning Device; Cable Stubs; Access & Transmission; UTC Utility Technology Forum (UTF) February 11 - 14, 2024. Reno, NV. Previous. Next. Back to Events. Subscribe to Keep Connected with Charles Industries: Email. Comments. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Acu-Trac Smart 485 Family Overview -
The Acu-Trac ® Smart 485 liquid level transducer’s maximum operating range (tank depth) decreases with angle. The maximum cone angle is 6°. If the Acu-Trac ® Smart 485 liquid level transducer, is pointed into free space (outside of operating cone angle), no echo will be received. Under this no echo condition, the Acu-Trac® Smart 485 level
DST810 Smart™ Multisensor, Bronze - Airmar
NOTE: AIRMAR HAS REPLACED THIS PRODUCT WITH THE DST810 SMART ™ MULTISENSOR WITH GEN2 PADDLEWHEEL. Depth, Speed-Through-Water, Water Temperature, Boat Attitude. The new DST810 Smart Multisensor, featuring the new Gen2 paddlewheel and AIRMAR's CAST ™ app, delivers a powerful combination of best-in-class speed performance and a simple, reliable way to calibrate accurate speed using your ...
Ethics - Temposonics
At MTS we believe that how we do things is as important as what we do. As such, we are committed to ethics, integrity and compliance. The MTS Systems Corporation Code of Conduct addresses how we, as MTS employees and all representatives, including directors and consultants, align our individual behavior with the Company's expectation for integrity.
Illinois Telecom Users Group Meeting - Charles Industries, LLC
Fiber Terminal Enclosures – Indoor. Fiber Wall Solutions (CFWS) Fiber Terminals, Building (CFBT) Fiber Building Terminal – Multi-Compartment (CFBT-D3)
Development of a Smart Building Monitoring System
The adoption of these systems in smart buildings is enhancing both structural integrity and occupant safety. At Tennessee Technological University's Ashraf Islam Engineering Building (AIEB), cutting-edge SDM systems were strategically embedded during construction. These systems use accelerometers and strain gages to measure localized human ...
UTC Region 1, 2, & 4 Combined Meeting - Charles Industries, LLC
Fiber Terminal Enclosures – Indoor. Fiber Wall Solutions (CFWS) Fiber Terminals, Building (CFBT) Fiber Building Terminal – Multi-Compartment (CFBT-D3)
Model 208C01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 208C01:Platinum Stock Products; Multi-purpose, ICP® force sensor, 10 lb comp., 10 lb tension, 500 mV/lb
KAYE IRTD 400 I Temperature Reference Standard | KAYE
Get accurate temperature measurements with Kaye's IRTD 400 - high-accuracy temperature reference standard, ideal for calibrating temperature sensors across a broad range, ensuring reliable measurement performance.
Smarteq's 2021 Highlights - PCTEL
Utilities, Oil and Gas; Wireless Telecom; ... Smart electricity meters: a number of roll-outs of smart electricity meters are underway in the Nordic countries and the rest of Europe as an ongoing initiative within the EU to optimize energy distribution and the use of energy. Smarteq is well positioned in the collaboration with several major ...
Digital Yacht | NMEA/Smart Transducers - Gemeco
Digital Yacht Are you looking for a reliable and accurate way to measure your boat's speed, depth, and temperature? Look no further than the Airmar Technology NMEA/Smart Transducer. This innovative device is designed to provide precise and reliable measurements, even in challenging conditions. With its advanced NMEA 2000 connectivity, you can easily integrate it with your existing onboard ...
SmartBoat - 4 Input, 4 Binary SW / 4 Relay / No CAN2 or Serial - Airmar
Home / SmartBoat/SmartFlex / Smart Modules / SmartBoat - 4 Input, 4 Binary SW / 4 Relay / No CAN2 or Serial. SmartBoat - 4 Input, 4 Binary SW / 4 Relay / No CAN2 or Serial. Part Number ASM-C-T2.
USB Programmable Smart Vibration Switch | PCB Piezotronics
The IMI Smart Vibration Switch, like electronic switches, avoids the problems associated with mechanical switches by utilizing an accelerometer for vibration sensing rather a spring-latch mechanism. In a Smart Vibration Switch, the setpoint is adjusted electronically through the use of programming software. (The software can be installed on ...
The MH Threaded sensor is optimized for off-highway applications such as loaders, telehandlers, and aerial work platforms. “Temposonics’ customers have seen a great deal of success with the analog output versions of the MH Threaded sensors, and the number one request has been to make a CANbus version available,” states Luka Korzeniowski, Temposonics’ Global Market Segment Leader.
Tools Wood and Metal Assembly - Temposonics
Temposonics standard and new modular product lines allow embedding of the position sensor into applications such as sprayers, dispensing machines, fastener magazines, x-y positioners, small presses, grinders, planers, saws, clamps, small robots, grippers, filling mechanisms, marking equipment and many other assembly tool applications to determine actuator position, fluid levels or part ...
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosures
Utility Rugged enough to stand up to the rigors of the utility marketplace, but compact and cost effective to protect your investment while helping to bring your project in on budget, several CUBE options ave available for housing aggregation equipment, smart meters and other utility equipment. OEM
Portable Data Recorder | PCB Piezotronics
Statistics including high, low, median, ±3 Sigma, etc. are calculated and included on this report. The numeric test data and the graphic data can be uploaded to a computer via the USB port using the FastPlot2 data transfer and plotting utility. FastPlot2 can also provide additional graphic analysis.
D38999 Series I LJT Breakaway Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Artificial Intelligence, C5ISR, Smart Weapon Systems, and More: Exploring The Next Generation of Defense Systems Stay Connected Sign up to receive the latest news from Amphenol Aerospace Subscribe. Amphenol Aerospace · 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, NY 13838 · Phone: +1(800) 678-0141 ...
Quick Guide for LP transmitters -
TempoLink® Smart Assistant TempoGate® Smart Assistant Discover the R-Series V R-Series Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. R-Series RH R-Series RP R-Series RD4 R-Series RT4 R-Series RF GB-Series Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. GB-Series with threaded flange GB-Series with pressure-fit flange
Temposonics introduces the R-Series V FLEX, a groundbreaking position sensor that redefines flexibility and performance. Engineered for installations in confined spaces and capable of stroke lengths up to 20 meters, it is an ideal solution for demanding applications.