Search Results for smart utilities
D38999 Series I LJT Breakaway Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Artificial Intelligence, C5ISR, Smart Weapon Systems, and More: Exploring The Next Generation of Defense Systems Stay Connected Sign up to receive the latest news from Amphenol Aerospace Subscribe. Amphenol Aerospace · 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, NY 13838 · Phone: +1(800) 678-0141 ...
MH-Series FLEX Safety Position Sensors -
The SMART SE can bend around obstructions from other machine components requiring only 200 mm of clearance for removal regardless of stroke length. The 10.5 meter long SMART SE can be coiled and shipped economically. Available with CANopen Safety and J1939-76 outputs for easy integration with a safety compliant control system
Quality - Temposonics
TempoLink® Smart Assistant; TempoGate® Smart Assistant; Discover the R-Series V; R-Series Position Sensors R-Series RH; R-Series RP; R-Series RD4; R-Series RT4; R-Series RF; GB-Series Position Sensors GB-Series with threaded flange; GB-Series with pressure-fit flange; E-Series Position Sensors E-Series EH
Concealment Shroud Brackets & Poles - Charles Industries, LLC
Mounting Brackets and Decorative Poles for All-in-One Concealment Solutions. SAM The outdoor, weather-resistant Side Arm Mount (SAM) mounts onto a pole and supports one radio inside the compartment and one antenna on top of the antenna shroud/mast (radio and antenna are customer supplied).
CATV Pedestal | Cable Pedestal | Broadband Telecom Pedestal
Explore Charles Industries' Broadband Telecom Pedestal or CATV Pedestal (Cable Pedestal) for MSO, cable companies, & Private Cable Operators (PCO). Inquire now!
LLH Transmitters - Temposonics
The LLH liquid level transmitter can be mounted on most tanks offering NPT and Tri-Clamp connections from 3/4 to 6 inches. The LLH also offers a variety of outputs including Analog, CANbus, SSI, IO-Link, POWERLINK, Profinet, EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT. Included in the model number is the selection of the float and cable. The single model offers everything needed for level measurement in a ...
AllDisc 4x WiFi - PCTEL
AllDisc 4xWiFi is a low profile antenna with durable design. The antenna supports WiFi 2.4-2.5/4.9-5.9GHz and 4×4 MIMO. It is ground plane independent which allows flexible and easy installation It is the perfect choice for applications such as indoor WiFi coverage, internet onboard buses and WiFi zones. The superior RF performance enables high connectivity and throughput.
Industrial | Markets - Amphenol
Our primary end applications for industrial include agriculture equipment, alternative and traditional energy generation, batteries and hybrid drive systems, entertainment, factory automation, heavy equipment, instrumentation, internet of things (IoT), LED lighting, marine, medical equipment, oil and gas, power distribution, public safety, rail ...
Fiber Distribution Hub Enclosures - Indoor
Charles’s Fiber Building Terminal Hubs (CFBT-H) provide fiber distribution to up to 288 subscribers from a compact, indoor terminal. CFBT Hubs have been designed with flexibility in mind and support fusion, pre-terminated and field terminated feed and drop fibers.
Temposonics R-Series V FLEX – Unique sensing solution for confined ...
When combined with the TempoLink ® and TempoGate ® smart assistants, the R-Series V transducers provide comprehensive data about the application - such as sensor status, electronics temperature, operating hours, and magnet travel distance - facilitating predictive maintenance and optimizing system performance. “This powerful combination ...
SoCLEAN® Transmitters - Temposonics
Developed for hygienically demanding applications The Level Plus SoCLEAN ® liquid level transmitter satisfies the demand for an accurate and robust liquid-level sensor with unsurpassed flexibility to meet most process application conditions. The SoCLEAN ® transmitter provides 4-in-1 measurement using one process opening for product level, interface level, temperature and volume measurements.
Temposonics Liquid Level Transmitters - Certificates & Approvals
TempoLink® Smart Assistant TempoGate® Smart Assistant Discover the R-Series V R-Series Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. R-Series RH R-Series RP R-Series RD4 R-Series RT4 R-Series RF GB-Series Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. GB-Series with threaded flange GB-Series with pressure-fit flange
B122 Smart™ Sensor Thru-hull - Airmar
100 W. The B122 has an extra-long housing designed for use in thick-hulled, wooden boats or vessels with a steep deadrise. The included High-performance Fairing vertically orients the beam for strong return echoes, resulting in optimal performance even at higher speeds.
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosures - Charles Industries
Utility Rugged enough to stand up to the rigors of the utility marketplace, but compact and cost effective to protect your investment while helping to bring your project in on budget, several CUBE options ave available for housing aggregation equipment, smart meters and other utility equipment. OEM
Temposonics Technology
TempoLink® Smart Assistant TempoGate® Smart Assistant Discover the R-Series V R-Series Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. R-Series RH R-Series RP R-Series RD4 R-Series RT4 R-Series RF GB-Series Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. GB-Series with threaded flange GB-Series with pressure-fit flange
SmartDisc Combi Low Profile Antenna - PCTEL
Discreet design with hole or adhesive mount; IP67 class; Operating system: 2G/3G + GPS; Frequency: – Cellular 790-960/1710-2690MHz – GNSS: 1575.42MHz
ITA Showcase (Washington & Oregon) - Charles Industries, LLC
Fiber Terminal Enclosures – Indoor. Fiber Wall Solutions (CFWS) Fiber Terminals, Building (CFBT) Fiber Building Terminal – Multi-Compartment (CFBT-D3)
Hydraulic Reservoir -
Level and temperature measurement of hydraulic fluid level in hydraulic power unit reservoir that provides storage of hydraulic fluid for the hydraulic pump and system.
Western Telecom Alliance Educational Forum - Charles Industries, LLC ...
Fiber Terminal Enclosures – Indoor. Fiber Wall Solutions (CFWS) Fiber Terminals, Building (CFBT) Fiber Building Terminal – Multi-Compartment (CFBT-D3)
CAST - Airmar
The Airmar CAST ™ App connects directly from iOS and Android™ Smart devices to Airmar’s Bluetooth ® enabled 300WX WeatherStation ®, DST810, DX900+ Smart™ Multisensors and SmartBoat ® System modules. Airmar CAST connects using Bluetooth Low Energy to your Airmar product and makes configuration simple with intuitive menus and guided ...