Search Results for socket sets for sale
PROTIMETER Timbermaster -
after 5 minutes unless the default set-ting is changed (see section 3). 1 Using the Protimeter Timbermaster without the Temperature Probe The Timbermaster is calibrated for wood at 20°C (70°F). In general, tim-ber that is hotter than 20°C will give higher readings and timber colder than 20°C will give lower readings.
Composite rail 19 modules - Amphenol Air LB
Composite rail 19 modules
Grounded module Pin Without peripheral sealing 1 contact #8 quadrax ...
Grounded module Pin Without peripheral sealing 1 contact #8 quadrax anti rotate on polarizer side Polarization A Fluorinated silicone
Plug Reversed rack 4 Modules Metallic Shielded Olive drab cadmium ...
EN4165 / SIM is a modular, multifunctional rectangular connector. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and p
Receiver Multicouplers MRPS2-GPS-... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Model Product No. Description; Mounting Option: Dual-adhesive pad ; MRPS2-GPS-2DC: 200001003: DC pass from Rx port 1 to ANT port and from Rx port 2 to ANT port, but NOT from Rx port 1 to Rx port 2
안 전 인 증 서 -
산업안전보건법 시행규칙 [별지 제46호서식] 제2023-045137-01호(1/2) z 안 전 인 증 서 Temposonic GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Schüffel 9, 58513 Lüdenscheid, Germany
Yagi Antennas 7031075 -
Alternate Mounting Bracket: 0900912/00, 0302032/68, or 0300064/00 + U-Bolts to match mounting pipe diameter (Ordered Separately)
00176591802 - Amphenol Air LB
ASNE relay sockets - ASNE0247 type; ASNE relay sockets - ASNE0250 type; ASNE relay sockets - ASNE0219 type; ASNE relay sockets - ASNE0249 type; ASNE relay sockets - ASNE0251 type; Relay sockets - NFC 93422 type. NFC 93422 relay sockets - Standard type; NFC 93422 relay sockets - SCR 25 type; Relay sockets - H400-H600 type. Relay sockets for Rail ...
Catalog -
E ec ca C a ac e c ˙:-9=-6+A :)6/- ˛B 7,-4 6=5*-: 78<176; @@@ 7,-4 !=5*-: ˙:-9=-6+A *)6, ˛B ˛B ˛B ˛B
B RTS6BS14*12Sxx A6 - Amphenol Sine
size 14,12pos,socket b rts6bs14*12sxx a6 1 1 white apr-10-2018 tod apr-10-2018 tommy apr-10-2018 none notesÿˆ(unless otherwise specified) 1. materialÿˆ shellÿˆthermoplasticÿ ul94 v-0. insertÿˆthermoplasticÿ ul94 v-0. coupling nutÿˆthermoplasticÿ ul94 v-0. o-ringÿˆnbr or silicone rubber. washerÿˆsilicone rubber.
Receptacle SIM serie2 Monomodule Long flanged Olive drab cadmium With ...
Receptacle SIM serie2 Monomodule Long flanged Olive drab cadmium With color coding plate With non conductive panel sealing Polarization E
3660–03 2W ARD/MRD Channel Unit 600 Ohms
application. The 3660–03 at the East End and the 3660–03 (or equivalent) at the West End are both set for PLAR operation and the same signaling (D3 or D4). Figure 3 shows a typical FXS Ringdown application. The 3660–03 at the East End is set for FXS Ringdown and the FXS unit at the West End is set for loop start operation. Basic
SS216 Thru-hull - Airmar
Features. 38 kHz model is designed for navigation applications; 40 kHz model is designed with good, bottom detection for navigation echosounders; 100 kHz model is excellent for bottom detail especially suited to survey applications
Receptacle Short flanged 2 Modules Metallic Shielded Bright nickel ...
Receptacle Short flanged 2 Modules Metallic Shielded Bright nickel Polarization E Not mounted
Amphenol Procom’s world-leading antenna, DAS, and combiner and filter solutions are the only way to meet your customers’ uncompromising standards for reliable network performance.
Ratcheting Hand Crimp Frame with Die Set | 47-10063 - Amphenol RF
Ratcheting Hand Crimp Frame (47-10000) with Die Set (47-20245) Hex Cavity Dimensions are 0.042 0.068 0.190 0.213
32406063002 - Amphenol Air LB
Assembly 3240 0.2500-28 UNF (Ø 6,35 ) - H: 16,5 mm - pitch of 19,5 Without wave-washers 6 terminals
SIME1220PB -
Module for EN4165 / SIM connectors. EN4165 / SIM connector is modular, multifunctional and rectangular. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solu
00611405207 - Amphenol Air LB
Chimney Oval Metallic Standard Olive drab cadmium
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Connecting Your World Through Sensor Innovations ... Current Archives - Amphenol Sensors