Search Results for space qualified nylon wire
123GB-0840 Issue1 (2) -
%) :, (1* ,03257$17 ,vvxh &khfn wkh ,qwudqhw wr hqvxuh \rx duh xvlqj wkh odwhvw lvvxh ri wklv )rup $pskhqro 1xpehu *% ,vvxh 3ulqw whvw er[
Model FZ | PCB Piezotronics
Model FZ:10-32 coaxial hardline plug (for 023 hardline cable) **Not field installable**
Receptacle Short flanged 2 Modules Metallic Shielded Bright nickel ...
Receptacle Short flanged 2 Modules Metallic Shielded Bright nickel Polarization A Not mounted
Improved Stiffness Specifications for Piezoelectric Force Links - PCB
Figure 4 shows the detailed geometry used to determine the stiffness coefficients for the model 261B01 force link. This finite element model is a fully coupled piezoelectric -structural simulation that includes
00111960702 - Amphenol Air LB
Splice 1119 With inserted resistance 0,5 W / 15 kΩ / ±5%
00175840102 - Amphenol Air LB
Grounding Module 1758 With individual mounting brackets 8 contacts #12
00158120302 - Amphenol Air LB
Socket Model ASNE0249 14 contacts #20 Without contact, With integrated pillars
Receptacle Standard 4 Modules Metallic Shielded Black nickel ...
EN4165 / SIM is a modular, multifunctional rectangular connector. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and p
Polarizer Socket 1/4 tour -
Accessory for 1900 / EN3545 connector. Composite rectangular connectors available with various contact arrangements. Includes sizes 22 to 8 crimp removable contacts for Copper and
Receptacle SIM serie2 Monomodule Long flanged Olive drab cadmium With ...
Receptacle SIM serie2 Monomodule Long flanged Olive drab cadmium With color coding plate With conductive panel sealing Polarization B
00631421003 - Amphenol Air LB
Polarizing nut Code CC Green
Receptacle Standard 4 Modules Composite Shielded Olive drab cadmium ...
EN4165 / SIM is a modular, multifunctional rectangular connector. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and p
32426042001BMT - Amphenol Air LB
Assembly 3242 0.2500-28 UNF (Ø 6,35) - H: 33 mm - pitch of 23,5 With NSA 5050 nuts 4 terminals
II -
10.1 Preparing Cable for Connection to the AOM 25 10.2 J1 Installation Wiring 26 10.3 J1 Connections for AOM 27 10.4 J1 Connection to AOM with MSConnectors 29 10.5 J1 Connections 29 11 TROUBLESHOOTING THE ANALOG OUTPUT MODULE 32 11.1 General 32 11.2 Power Supply Check 32 11.3 Grounding 33 11.4 Connections 33 11.5 LDTSignals 33 12 ANALOG OUTPUT ...
00111930202 - Amphenol Air LB
Splice 1119 For pin contacts #16 / #16
00113090202 - Amphenol Air LB
Module 1130 With inserted diodes 1 N 5622
Long flanged Receptacle monomodule With color coding plate With non ...
Military & Commercial Aerospace specification for rectangular modular connectors; Fully qualified and compliant with ARINC 809 specifications; Tested and qualified per EN4165 Seri
00177727104 - Amphenol Air LB
Module 1777 18 contacts #20 to be solder on PCB
00110420004 - Amphenol Air LB
Pin contact #20 (for junction module)
00176501999 - Amphenol Air LB
1765 series is derived from the 1750 series. They consistes of components carrier versions suited for diodes, resistors, fuses etc. They offer a perfect sealing (IP66 / IP68 and IP69K), space and weight-saving.