Search Results for specific heat
TN-13-1104 Air Blast Part 2 - PCB
material of high specific heat capacity to further reduce the temperature of the gaseous explosion products, thus less- ening their effect on transducer performance.
TN-31 Air Blast and the Science of Dynamic Pressure Measurements - PCB
filled with a porous material of high specific heat capacity to further reduce the temperature of the gaseous explosion products, thus lessening their effect on transducer performance.
LB150 WeatherStation® Instrument - Airmar
The LB150, Ultrasonic WeatherStation® Instrument meets a growing need for real-time, site-specific, weather information. It is the only ALL-in-ONE weather sensor that calculates apparent wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point, and wind chill temperature.
Non-Contact Infrared (IR) Temperature Sensing for Electrification
All charging systems generate heat. Managing that heat is critical for efficiency and system protection. Non-contact temperature sensing for High Voltage circuits reduces the complexity and improves the safety associated with temperature measurement. Meeting IEC 60664 requirements with high accuracy and fast
Liquid Cooling Leakage Detection Sensor Cable -
Liquid cooling systems absorb and dissipate heat from CPUs and GPUs by using a specialized cooling liquid which circulates via pipes to cold plates, attached to heat generating components to transmit heat to a radiator, where cooling fans remove it.
SGX - Thermal-Conductive Sensors
By calibrating the sensor to the specific thermal conductivity properties of target gases, it can accurately identify and quantify their presence. Thermal conductive sensors are commonly used for detecting gases such as hydrogen, methane, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
TN-12-0904 Air Blast Part 1 - PCB
Unlike acoustic waves that move at sonic velocity, produce no finite change in particle velocity, and don't "shock up," air blast is a nonlinear process involving nonlinear equations of motion. Air blast can be encountered in freely expanding shocks in air or, if obstacles enclose the energy source, in directed shocks and contained shocks.
Thermometrics Thermopile IR Sensor Applications
What is a Thermopile? A thermopile is a serially-interconnected array of thermocouples, each of which consists of two dissimilar materials with a large thermoelectric power and opposite polarities. The thermocouples are placed across the hot and cold regions of a structure and the hot junctions are thermally isolated from the cold junctions.
HumiTrac XR General Eastern Dew Point, Enthalpy, Wet Bulb, and ...
Dew Point temperature is the temperature at which any given volume of air must be cooled in order that water vapor will condense into water. Calculated in this transmitter from relative humidity and dry bulb temperature sensors, the output can be used in a variety of applications.
Understanding HVAC Systems | Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning ...
HVAC stands for heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems. Various HVAC systems are used for air conditioning homes to large industrial complexes, shopping malls, and apartment blocks. These are designed using the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.
Z14 Generation II Low-Profile Housing - Charles Industries
• High-density engineered venting provides robust heat dissipation for high-output R-PHY nodes • Insect resistant openings prevent wasp & bee intrusion, protecting technicians accessing the enclosure • Self-latching dome locking system reduces unlocked pedestals and unwanted access • Two-piece base allows for easy retrofit installations
Z14 & Z24 Generation II - Charles Industries
• High-density engineered venting provides robust heat dissipation for high-output R-PHY nodes • Insect resistant openings prevent wasp & bee intrusion, protecting technicians accessing the enclosure • Self-latching dome locking system reduces unlocked pedestals and unwanted access
RTD Probe Assemblies - TPC Wire
Full customization of probe elements, types and materials to meet your specific application requirements.
High temperatures can soften, melt, or burn cable conductors, tubing, insulation, or shields. To avoid these issues and get the most out of your cable, it's important to choose a suitable high-temperature cable for your high-heat environment.
Amphenol Communications Solutions (ACS) is a world leader in High Speed ...
• Integrated heat sink (IHS) or Riding Heat Sink (RHS) options available, designed according to industry MSA standards • Programmable to customer requirements • Great SI reliability and physical capabilities (softer and better bending performance than other cables) • Full compliant with optical module design, easier for
THHN Wire, Meet Your Replacement!
THHN is a thermoplastic high-heat-resistant, nylon-coated wire. It’s designed with a specific insulation material, temperature rating, and condition of use for electrical wire and cable.
SAE Battery Standard Steering Committee -
PRODUCT SPECIFIC. 14) Battery Materials Testing. 19) Battery Systems Connectors. 21) Battery Thermal Management. 23) Battery Systems Adhesives-Sealants-Heat Transfer Materials. COMPONENTS & MATERIALS. 10) Battery Recycling. 18) Battery Field Discharge & Disconnect. 15) Secondary Use. LIFE MANAGEMENT. 11) Small Task Oriented Vehicle Batteries. 7 ...
conductivity thermo | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Silica offers temperature resistance up to 1260°C / 2300F while offering outstanding flame resistance, flexibility and tensile strength. It also doesn’t have the negative health effects associated with asbestos ...
Z14 Generation II Low-Profile Housing - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
High-density engineered venting providing robust heat dissipation for high-output R-PHY nodes; Insect resistant openings to prevent wasp and bee intrusion to protect technicians accessing the enclosure; Self-latching dome locking system reduces unlocked pedestals and unwanted access; Two-piece base allows for easy retrofit installations
Terminal Blocks - TPC Wire
Durable, flame retardant and heat resistant. Saves time and money. Suit the Demands of Various Operations. Our terminal blocks provide secure connections for wires or cables. Versatile and easy to use, they are ideal for a wide range of electrical applications.