Search Results for speed test kinetic
Scanning QR Codes - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Resources Resources Scanning Amphenol's QR Codes All Amphenol Antennas' products include a QR code on the serial number label. These QR codes link to archived test results and data sheets. Scanning a QR code is an easy process - open your reading app, point your camera at
Expanded Beam - Amphenol-Air LB
Mechanical shocks EIA/TIA 455-14, test condi-tion A Bump resistance 4000 bumps 40g Tensile load : short time/permanent 1800N ... CTOS and CTOL series are robust optical connectors for rapid deployment of high-speed transmission links under harsh environments. The hermaphroditic mating makes it
Amphenol Assembletech
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
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T R S INSTALLATION - Temposonics
EMC test: DIN IEC 801-4, Type 4, CE certified; DIN EN 50081-1 (Emissions), DIN EN 50082-2 (Immunity) Shock rating: 100 g (single hit)/IEC standard 68-2-27 survivability Vibration Rrting: 5 g/10-150 Hz/IEC standard 68-2-6 PROFILE STYLE (Model RP) Electronic head: Aluminum die-cast housing Sensor stroke: Aluminum profile Sealing: IP65
BMZ Pin D38999 Contact (Size 8) for .085 Cable - SV Microwave
The well designed BMZ Pin D38999 Contact (Size 8) for .085 Cable SF9821-6000. This one has high-level electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications.
Home - Lutze Inc.
Home - Lutze Inc.
A standard size speedy is shown in the photograph to the left. The moisture test procedure is simple to follow and takes a just few minutes for most materials. However, to ensure accurate and consistent results the procedure should be followed precisely. To test your sample, refer to the photographs below and complete the following steps: 1.
Resources - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Resources Resources Links to Resources, Tools and Product Information
LT-5000SP-1_PR6 - Charles Industries
LT-5000SP-1 Charles Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. C-Charger.
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- RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
High Speed (2) Pre-Formed Copper Strap (7) Pre-Formed Copper alloy Strap (3) Universal connector grounding kit (1) Surge Arrestor Type. Gas Capsule (1) ... Test methods for fire behaviour of cable: IEC 60754-1/-2 halogen free and non corrosive, IEC 61034 low smoke emission, IEC 60332-1 flame retardant ...
Protimeter HygroMaster 2
Protimeter HygroMaster 2
Frequency Plan -
It is important to carefully plan the setup of your sensors before adding them to the system. You can create a table with a list of frequencies and complete it when you add sensors.
New J1939 Connect Can Sensor -
The Connect CAN Sensor is designed for harsh environments like exhaust gas, combustion chamber and bearing temperature, offering compliance to the Marine standard IACS E10 test specification and is fully configurable for improved engine application flexibility and versatility. Key benefits include:
Best-selling dual-function moisture meter - Protimeter
The world's original and best-selling dual-function moisture meter with both pin and non-invasive measurement capabilities. The right moisture meter makes all the difference!
Amphenol LTW
Salt Spray Corrosion Test: 48H Standard Cable Length: 01~99M. Ordering Information 19-3 Amphenol LTW Technology Co., Ltd. RBL Connector I Ordering Information IP 67 9 Unmated or Mated > For Field Installable (L) Straight ( ) : Wire Length (10)10CM (30) 30CM ( ) : Cable Length From 1M to 99M EX.(01)= 1M ...
Protimeter GrainMaster i2 Grain Moisture Meter
Protimeter GrainMaster i2 Grain Moisture Meter