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Amphenol Fiber Systems Products - Amphenol Fiber Systems International ...
Amphenol Fiber Systems International has solutions and we specialize in fiber optic systems. Contact us now!
Gamma di prodotti Amphenol Socapex | Connettori e soluzioni di ...
Provate l'affidabilità, la versatilità e la qualità dei prodotti Amphenol Socapex e portate la vostra connettività a nuovi livelli. Contattateci oggi stesso per esplorare la nostra gamma completa di soluzioni di interconnessione su misura per le vostre esigenze specifiche.
Amphenol Aerospace
Created Date: 12/11/2000 8:57:45 AM
MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications
Application SpotlightApplication Spotlight NovaSensor is a leader in the design and fabrication of MEMS Pressure Sensors and the inventor of SenStable® Processing Technology providing an excellent stability of its sensors. NovaSensor MEMS Pressure Sensors are known for their accuracy, reliability, and miniature size.
Amphenol Aerospace
Created Date: 6/23/2004 9:18:36 AM
MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Overview MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications Application SpotlightApplication Spotlight NovaSensor is a leader in the design and fabrication of MEMS Pressure Sensors and the inventor of SenStable® Processing Technology providing an excellent stability of its sensors.
rt001619pn03 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for rt001619pn03 n02 252 4124c | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Search Results for n 20 252 4175 c - Amphenol N02 252 4124C - Part no. 252 185 Material: AIMg4.5Mn, black anodised; magnets compound-fi lled Weight: Approx. 125 g Surface pressure: Max. 20 N/mm2 Fastening torque for M4 screws: 4 Nm Operating ...
Amphenol Aerospace
Created Date: 12/11/2000 9:07:09 AM
NPI Series of Media-Isolated Pressure Sensors
Product Spotlight The NovaSensor NPI Series features a high stability SenStable® piezoresistive MEMS chip placed in a stainless steel media-isolated package. Ideal for use in hostile environments, the modular design allows for a variety of pressure port modules that are hermetically welded to the sensor header. The sensors
MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Overview MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications Application SpotlightApplication Spotlight NovaSensor is a leader in the design and fabrication of MEMS Pressure Sensors and the inventor of SenStable® Processing Technology providing an excellent stability of its sensors.
MA212L27 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
MA212L27 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions ... MA212L27
BNC Adapters - RF Coaxial Adapters - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a wide array of both in-series and between-series BNC adapters in straight and right-angle configurations. 50-ohm and 75-ohm impedance BNC adapters are available with and without panel mounting features.
Understanding 3 dB 90° Hybrid Couplers -
In the world of RF engineering, the 3 dB 90° Hybrid Coupler stands as a cornerstone for managing and manipulating signals effectively. Whether you're dealing with signal splitting, combining, or phasing, understanding the modes of operation for these couplers is essential for optimizing communication systems.
L-100DNxx-CC(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
L-100DNxx-CC(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Telecom Pedestal Accessories | Fiber Optic Accessories
Explore Charles Industries' Telecom Pedestal Accessories & Fiber optic accessories for FTTH deployment & Outdoor Network Infrastructure applications. Enquire Now!
Driving power-full solutions - Casco Automotive Group
Casco. Driving power-full solutions. Over 100 years of know-how in sensor and module development. Think global. act local, 7 plants worldwide, 4 development centers, over 1,400 dedicated employees. 7 plants worldwide, 4 development centers, over 1,400 dedicated employees. Innovation is our tradition. We provide top quality electromechanical devices since 1920.
ValProbe RT CO2 Logger -
L'enregistreur de données 3 en 1 de la gamme Kaye ValProbe RT permet de mesurer des paramètres critiques tels que le CO2 (dioxyde de carbone), l'humidité relative (HR) et la température à l'aide d'un seul appareil. Pour les applications où ces mesures sont critiques en termes de qualité, l'enregistreur de CO2 Kaye ValProbe RT permet d'enregistrer et de documenter ces paramètres de ...
MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications
Application SpotlightApplication Spotlight NovaSensor is a leader in the design and fabrication of MEMS Pressure Sensors and the inventor of SenStable® Processing Technology providing an excellent stability of its sensors. NovaSensor MEMS Pressure Sensors are known for their accuracy, reliability, and miniature size.
Distributori Amphenol Socapex | Amphenol Socapex
Controllare l'inventario del distributore. CONTATTO Avete domande? Non riuscite a trovare quello che vi serve? Cercate un design personalizzato? O non siete sicuri di ciò che vi serve? Rivolgetevi al nostro team di esperti che vi guiderà verso la soluzione migliore.