Search Results for statechart parallel states
Ruggedized SATA Connector | Mother Board / Daughter Board | Products ...
The R-SATA (r ugged ized) S ATA connector is perfectly suited as the primary internal storage interconnect for desktop and mobile PCs, connecting the system to peripherals such as hard drives, solid state drives, optical drives, and removable magnetic media drives. The R-SATA supports SATA 3.0 protocol, delivering 6.25 Gb/s data rates and beyond. Amphenol’s R-SATA connector s utilize a m ...
Model 485B39 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 485B39:2-channel, USB-powered, ICP® sensor signal conditioner with USB digital output (24-bit A/D)
RNJLP - Rack & Panel Low profile - 38999 Series - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex RNJLP Rack & Panel Low Profile connector is a lightweight, high-density solution for harsh environments. Derived from the 38999 series III, it features realignment capability on three axes, allowing for axial, angular, and longitudinal realignments. The RNJLP offers the same panel distance as the ARINC 404 and is suitable for applications such as battlefield communication ...
SCFF | Products - Amphenol Aerospace
The SCFF (Small Cubic Form Factor) is a ruggedized 1-channel duplex multi-mode optical transceiver operating at 850nm wavelength. It utilizes a 12-pin electrical interface in SMT (Surface Mount Technology) configuration, conforming to SFF-8431 specification for high-speed interfaces.
M9203 Series | AC-DC Power Supplies | Power Supplies | Integrated ...
• Up to 5 (five) identical M9203 unis can be connected in parallel (current • share) and provide up to 16KW of regulated and protected power. • Less than 1/5th of the Human Body Leakage limits of MIL-STD-1399-• 300B, allowing safe parallel connection of up to five M9203 units.
NovaSensor NPC-1210 Series Pressure Sensors
NovaSensor NPC-1210 Series Pressure Sensors
CTR-80 Ultra Low Temperature Bath - KAYE
Large bath volume for parallel calibration of multiple sensors or data loggers; Very high temperature stability and optimal temperature distribution in the bath tank; Automates calibration in combination with the Kaye IRTD-400 and a Kaye validation system; Low noise operation
BergStak Board to Board Connectors | Micro Pitch from 0.4mm to 0.8mm
Amphenol's FCI Basics Bergstak ® board-to-board product family is one of the most popular board-to-board connector series in the market. Designed for industrial, telecom, datacom, automotive, and medical applications - Bergstak ® offers micro pitch from 0.4mm to 0.8mm, connector position options from 10 to 200, and stack height flexibility from 3mm to 20mm.
95278-101A04LF | BergStik® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Board to Board Connectors. Contact us today for more details of BergStik ® part number 95278-101A04LF.
Our Story - Blog -
The history of Amphenol Networks Solutions, from their roots as Telect Inc. to their acquisition by Amphenol Corporation, to the merger with All Systems Broadband, shows a company that is dedicated to growth, expertise, and above all, a dedication to their customers’ needs and experiences.
50 OHM Coaxial Cable | Cables | Amphenol
Currently we offer pre-terminated 50 Ohm coax cable assemblies available in RG58, RG142, RG174, RG188, RG213, and RG316 configurations.
Commercial Aerospace | Markets | Amphenol Aerospace
Markets; Commercial Aerospace Commercial Aerospace Amphenol Aerospace is widely recognized for industry leading commercial aerospace products, which are utilized in airframes and avionics systems throughout the world.
Rack & Panel | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Products; Rack & Panel Rack & Panel Amphenol Aerospace's Rack and Panel product lines include the B3 Brush Rack and Panel Connector, a rugged, non-floating blind-mate connector with digital and power/digital “hybrid” insert arrangements, and the LMD/LMS Connectors which provide flexibility in the assembly of wire harnesses that are used in instrumentation and avionic control environments.
RaptorLink 64X50 SOSA Ethernet Switch | Ethernet Switches | Products ...
Along with the switch and processing infrastructure available in many different configurations, the RaptorLink 64X50 has a VITA46.11 Tier 1 compliant IPMI solution for sensor, link state, health, BIT, and other reporting to chassis managers. It also supports redundant IPMB interfaces and IPMB fast modes.
Dual SCFF | Products - Amphenol Aerospace
DUAL SCFF 26PIN EDGE CARD 50 Gbps High-Speed Optical Module Card LOW-POWER, HIGH DENSITY, EFFICIENT DESIGN. The Amphenol AOP “Dual SCFF 26pin Edge Card” is an adapter card interface enabling two Amphenol Ruggedized SCFF modules mounted and soldered, boostering performance and versatility.
Statements and Certifications - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace's Statements and Certifications. Military and Commercial Electrification Part 3 – Building the Bridge to Fully-Electric Platforms
MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol ’s MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force r ectangular c onnector series is one of the highest performing board connectors in the world, with proven performance on the ground, in the air, and at sea. This series utilizes the B3 brush contact system known for low mating force, stable electrical performance in high vibration, and extended service life.
Model 113B28 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 113B28:Platinum Stock Products; High frequency ICP® pressure sensor, 50 psi, 100 mV/psi, 0.218" dia. diaphragm, accel. comp.
Matrix 5015 Breakaway Lanyards | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Proprietary quick disconnect plug, with or without lanyard available; Completely sealed against environmental extremes; Seven mounting styles, in shell sizes 8 to 40
HSCHD02AR0001R | HSC_PCB Connector | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Input Output connectors Contact us today for more details of HSC_PCB Connector,Part Number HSCHD02AR0001R