Search Results for tacbeam
2510f connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol's FloatCombo™ are 0.50mm pitch floating board-to-board connectors that support stack heights from 8.0mm to 30.0mm. These connectors come with 4 independent power contacts and 20 to 140 signal contacts, where the power contacts support 5A per pin and the signal contacts provide high-speed data rates up to 10Gb/s or 16Gb/s.
EB4H1000L – Loopback With Tag
EB4H1000L – Loopback With Tag
电缆组件 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
电缆组件 根据您的需求定制. 客户的需求促使我们努力为军事和航空航天应用提供各种线束和电缆解决方案。我们深知每个项目都是独一无二的,因此我们能够根据您的需求设计和制造每种定制线束。
85384 connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The 7-Pin and 10-Pin connectors are designed for multiple cable diameters, are available in shielded versions, and can include either solder-type contacts or insulation-piercing contacts, which are field-replaceable.
ARES Reels - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
III ®, TACBeam, M28876, and Pierside. Finally, AFSI offers a suite of deployment stands, transit cases, and backpacks as optional accessories. • Meets A336463 CECOM reel drawing requirements • Strong flanges and drum are molded in one piece • Greater impact resistance
PRODUKTPASS | VG-Steckverbinder - Amphenol-Air LB
Newsletter. Bleiben Sie mit Amphenol-Air LB in Verbindung: Melden Sie sich dazu einfach zu CONNECTED – unserem kostenlosen Newsletter – an. Er liefert Ihnen regelmäßig interessante Informationen zu unseren Produkten, spannenden Anwendungen und Neuigkeiten aus unserem Unternehmen.
RES-GMC - 扩展光束技术 - 光纤媒体转换器 | Amphenol Socapex
amphenol socapex 媒体转换器 res-gmc 是一款坚固耐用的以太网光纤转换器,采用符合 mil-std 规范的扩束技术。该设备专为在恶劣的军事环境中提供可靠、安全的连接而设计。该转换器支持 stanag 4290、ctos 扩展光束技术和 m83526 tacbeam 扩展光束技术。它还符合各种 mil-std 规范,如针对 emi 的 mil-std-461e、针对 ...
amphinal | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol TACBeam - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI) Amphenol Fiber Systems International, Inc. 1300 Central Expressway North, Suite 100 Allen, TX 75013 Phone: 214.547.2400 - 800.472.4225 Fax: 214.547.9344 Publication: AFSI-TACBeam ®-ds0061814. Specifications subject to change without notice. - sales@fibersystems ...
hmtd® connector systems | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
LC Field Connectors Amphenol Fiber Systems International, Inc. 1300 Central Expressway North, Suite 100, Allen, TX 75013 Phone: 214.547.2400 800.472.4225 Fax: 214.547.9344 Amphenol Fiber Systems International Amphenol Systems b.'
RES-GMC - Genişletilmiş Işın Teknolojisi - Fiber Optik Ortam ...
Amphenol Socapex Medya dönüştürücü RES-GMC, MIL-STD normlarıyla uyumlu genişletilmiş ışın teknolojisini kullanan sağlam bir Ethernet fiber optik dönüştürücüdür. Cihaz, zorlu askeri ortamlarda güvenilir ve güvenli bağlantı sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır. Dönüştürücü STANAG 4290, CTOS Genişletilmiş ışın teknolojisi ve M83526 TACbeam Genişletilmiş ışın ...
암페놀 커넥터 카탈로그 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
TACBEAM - 광섬유 커넥터 - Amphenol Socapex Amphenol Socapex 광섬유 커넥터 TACBEAM은 열악한 환경에서 사용하도록 설계된 자웅동체 커넥터입니다. 이 커넥터는 단일 모드 및 다중 모드 옵션과 최대 4개의 채널을 갖춘 비접촉 전송을 위한 확장된 빔 기술을 특징으로 합니다.
tacbeam | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
TacBeam is a hermaphroditic lens connector, insensitive to dust and dirt. This connector is qualified as per MIL-DTL-83526/20 and 21. In addition, it is approved as per VG95319-100; -101, and is thus suitable for outdoor applications. A marine bronze version is also available (according to VG95319-102).
컴퓨터 빨라지는 설정 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
이 장치는 열악한 군사 환경에서 안정적이고 안전한 연결을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 컨버터는 STANAG 4290, CTOS 확장 빔 기술 및 M83526 TACbeam 확장 빔 기술을 지원합니다.
| Amphenol Socapex
Ya están disponibles los archivos CAD de nuestros conectores RNJ para rack y panel
施設 光ファイバーケーブル・アセンブリ. 当社の600 m 2の光ファイバーケーブル組立工場は、フランスのティーズにあります。 光ファイバーハーネスの組み立てには、研磨機、光学測定機、光学干渉計、光学制御システムなど、さまざまな機械を使用しています。
RES-GMC - Tecnología de haz expandido - Amphenol Socapex
El convertidor es compatible con STANAG 4290, tecnología de haz expandido CTOS y tecnología de haz expandido M83526 TACbeam. También cumple varias normas MIL-STD, como MIL-STD-461E para EMI, MIL-STD-810F/GM para medio ambiente, MIL-STD-1275 para protección eléctrica y MIL-STD-704A para protección eléctrica.
Directory /images/products/tacbean-product-photos
Directory /images/products/tacbean-product-photos.. IMG_3764.jpg; Press Release July 2015.pdf; TACBeam Adapter 2 Web.jpg; TACBeam Adapter Web.jpg; TACBeam FOM WEB.jpg
RES GMC -拡大ビーム方式 光メディアコンバータ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
光コネクタは、M83526適合のTACBeamなど拡大ビーム型コネクタを採用しています。 特長. アンマネージド 耐環境型メディアコンバータ ; IEEE802.3af、IEEE802.3at準拠(2ポート) LANコネクタ:RJFTV、D38999 ; 光コネクタ(拡大ビーム型):CTOS、あるいはTACBeam
Rugged Ethernet Switch & Media Converters - Amphenol PCD
• CTOS 77PC or TACBeam EB4H8000. • 2 fibers are used for 1x1 ports versions. • 4 fibers are used for 2x2 ports versions. CHASSIS - Low profile rugged aluminium extrusion - Conductively cooled w/custom internal heat-sinks - Ingress protection against sand, dust and moisture - Polyurethane Paint, Per MIL-C-83286 type II, matt texture, color:
Amphenol Military & Aerospace Products Overview - Amphenol Socapex
TacBeam - Tactical Fiber Optic TFOCA-II - Tactical Fiber Optic TVOP 18 USB Field: USB 3.0 USB Memory keys USB MIL-DTL-26482 Type RJF TV RJF RJ45 - M12 Adapter 19 RJFRB/RJF544 Rugged Ethernet Cables VG95319-100/-101 Tac Beam Custom Hermetic Feedthrough Hermetic Connectors Miniaturization 20 2M Micro Miniature HD38999 High Density Luminus Series ...