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10162582-1134125LF | Conan ® Lite 1.00mm | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of conan Board to Board Connectors. Contact us today for more details of Conan® Lite 1.00mm part number 10162582-1134125LF. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.
LUSB (Lockable USB) Connector | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
Amphenol's LUSB series Lockable USB Connectors serve many markets and applications across the globe including Automotive, Communications, Consumer, Data, Industrial and Medical. LUSB series is offered in USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 connector interface; Locking latch locks USB connector in position; Ensure secured data transmission; Easy to install and ...
Amphenol Network Solutions > Adapter plates fit in any LGX®-compatible ...
Overview. Amphenol Network Solutions offers both angled and standard adapter plates for any LGX®-compatible system. The six-port LCX MPO Adapter Plate fits in the Amphenol Network Solutions LTX, LCX and LCX-H, Corning LDC®, TE/ADC LSX®, Leviton Lightspace®, OFS LGX® and any other LGX®-compatible panel.
High Power Connector Series -
Rhino 38999 connectors are being utilised across a wide range of critical power applications. High Power Connector Series Amphenol is the foremost manufacturer of both connectors and interconnect systems specifically for applications within military, aerospace and industrial markets. As such, Amphenol has recognised a distinct trend towards
127/HE801 - HE7-HE8-HE9 系列 PCB 连接器 - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 的 127/HE801 PCB 连接器是一种可靠、坚固的连接器,设计用于板对板和板对电缆应用。它具有成本竞争力,完全兼容市场上所有的 HE801 标准连接器。这种连接器具有中等密度的 2.54 毫米[0.100]交错栅格,可提供 17 至 144 个触点的多种排列方式。每个信号触点的额定电流为 3A,介质耐压为 1000 ...
B175M Chirp-ready Tilted Element Thru-hull - Airmar
1 kW. The B175M’s medium frequency delivers the right combination of coverage under the boat, extended depth range, and the ability to produce clean and accurate target and structure returns in mid to deeper water.
USB3F TV - 견고한 이더넷, USB 및 디스플레이 커넥터 | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex USB3F TV는 열악한 환경에서 작동하도록 설계된 강화 USB 3.0 커넥터입니다. MIL-DTL-38999 계열 III 표준을 기반으로 하는 이 커넥터는 나사식 잠금 메커니즘을 갖추고 있으며 액체와 먼지로부터 밀봉되어 있습니다(IP68). 군용 항공 전자 공학, 지상 차량, 전장 통신 및 산업용 애플리케이션에 ...
2 Sensor for Automotive Applications -
Cable and Connector Connection Mating Connector TE AMP 4-1718346-1 Socket Configuration 1 ~ Ground (Common) 2 ~ LIN 3 ~ Supply +V LIN Interface The sensor implements a LIN interface defined by a generic LDF file. LIN Output Signals Carbon Dioxide CO2 Concentration: 1 ppm Resolution Alarm Output Limit-based threshold alarm signal with hysteresis ...
Velocity vibration switch with two relays - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Model VSW-100 Vibration switch with 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 ips peak velocity range, IP68 rated, 4-20 mA output, dynamic output, 2 individual relay outputs Features Vibration velocity, 4-20 mA Acceleration time waveform Chemically resistant, polyester-coated aluminum housing Two individual relays for alarm or shutdown Standalone machinery protection Downloads VSW-100 specifications VSW-100 operation ...
2 Sensor for Automotive Applications -
Cable and Connector Connection Mating Connector TE AMP 4-1718346-1 Socket Configuration 1 ~ Ground (Common) 2 ~ LIN 3 ~ Supply +V LIN Interface The sensor implements a LIN interface defined by a generic LDF file. LIN Output Signals Carbon Dioxide CO2 Concentration: 1 ppm Resolution Alarm Output Limit-based threshold alarm signal with hysteresis ...
RFM - RFM 系列 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 提供 RFM 系列机架和面板连接器,它们允许盲插,并配有浮动固定装置。RFM 连接器符合 EN45545-2 和 NF F 61-032 标准。RFM 连接器多年来一直被原始设备制造商用于恶劣环境和铁路安全系统中。RFM 连接器的坚固性和重新定位能力也为军事应用提供了耐用性和可靠性。
MIL-C-24308 Style (D-Sub) Filter Connectors
capacitor version of the same connector, the 308 series. As a result, Amphenol has the widest product offering in the industry and can provide either technology as the application and production requirements dictate. 17 Amphenol Filtered Connectors MIL-C-24308 Style (D-Sub) Filter Connectors 308 Series – Planar Capacitor Technology
Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable Blog | Connectors
Over time, high-pressure sprays, high temperature water, cleaners, and sanitizers can breakdown electrical cables and connectors. These harsh conditions result in frequent maintenance and cable failures which can cause unwanted downtime and slower production. It's important for businesses in the food and beverage industry to work with reputable ...
THDM Connector - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
The THDM is a rugged fiber optic connector for military and aerospace applications.
2 Sensor for Automotive Applications -
Cable and Connector Connection Mating Connector TE AMP 4-1718346-1 Socket Configuration 1 ~ Ground (Common) 2 ~ LIN 3 ~ Supply +V LIN Interface The sensor implements a LIN interface defined by a generic LDF file. LIN Output Signals Carbon Dioxide CO2 Concentration: 1 ppm Resolution Alarm Output Limit-based threshold alarm signal with hysteresis ...
2 Sensor for Automotive Applications -
Cable and Connector Connection Mating Connector TE AMP 4-1718346-1 Socket Configuration 1 ~ Ground (Common) 2 ~ LIN 3 ~ Supply +V LIN Interface The sensor implements a LIN interface defined by a generic LDF file. LIN Output Signals Carbon Dioxide CO2 Concentration: 1 ppm Resolution Alarm Output Limit-based threshold alarm signal with hysteresis ...
More Products. More Services. Global Connections.
Cylindrical metallic connectors based on the standard MIL-C-26482 in crimp, solder, PCB contacts. C091 Circular M16 connectors for signal. HeAVy|MATe C146 rectangular heavy-duty connectors for power + signal. M23 AnD M40 DIn-style IP67-rated connector system with con-trol and power for automation environments. RaDsOK High power contacts and ...
2 Sensor for Automotive Applications -
Cable and Connector Connection Mating Connector TE AMP 4-1718346-1 Socket Configuration 1 ~ Ground (Common) 2 ~ LIN 3 ~ Supply +V LIN Interface The sensor implements a LIN interface defined by a generic LDF file. LIN Output Signals Carbon Dioxide CO2 Concentration: 1 ppm Resolution Alarm Output Limit-based threshold alarm signal with hysteresis ...
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Home - Amphenol Canada
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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