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Sıcaklık Kalibratörü - LN2 Karşılaştırıcı - KAYE
Sıvı Nitrojen (LN2) Karşılaştırıcısı, son derece düşük sıcaklıklar gerektiren kalibrasyonlara izin veren, kullanımı kolay bir cihazdır.. Sıvı nitrojenin kaynama noktasını kullanan bu karşılaştırıcı, -196 C'de Kaye Validatörler ile birlikte yarı otomatik bir şekilde kalibrasyonları tamamlamanıza olanak tanır.
Masy BioServices -
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
Water-Cascade Sterilizer 水浴灭菌柜 - KAYE
知识库. 进入知识库. 欢迎来到Kaye知识库,这里是Kaye产品和服务的信息资源中心。知识库中广泛的资源,将为您的项目和决策 ...
MIL-DTL-26482 Series I Filters (FPT) - Amphenol Aerospace
Intermateable with MIL-DTL-26482 Series connectors; see Matrix 26482, Catalog MIL-DTL-26482, Series 1. Quick positive coupling with visual confirmation of mating
RF Coaxial Connectors, Adapters and Cable Assemblies | Amphenol RF
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Model HT602D01 Industrial ICP® Accelerometer Installation and ... - PCB
Manual 21354 Rev E ECN 50523 PCB工业监视和测量设备 - 中国RoHS2公布表 PCB Industrial Monitoring and Measuring Equipment - China RoHS 2 Disclosure Table
Locations - Amphenol RF
Danbury, CT serves as our Headquarters, and provides manufacturing and testing services with a focus on Military and Precision products.It is also the location of our model shop, where we can quickly produce prototypes. Our North American engineering and customer service teams are both located in Danbury.
Model 611M10/03 High temperature, charge mode accelerometer with ... - PCB
Model 611M10/03 High temperature, charge mode accelerometer with UHT-12 ® shear sensing crystal, 5 pC/g sensitivity, 900 degree F, integral cable to 7/16-27 2-pin connector
Model Number HT640B02 HIGH TEMPERATURE 4-20 MA OUTPUT VELOCITY SENSOR Revision: A ECN #: 49753 Performance ENGLISH SI Measurement Range 0.0 to 2 in/sec pk 0.0 to 50.8 mm/s pk [1] Output 4-20 mA 4-20 mA Frequency Range(± 10 %) 180 to 60 kcpm 3 to 1 kHz [2][3]
Uniform Temperatur Referenz - KAYE
UTR addresses thermal errors induced by static and dynamic conditions providing a superior temperature stable environment.
UDK-EI Electrical safety inspection ultrasound detection kit
UDK-EI ELECTRICAL INSPECTION KIT: Ultrasound receiver: Headset: Concentrator set: acoustic tip, mini concentrator, large concentrator: Polycarbonate acoustic probe, 12”
2021 -
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
Model 1381-01A rod end load cell Installation and Operating Manual - PCB
PCB Load & Torque, Inc. Toll-Free in USA 866-684-7107 716-684-0001 ROD END LOAD CELL OPERATION MANUAL 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION
Distributor Network - Positronic The Science of Certainty
Centro Direzionale Milanofiori Strada 1 Palazzo E1 20090 Assago-MI Italy. Tel: +39 02 57506571 Fax: +39 02 57516478. PEI-Genesis (IT) George Curl Way Southhampton UK SO18 2RZ. Tel: 44 (0) 23 8062 1260 email. Powell Electronics Europe (IT) Powell Limited Unit F ...
Model 039237-50051/B Rotary Torque Angle Transducer, w/Auto-ID, 50 lbf ...
Model 039237-50051/B Rotary Torque Angle Transducer, w/Auto-ID, 50 lbf-ft (68 Nm), 3/8-inch Square Drive, 10-pin PT Receptacle Installation and Operating Manual
Liquid-Nitrogen (LN2) Solutions - KAYE
Cryogenic gases like liquid nitrogen (LN 2) are crucial in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, enabling the safe storage of intermediates and raw materials by preventing interactions with moisture or oxygen.LN 2 and dry ice are also used in various processes, including mixing, storage, and cryogenic cooling.. Benefits of Cryogenic Containers
Model 059740-01185 Fastener Torque-Tension Load Cell, Clamp Load ... - PCB
RS Products from PCB Load & Torque Toll-Free in USA 866-684-7107 716-684-0001 FTA9000 FASTENER TORQUE-TENSION LOAD CELL OPERATION MANUAL
SGX - Industrial
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CNC Machining | Amphenol Borisch
Amphenol Borisch Technologies’ state-of-the-art machine shop is a key asset to our value-chain. Our ability to machine, coat, inspect, and assemble mechanical solutions for our internal and external customers really sets us apart.