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Starline | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The Star-Line EX® series is certified for use in a Zone 1/2/21/22 hazardous environment. Classified facilities such as petrochemical refineries and land/offshore drilling systems are but a few of the applications for this broad product series. ... NEPTUNE ® incorporates our time tested Starline family contact technology. The NEPTUNE series is ...
Temposonics® T-Series TH Position Sensors
Extremely robust position sensor designed & certified for Ex-applications. Available in stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316L) Ingress protection IP66, IP67, IP68, IP69K, NEMA 4X
AHDSeries - Amphenol Sine
9 Position, Plug, AHD Series™ J1939, Type 1, Threaded Rear, Coupling Ring, Reduced Diameter Rear Seal, ... Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this document is accurate at the time of publication. Specifications or information stated in this documen r ubjec hang ithou otice.
Data Sheet R-Series V RH5 SSI - Temposonics
2 Temposonics® R-Series V RH5 SSI 3 1 Measurement cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (waveguide) Position magnet (magnetic fi eld)
Our Product Lines - Amphenol Sine
44 Series Circular. Rubber Circular Connectors. Catalogs. Download and view latest catalogs. PRODUCT IMAGE DISCLAIMER: All images on this site are merely a representation of the actual part. Color, sizing, material and plating surface may differ. The best option is to request samples from the Product Manager.
6 Temposonics® R-Serie SSI Betriebsanleitung Messwertinhalt (optional: Feld Nr. 20) Beachten Sie: In Feld 18 und 19 muss jeweils „9“ gewählt sein. 1 Positionsmessung 2 Differenzmessung 3 3 Geschwindigkeitsmessung 4 Positionsmessung + Temperaturmessung (nur mit Datenlänge = 24 Bit)
GENERATION - Temposonics
Fig. 1: Time-of-flight based magnetostrictive position sensing principle Fig. 2: R-Series V sensor with TempoLink smart assistant R-SERIES V SSI Temposonics® R-Series V brings very powerful sensor performance to meet the many demands of your application. The R-Series V is the long term solution for harsh environments that have high levels of ...
Temposonics® L-Series LD Position Sensors
L-Series LD . Compact sensor for hydro cylinders. Specifications; Documents & Downloads; Output Stroke Length Resolution Status ⓘ Analog 50…5000 mm infinite Active Mature Start/Stop 50…5000 mm controller dependent Active Mature ...
MH-CAN Testkit CANopen & SAE J1939 Absolute, berührungslose ...
von der Software angezeigten System Identifier und kontaktieren Sie die MTS Applikationsberatung für Mobilhydraulikanwendungen. Anschließend erhalten Sie den Software-Key zur Aktivierung. 3. Nach Eingabe des Software-Keys ist die Software betriebsbereit.
time. In the same example, if the 10 inch sensor is circulated 4 times, the minimum update time is 360 microseconds. For digital pulse systems (L Series sensor with PWM output), resolution is based on the crystal fre-quency of the counter that measures the time inter-val between the interrogation pulse and return sig-nal.
Betriebsanleitung R-Serie V Profinet 551973 - Temposonics
I 6 I Temposonics® R-Serie V PROFINET IO RT & IRT Betriebsanleitung 3.2 Bestellschlüssel Temposonics® RH5 a Bauform R H 5 Stab b Design B Basissensor (nur für den Austausch) J Gewindefl ansch M22×1,5-6g (Stab-Ø 12,7 mm), Messlänge: 25…5900 mm M Gewindefl ansch M18×1,5-6g (Standard) S Gewindefl ansch ¾"-16 UNF-3A (Standard) T Gewindefl ansch ¾"-16 UNF-3A (mit Dichtleiste)
M29F & M29G Series Fiber Optic Termini
M29F & M29G Series Fiber Optic Termini enables reliable and repeatable integration of optical media into industry-standard ARINC 400 connector
5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (Waveguide) Position magnet (Magnetic fi eld) Torsional strain pulse converter 2 4 Fig. 1: Time-of-flight based magnetostrictive position sensing principle Fig. 2: R-Series V sensor with TempoLink Smart Assistant R-SERIES V EtherCAT® Temposonics® R-Series V brings very powerful sensor ...
R-SERIES V POWERLINK Temposonics® R-Series V brings very powerful sensor performance to meet the many demands of your application. The R-Series V is the long term solution for harsh environments that have high levels of shock and vibration. The sensor is equipped with POWERLINK V2 and supports a minimum cycle time of 250 µs. In time-critical ...
Temposonics® MH-Series MH Analog Data Sheet TECHNICAL DRAWING Fig. 4: Temposonics® MH-Series MH sensor, part 1 MH-C – Rod: Ø 10 mm / Dead zone: 63.5 mm / Stroke length: 50…2500 mm Magne ll one 30 30 ±0.2 30 Ø Ø 24 Ø 10 8.2 23.2 7.9 21.2 +0 −0.2 Sroe leng 50…2500 ea one 63.5 MH-D – Rod: Ø 7 mm / Dead zone: 63.5 mm / Stroke ...
L-Series Analogue + Digital Temposonics® LD Measuring range 50 - 5000 mm † Absolute Sensor † Non-contact Measurement † Modular Construction † Stable Design † Highest Durability † Measuring Range: 50 - 5000 mm † Linearity: Better 0,02 % † Repeatability: 0,001 % † Direct Analogue Output (V/mA): 100% field adjustable
Product Data Sheet - Temposonics
R-Series Models RP and RH Temposonics® Linear-Position Sensors - EtherNet/IP™ Industrial MTS Sensors 3 Ethernet Interface Product Data Sheet, Part No.: 551253 Revision C (EN) 10/2015 EtherNet/IP™ Output Options, Programmability Enhanced Monitoring and Diagnostics Enhanced monitoring and diagnostics
2 Temposonics® R-Series V RH Analog 3 1 Measurement cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (waveguide) Position magnet (magnetic fi eld)
Telaire T3000 Series is a range of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sensors designed to meet the specific needs of customers who require measuring CO2 in harsh or difficult environments. Based on a series of modules, the casing offers a number of combinations to meet the needs of range, supply voltage, and output type in various applications.
I 5 I Temposonics ®-Serie V P5 nalog Datenblatt GÄNGIGES ZUBEHÖR – Weiteres Zubehör siehe Broschüre 551444 Positionsmagnete M5 20 43 14 17,2 40 18° 25,3 40 18° 57 14 8,2 25,3 49 M5 17,2 24 18° 20 43 40 25,3 M5 18° 40 25,3 20