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150WXRS NMEA 0183 / AG WeatherStation® - SolarShield and Rain Sensor ...
Share. Rain Sensor with Solar-radiation Shield. Airmar’s WeatherStation WXRS provides real-time information on rain intensity, accumulation, and event duration. An acoustic sensor measures the impact energy of individual raindrops on the “umbrella” located on the top of the instrument. This patented rain-detecting sensor is virtually ...
Thermal Circuit Breaker 120 A, Panel Mount -
Features. Sealed Against Dust & Water Intrusion to ensure reliable circuit protection for the life of the electrical system installation; High Voltage (72 Vdc) Rating easily supports 12 and 24 Vdc applications while offering advanced protection for 36 and 48 Vdc applications
2 7/8" Hole Saw - Gemeco
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match™ Cables 1kW; Mix and Match™ Cables 600W; Mix and Match™ CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
SS164 50/200kHz, 1kW, 12° Tilt, Garmin 6-Pin, DT
Share. ABOUT US. Contact Us. Careers. Legal Information. Report a Vulnerability. Airmar Technology Corporation. PRODUCTS. Marine Transducers. Transducer Diagnostic Tester. Acoustic Deterrents. GPS/Heading Sensors. Survey Transducers. WeatherStation Instruments. CONTACT US +33 (0)2 23 52 06 48 [email protected]
Cable Harness Design - Hand Laid Cables v Manufactured Cables
Quantity - if the overall multicore cable requirement falls short of the manufacturer's MOQ, we're able to hand build a vast majority of constructions. This reduces the amortisation of the cable cost. For prototype assemblies, the use of hand built multicore cables as part of the overall cable assembly allows for testing and approvals to be undertaken using only the quantity needed.