Search Results for top 15 mft questions
Amphenol Antennas - RFS Technologies
Pre-assemble the top and bottom mounting brackets. Tighten the U Clamp with M8 bolts (torque 18Nm). Step 2 ... 15 Plain Washer (M12) GB97.1-85 4 304 16 Nut (M12) GB6170-86 8 35 (Hot Galvanizing) 17 U Clamp 1 1 Q235A t=4 18 Mounting Bracket 3 Q235A t=4 19 Hex Bolt (M10×25) GB5783-86 2 35 (Hot Galvanizing) ...
User Manual -
Page 2 of 15 Title: User Manual for 19” Rack-mountable Dual Amplifier Receiver Multicoupler models PRO-DAR (4, 8, 12 or 16 channels) Document version: ... On the top plate next to the fuse holders are marked the fuse specifications. To maintain the safety level, a blown fuse must be replaced by a fuse of equal size,
Whip Antennas MU 1-ZG/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Black-chromed stainless steel whip. Type MU 1-ZG/s covers 370 – 410 MHz Type MU 1-ZG/l covers 406 – 440 MHz Type MU 1-ZG/h covers 430 – 470 MHz
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 7/13/2007 7:54:03 AM
Amphenol Advanced Sensors
Amphenol Advanced Sensors
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
d-sub emi/rfi shielding shell, 9/15 pin apcdzkxxxx. d-sub emi/rfi shielding shell, 9/15 pin asgl1a2827pcd19lcx. 27 pin receptacle, square flange, non-water tight, crimp contact, nut, without contact, x/y/z/w insert position ... 44pin plug, top entry astp430150slc. 50pin plug, top entry astp440144plc. 44pin receptacle astp440150plc. 50pin ...
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
d-sub emi/rfi shielding shell, 9/15 pin apcdzkxxxx. d-sub emi/rfi shielding shell, 9/15 pin asgl1a2827pcd19lcx. 27 pin receptacle, square flange, non-water tight, crimp contact, nut, without contact, x/y/z/w insert position ... 44pin plug, top entry astp430150slc. 50pin plug, top entry astp440144plc. 44pin receptacle astp440150plc. 50pin ...
44.104. | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
A comes with 15 pins, B with 25 pins, C with 37 pins, D with 50 pins, and E is a 9 pin d connector with standard density. When it comes to double density the pin count is higher, as in A-26, B-44, C-62, D-78, and E-15. The double density d–sub connectors have even denser arrangements with A-31, B-52, C-79, D -100 an E-19.
All Products - Amphenol
Amphenol-CTI overmolding technologies work in many applications; offering the best-value solutions to your interconnect challenges. Certifications: UL, CSA, ISO9001, CE, IPC 620, WHMA, C-TPAT, IATF16949 (and others) Capabilities: Multi-conductor data cables (DVI, HDMI, USB, etc) / Filtered Power / Custom molds / Soft or hard tooled, 3D printing molds / Single/multiple cavities / PVC/PP/ABS/TPU/PBT
2-Port Antenna
Gain Mid Tilt dBi 15.3 15.7 16.1 16.3 ... Top Bottom Left Right R1 Diagram shown at right depicts the view from the front of the antenna. The illustration is not shown to scale. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Length mm (in) 1987 (78.2) Width mm (in) 277 (10.9) Depth mm (in) 167 (6.6)
Automotive | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a leading supplier of advanced interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a growing array of automotive applications. In addition, we have developed advanced technology solutions for hybrid and electric vehicles and are working with leading global customers to proliferate these advanced interconnect products into next-generation automobiles.
Angular Rate: 20 to 0.111 mV/deg/sec (±15%) Frequency Response. 0-18 kHz, 0-36 kHz, 0-70 kHz, 0-140 kHz (±1dB) 0 to 1 kHz to 0 to 2 kHz . Accelerometer: 0-550 to 0-5000 Hz . Angular Rate: 0 to 1 kHz to 0 to 2 kHz . ... PCB microphones are a staple for many of the top names in consumer electronic, for products ranging from haptics testing .
6-Port Antenna
Tilt Change Duration Less than 15 seconds, typical (may vary dependent on antenna type and outdoor temperature) ... Shipping Volume m 3 (ft ) 0.45 (15.9) Top Bottom Left Right R1 R3 6-Port Antenna 698-803 | 880-960 | 698-960 MHz 5920370P 5920370PG 5920370PDx 3-Band, 6-Port, 65°, XPOL, Panel Antenna, Variable Tilt, 2683 mm 65° 2683 mm R2.
UltraPort QSFP+ - Amphenol CS
15 μ” (0.38 μm) Gold Plating on Mating Area; 100 μ” (2.54 μm) Matte Tin on Tails Over Nickel Underplate UltraPort™ QSFP+ Connector UltraPort™ Stacked QSFP+ Connector Footprint 1 Standard EMI Gasket Option 1 Chomerics 1273 Conductive Elastomer 2 Chomerics S6305 Conductive Elastomer 3 Through the Bezel L Longer Spring Finger
132113n -
Title: C:\Documents and Settings\gary.TESTUM-WS01.000\My Documents\Garry's\connex\TOP 100\132113n.dwg Author: gary Created Date: 1/29/2003 9:33:15 PM
C2U3MD120X12F wxys0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
cwt-mks-top top mounting bracket kit for canister antenna wb3x-mks-01 utility pole mounting bracket kit for canister antenna cwt-mks-base-xx wide diameter pole top mounting bracket kit for canister antenna. available in brown, black and grey to match antenna radome and/or mounting structure. c2u3md120x12f wxys0
10-Port Antenna - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Mid Tilt dBi 15.9 Max Tilt dBi 15.6 Azimuth Beamwidth degrees 67° Elevation Beamwidth degrees 9.4° Electrical Downtilt degrees 2°-12° Impedance Ohms 50 VSWR --- < 1.5 Passive Intermodulation 3rd Order for 2 x 20W Carriers dBm < -110 Front-to-Back Ratio, Total Power, ±30° dB > 25 Upper Sidelobe Suppression, 0° to 20° dB 18 typical
Amphenol M28876/M29504 FKIT-001 Fiber Systems
AFSIProfessional1600DieSetMIL-T-29504/14&15 FSPP-104-00-004 1 CableJackStrippingTool FSPP-105-00-001 1 Stripper,OFCC,18AWG(0.0395) FSPP-106-00-001 1 SafetyGlasses FSPP-107-00-001 1 ... engineeringknow-how,top-qualityproductsand experttechnicalsupport. FormoreinformationaboutAFSI,pleasevisitour Fiber Optic Solutions.
BLCR Series - Basic Low Pressure Compact Sensor Series
If parylene coated, the part will be marked with a “P” on the top. Please refer to package drawings. Example: BLCR-L10D-D4. Figure 1: Product Labeling. Company Part Marking Wafer Number Lot Number. Figure 2: Part Marking. BLCR - L - D4. Series Package. Option Option BLCR. D4 SOIC, Dual Top Port, Differential Pressure U1 DIP, Single Top Port ...