Search Results for transmetacarpal amp
LRM - Line Replaceable Module | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
LRM surface mount connectors meet the high density needs of today’s integrated electronic modules. The flexibility in design allows Amphenol to meet and exceed the wide variety of user requirements. With multiple different contacts being used in the connectors, mainly digital (brush), there are thousands of combinations of inserts that are possible.
HDAS - PCB connector for harsh environment - MIL-DTL-55302
Amphenol Socapex HDAS PCB connector is a high-performance and cost-effective solution for a variety of applications. Designed for use in harsh environments, this robust technology exceeds the MIL-DTL-55302 requirements, ensuring its reliability and durability.
Concentric Twinax Contacts | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
The size 8, 10, and 12 concentric Twinax contacts were developed for applications that require high performance interconnect characteristics in multi-pin connectors.
Force Washer Transducer | PCB Piezotronics
PCB's Series FT4000 Force Washer Transducers are miniature load cells designed specifically for measuring fastener clamping forces. The design provides high stiffness in a small package, making these load cells ideal for static and dynamic measurements on fasteners, or structural test applications where space limitations exist.
Signal Conditioning Basics | PCB Piezotronics
Others with a low internal source capacitance may require in-line signal conditioning such as a voltage amplifier. See Figure 1. Figure 1: Typical Voltage Mode Systems . A schematic representation of these voltage mode systems including sensor, cable and input capacitance of voltage amplifier or readout device is shown below in Figure 2.
Model 352C33 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 352C33:Platinum Stock Products; High sensitivity, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 0.5 Hz to 10k Hz, 10-32 side conn.
SMASH - Yüksek Performanslı PCB konnektörleri | Amphenol Socapex
SMASH PCB konektörü, ticari ve askeri havacılık ve C5ISR gibi zorlu ortamların taleplerini karşılamak için tasarlanmış yüksek yoğunluklu modüler bir konektördür. SMASH konnektör, 132 ila 450 kontak arasında 7 farklı düzenleme ile MIL-DTL-55302 gereksinimlerini aşar ve yüksek mekanik ve elektriksel güvenilirlik sağlayan sağlam bir teknoloji sunar.
SEFEE is global leader in aeronautical harness and electronic systems.
With 35 years’ service in industry SEFEE values greatly on Service and Quality to fit customer needs. The maturity of each of our products and our complete expertise in electrical systems, including wiring, make it a unique player in the market.
D38999 Connectors with Coaxial, Concentric Twinax ... - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Connectors are ideally suited for the incorporation of shielded contacts for high-performance interconnection applications. The circular family is built around MIL-DTL-38999 specifications, with Mil-approved and commercial styles offered.
PCB Piezotronics Launches Differential Charge Amplifier Product Line
PCB Piezotronics Launches Differential Charge Amplifier Product Line Ideal for Use with Charge Mode Sensors in Power Generation Applications. November 8, 2019, DEPEW, NY – PCB Piezotronics, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ: MTSC), announced the release of Models 421B30, 421B31 and 421B3X, differential charge amplifiers designed for use with differential ...
7-8648-5 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 7-8648-5 GNSS Combination Antennas ProNexus - AMPHENOL PROCOM The ProNexus covers 4G, GNSS inc. 5G cellular bands, WIFI 2.4/5.8 and 7.2 GHz. Full hemispherical coverage for the GNSS antennas. Built-in high gain, low noise amplifier. Right-Hand Circular Polarization. 3 - 15 V DC for GNSS supply.
Charge Mode Pressure Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
When directly mounted to a gas turbine’s combustor, extreme temperature dynamic pressure sensors provide 24/7, consistent, reliable combustion dynamics data monitoring to help control instability which can damage components in the combustion chamber as well as downstream equipment.
Distributors - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Distributors. Amphenol PCD is pleased to have partnerships with a network of distributors that help to provide our customers with exceptional service, in addition to our knowledgeable in-house team.
Models P702B/P702BF-1 operating guide - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
The P702B power unit/amplifier is a portable power source with integral signal conditioning for use with internally amplified accelerometers. Signal conditioning includes amplification, integration and fault indication. 2.0 Description The P702B power unit/amplifier is a portable unit specifically designed to furnish 2.4mA constant DC
Vibration Shakers | PCB Piezotronics
Vibration shakers from The Modal Shop provide up to 500 lbf (2224 N) pk sine force for applications in R&D, automotive, and aerospace industries.
기밀성 및 개인 데이터 | Amphenol Socapex
기밀 유지 및 개인 데이터 보호 헌장. Amphenol SOCAPEX는 개인 데이터 보호를 매우 중요하게 생각합니다. Amphenol SOCAPEX는 2018년 5월 25일부터 적용되는 유럽연합의 일반 데이터 보호 규정 n°2016/679의 요구 사항을 완전히 준수하기로 결정했으며, 본 개인정보 및 개인 데이터 보호 헌장을 통해 개인 데이터를 ...
MIL-DTL-38999 Series II - JT Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol® MIL-DTL-38999 Series II Connectors were developed to meet the needs of the aerospace industry and provided the impetus for the development of the MIL-C-38999 specifications, which later was superseded by MIL-DTL-38999.
Nacharbeit und Anpassung von Kabelbäumen | Amphenol Socapex
Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und ermächtige Amphenol Socapex, mir Informationen zuzusenden
USB Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol Mini USB Type B design offers customized design. Mini USB 2.0 connector takes up only about 1/8 of the space of standard USB-B, five circuits, with one circuit reserved for future use in host identification between devices.
Güç Kontakları - Güç kontakları - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex Güç Kontakları yüksek akım taşıma kapasitesi ve güvenilirlik için tasarlanmıştır. Bu tek parça kontaklar %100 Fransa'da üretilmiştir ve hem Avrupa EN3155 hem de ABD AS39029 standartlarıyla uyumludur. Kıvrım, lehim, PC kuyruğu ve uyumlu pimler gibi çeşitli sonlandırmalarda mevcutturlar. Bu güç kontakları MIL-DTL-38999 serisi I, II, III & EN3645, EN4165 ...