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Model Number 333A22 ICP® ACCELEROMETER Revision: A ECN #: 52151 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity(± 10 %) 10 mV/g 1.02 mV/(m/s²) Measurement Range ± 500 g pk ± 4,905 m/s² pk
107423-01 |
PCB Socket Contact. Quantity. 2
107384-02 |
Receptacle Core Insulator. Quantity. 1
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ORDERING GUIDE POTS/DSL Line Conditioning Device - Charles Industries
POTS/DSL Line Conditioning Device INNOVATIVE ENCLOSED SOLUTIONS™ Charles Industries, LLC An Amphenol Company Phone: (847) 806-6300 Fax: (847) 806-6231 Web:
About MM Multimode the MTCK-004 Test Set Optical 525N-30- Line
FiberOpticSolutions Amphenol Fiber Systems International AFSI 525N-30-MM Multimode Optical Line Test Set MTCK-004 Specification Summary of LEDs CentralWavelength 850±30nm 1300±30nm SpectralBandwidth
LID Technologies: Drive Ahead
LID Technologies develops, industrializes and commercializes smart and wireless embedded electronic systems for automotive markets.
G:AutoCad DrawingsDWGAO1508-XX-500 Model (1)
Title: G:AutoCad DrawingsDWGAO1508-XX-500 Model (1) Author: andrew Created Date: 8/8/2013 10:13:55 AM
Model TLD086C03 | PCB Piezotronics
Model TLD086C03:Modally Tuned® Impulse Hammer w/force sensor and tips, 0 to 500 lbf, 10 mV/lbf (2.2 mV/N), TEDS 1.0
Part Search Results - Positronic
DD. Size 22 fixed and removable contacts ; Wire, right angle solder, or straight solder termination options ; Select products conform to MIL-DTL-24308
Pedestals & Housings - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
The post Z24 Generation II Low-Profile Housing with Extended Depth Base appeared first on Amphenol Broadband Solutions.. Z24 Generation II Low-Profile Housing with Extended Depth Base
G:AutoCad DrawingsDWGEB3100-01-900 Model (1) - EBY Electro
Title: G:AutoCad DrawingsDWGEB3100-01-900 Model (1) Author: Mark Created Date: 9/19/2018 10:26:18 AM
LID Technologies: Drive Ahead
LID Technologies develops, industrializes and commercializes smart and wireless embedded electronic systems for automotive markets.
News | LID Technologies
Our latest news. Since late 2023, our company has embarked on a rigorous journey to achieve the ISO 21434 certification, ensuring our compliance with the European Regulation R155.
ARK120-THD Airducer® Transducer - AIRMAR EMEA
Non-contact level, flow, distance and proximity measurement is reliably delivered by the ultrasonic ARK120-THD. Its rugged one-piece Kynar PVDF housing makes it suitable for chemically aggressive environments, and its threaded design allows for installation in various applications.
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SeeHawk® Reports | Test & Measurement - PCTEL
You’ve tested your mobile network’s coverage. Don’t wait to see the results. With SeeHawk® Reports, you can generate printable, customizable reports from PCTEL scanning receiver data within minutes of completing a drive or walk test.SeeHawk Reports even merges multiple data sets, simplifying multi-day benchmarking or site survey campaigns.
LID Technologies: Drive Ahead
LID Technologies develops, industrializes and commercializes smart and wireless embedded electronic systems for automotive markets.
APC 8010 Poliermaschine APC 8010 Polishing Machine
Title: APC 8010 Polierzubehör_Datenblatt_Data Sheet_2020 Author: Louisa Sölch Created Date: 11/5/2020 2:28:25 PM