Search Results for type 1493 radar pdf
NTC Type NDP -
NTC Type NDP Thermometrics Epoxy-Coated Chip Thermistor Description A range of epoxy-coated chips with PFA/PTFE insulated 0.0078 in (0.25 mm) nickel lead-wires. Amphenol Advanced Sensors. R25 W Material System B Value 25/85°C K Maximum Operating Temperature °F (°C) Code R25°C ± 1% Code R25°C ± 2% Code R25°C ± 3% Code
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Information Sheet Type: T10500JVI / GNGN (AA)
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Information Sheet Type: T10500JVI / GNGN (AA) regulations Document: t10500jvi-gngn (aa)_3.0ghz19.docx Revision: 2019-09-04
Marine Antennas GP 450-3/... -
Cutting Diagram. TUNING INSTRUCTIONS. The GP 450-3/…must be tuned to the operating frequency according to the following instructions: Only for GP 450-3/h: Cut the top section (L1) above the phasing coil as indicated in the cutting diagram,
DAS Antennas 7691300 -
Product PDF; Add to quote. Description. A wideband microcell panel for 2G/3G cellular bands, offering dual slant polarisation. Can be wall mounted indoors or outdoors. ... (PIM value for N-type connector only applicable at date of manufacture) In iBwave: Yes: Mechanical; Connection(s) 2 x N(f) on 500mm RG303 cable: Dimensions: 205 x 221 x 65 mm ...
Thermometrics NTC Cryogenics Thermistors -
All Cryogenic Type Thermistor probes are designed for use in the range of 77°F (room temperature) to -320.8°F (the boiling point of Liquid Nitrogen) (25°C to -196°C). These units are very stable, exhibit no hysteresis effects,and rapid temperature cycling from 77°F to -320.8°F (25°C to -196°C) has no measurable effect on
Item # AP-107BRS, Shielded Waterproof Plug
Browse Item # AP-107BRS, Shielded Waterproof Plug in the Amphenol NEXUS Technologies catalog including Item #,Item Name,Description,Conductors,Application,Overall Diameter,Overall Length,Contact Types,Rear Accessory,Shell Material,Plating Material,In
NF-LCF114-E01 - N Female Connector for 1-1/4' Coaxial Cable, OMNI FIT ...
Connector Type OMNI FIT™ PREMIUM Straight Sealing Method O-Ring + 360° Compression Gender Female ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Impedance, ohms Ohm 50 3rd Order IM Product @ 2x20 Watts dBc -156 ; typical -162 Maximum Frequency GHz 3.8 VSWR, Return Loss VSWR (dB) 0 < f ≤ 1.0 GHz: 1.02 (40)
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
LWL Sachsenkabel GmbH
LWL Sachsenkabel GmbH
Low Pass Filters LP 174-FME -
Product PDF; Add to quote. Description. LP 174-FME is an LC low-pass filter. Allows the whole 0 – 174 MHz to pass. Can be used, together with HP 380-FME, to prevent possible interference between VHF and UHF radio systems, e.g. VHF LMR and TETRA.
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Amphenol Ardent Concepts
Amphenol Ardent Concepts
B A3 - Amphenol Sine
type dwg no: sheet of description this drawing is supplied for information only. design features, specifications and performance data shown hereon are the property of draft and ribs.(see sheet 4 the amphenol corporation. no rights of reproduction are implied. allaipxe-325x4b-xxxx dimensions are subject to normal manufacturing variations. customer:
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
alloy uns s30300, type 1 contact: beryllium copper per astm b196, alloy no. uns c17300, td04 insulaotr: pctfe per astm d1430 finish: body, insert & contact: gold per astm b 488, type ii, code c, class 1.27, over nickel per ams-qq-n-290, class 1, .00005" min. performance: freq.range: dc to 65.0 ghz ...
Model -
S ŒLY. —E OF Of NL TO Cable size nil o o o a o . Title: Model Created Date: 20151012135426Z
THIRD ANGLE PROJ. DWG SIZE REV UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE IN METRIC AND TOLERANCES ARE: <0.5mm 0.5 - 6mm 6 - 30mm 30 - 120mm ANGLES NOTICE - These drawings, specifications, or other data (1) are, and remain the
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
4 3 2 1 - Charles Industries
a b c d 4 3 2 1 d c b a sheet size drawing no. iss. b rev. reproduced, copied or used in any ma nner detrimental to their interests. rev 07-28-99 computer generated ...