Search Results for uhf coaxial cable with n connector
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Amphenol Aerospace
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 2201 0 obj >stream hÞì›k Ü8²¦ýSòãÎ W1‚÷ƒƒ ¶«· Æ;ƒq/v± ãÀÓ®î®Åø · ˜óçw7B©”¨L努”œ/ ÛT¦’¢¨ ùÄ«—´2+»ò V~•SZÅ 9 VyE)¹ ÑÊÙ(ßÓ*ZgWQ¾6œò*Û Y2ò¯œB1 ³"v+fãå ›V B”Jä W–åN ±”VÖ² g¹Gï¥ ¤¹z“RÌV:É í fé ›‚ åT©!k1‘w+GÚmDVî™Y{Ð |* I RÔ¢œË9²> ír¹1^9/=k\Y:MΕëp ...
Declaration of Conformity to RoHS
Œ ø*Ó¿ù: øŠ à ý ?ðU§ òu êîeÿ>d ëFSÿ?â~‘Q_›¿ñ 7À ú >0 à«Nÿäê?â(o€?ô(|`ÿÁV ÿÉÔ «¹—üù Oüÿ‰úEE~nÿÄPß èPøÁÿ‚;ÿ“«cþ"`ý ?çÇâGþ ÿäŠ æKþ\Ëî ñ>Tÿåü~óô*Šø Mÿƒ‘¿f»ë_2[¯ Y¶HòæÐòÃß䑇ë]^‘ÿ þÊšœŒ²üF¼°ÛŒ êd>}6@Ý=ñXË#Ì#½ à-þFÑâ ...
Conectores BNC | PCB Piezotronics
Connector Style: BNC; Connector Style: BNC; Connector Style: Coaxial; Connector Style: Coaxial; Connection Type: Jack (female socket / recepticle) Connection Type: Jack (female socket / recepticle) Temperature Range: -85 to 329 °F; Temperature Range: -65 to 165 °C
per ams-qq-n-290, class 1, .00005" min. performance: impedance: 50 ohms freq. range: dc to 26.5 ghz vswr: 1.25:1 dc to 18.0 ghz 1.35:1 18.0 to 26.5 ghz dwv: 500 vrms operating temp.: -55c to +125c product data drawing notes: 1. for recommended footprint to your specific pcb, contact ...
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Cable Management; Racks and Accessories; Enclosures; Optical Passives; Partners. For Our Customers; For Our Distribution Partners. Project Registration; Logo Style Guide and Use; Lineamientos del Logotipo; Our Services. Configure to Order Solutions; Custom Configured Solutions; Fiber Raceway Solutions;
LL T Temposonics
Leel Plus ® LL T Temposonics ® Technology MTS Sstems Cororation Sensors Diision 3001 Sheldon Drive ary, N.. 2513 Phone 1 919 60100 Email MTS ...
同軸コネクタ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
ARC シリーズ 高耐久TNC/N. マルチポート同軸コネクタ. マルチポートコネクタ. Video. VITA 67. その他. PSMP シリーズ. その他. HPQD/MPQD. その他. 気密/水密同軸コネクタ . その他. 基板間3mmのスタック接続. Video. 基板用同軸コネクタ. その他. Mini-D. その他. ハンボルト ...
Antenna Solutions for Intelligent Transportation Systems
RELIABLE CONNECTIVITY WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST Public Safety/Emergency Response. Optimize communications to keep first responders safe. Ensure connectivity, interoperability, and real-time access to voice, data, video, and text tools with rugged, reliable antennas for mission critical applications.
Conforme Original du VXSSOLHGZLWKWKH 127,&('(0217$*( SROHPRXQWLQJNLW ...
32/(02817,1*.,7 ',$0(7(532/(6 3$571r ',$0(7(532/(6 3$571r 72548(6(77,1*)250 1p 0 [ erow iurpsrohprxqwlqjnlw 7:232,1767,/732/(02817,1*,167$//$7,21 3$571r %(&$5()8/:,7+7+
IWCE In-Building Wireless Forum 2020 Meeting Request - PCTEL
Mounts, Cable and Accessories. Mobile Mounts, Parts and Accessories; Base Station Mounts and Accessories; Antenna Engineering Capabilities; Antenna Products – Smarteq; Industrial IoT Connectivity Solutions. Integrated Edge™ Solutions. All-In-One Edge™ Sensor; LoRa Edge™ Sensor;
4 セクションⅡ 主要mil規格コネクタ ─ mil-5015タイプ ・mil-5015タイプ(クラスa、c、e) (mil-dtl-5015準拠品 クラスf、rもあります。 特長 ・ クラスa、c、eを、1個から国内生産しております。 ・ オリーブドラブ色、カドミウムめっきの耐環境型バージョン ・ もっとも古くからある比較的サイズの ...
Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8340-F
Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8340-F... 2 1747 1 Type No. 8340 magnetic circuit breaker with toggle actuator Mounting F flange mounting Configuration 1 with mounting nuts 6-32 UNC 4 with mounting nuts M3 9 snap-in frame Number of poles 1 single pole protected 2 two pole protected 3 three pole protected
同軸ケーブルの選定の手引き|技術情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
n. 屈曲性 中心導体に撚線を使用した編組外部導体を持つ同軸ケーブルは、使用中にケーブルが繰り返し曲げられる用途に向いています。 中心導体が撚線のケーブルは単線のケーブルに比べてより高い減衰を示します。
Model M052AP010BZ | PCB Piezotronics (fr)
Model M052AP010BZ:2-socket MS3106 connector w/strain relief (meets MIL-C-5015) to Blunt cut cable with 10 meters of General purpose, polyurethane jac (fr) f ... Coaxial à usage général; Coaxial à faible bruit; 4 conducteurs; Câbles multiconducteurs; Boîte de test de câble;
d sub connectors | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The most advanced connectors in this series are the Micro Power and Mini Power Super versions, which provide even better current ratings of 17A/pin and 20A/pin plus wire gauge ranges of 16AWG-15AWG and 16AWG-14AWG respectively.All variants of Mini Power connector series come with Boardlock option that ensures strong retention force whereas the Micro Power connectors have scoop-proof housing ...
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
sae combo plug cable assembly p/n: hvcosaem150amlxxxx sae combo plug 150a cable assembly hvcosaem200am2lxxxx sae combo plug 200a cable assembly hvcosaem250amlxxxx ... 32a/50a/80a, 1 or 3 phase, sae type 1 ac connector for vehicle, potted version hvcosaemdxxaxlxxxx. wall-mounting sae combo plug 40a/65a/80a hvcosaemxxxamlxxxx. 400a max. sae combo ...
RF50 2,6-7,3 CU-PE MSN CM UHF -
Imagem Ilustrativa NOMENCLATURA RF50 2,61F/7,25 CU/PEC M CM UHF RF50 – Cabo para radiofrequência (padrão) com impedância de 50Ω. 2,61F/7,25 – Diâmetro do condutor central multifilar e do dielétrico respectivamente, em mm. CU/PEC – Condutor central formado por fios de cobre eletrolítico, têmpera mole, sem revestimento e dielétrico de polietileno expanso.
ストレートQBプラグ、エッジマウント|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
データシート 3d cadデータ お問合せ. 本hp掲載のデータシートは参考図となります。また、3dデータは形状確認用となります。 ご検討の際には弊社営業にお問い合わせの上、最新図面にてご確認ください。
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
Specifications, product pictures or information stated in the website are for reference only, please double check with us. 粤A1-123456789 深圳网站建设 深圳联雅 深圳网站建设 深圳联雅