Search Results for usb smart switcher
USB Smart Vibration Switches | PCB Piezotronics
USB Smart Vibration Switches features programming of parameters in the field via a USB connection to a computer. The highly versatile Smart Vibration Switch includes an embedded piezoelectric accelerometer for accurate measurement and requires only two wires for operation.
Model 686C01 | PCB Piezotronics
The 686C01 Smart Vibration Switch is a low cost versatile and fully USB Programmable electronic vibration switch that replaces unreliable mechanical vibration switches. It is also a significantly lower cost alternative for many electronic vibration switch applications.
USB Programmable Smart Vibration Switch | PCB Piezotronics
The Smart Vibration Switch is available with a 2-pin MIL connector, integral polyurethane cable, integral armored cable or terminal block to accommodate a wide variety of applications, including potentially-explosive environments.
Model 600A29 | PCB Piezotronics
USB Programming Kit for All 686 Smart Switches. I ncludes software, USB to 2-pin MIL programming cable, terminal block/integral cable adapter and magnetic clamp.
Model 485B39 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 485B39:2-channel, USB-powered, ICP® sensor signal conditioner with USB digital output (24-bit A/D)
Electronic Vibration Switches | PCB Piezotronics
PCB®’s electronic vibration switches combine smart ICP® sensor technology with time-tested switch designs to offer options suited for the toughest industrial challenges. For critical machinery, electronic vibration switches have several advantages over mechanical units.
Model 485B36 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 485B36:2-channel, USB-powered, ICP® signal conditioner, unity gain ... Vibration Switches. USB Smart Switches; Electronic Switches; Mechanical Switches; Pressure Transducers. ICP® (Up to 250 F) Charge (Up to 1200 F) Electronics. Power Supplies; Charge Amplifiers; Digital Output;
Model 034K10 | PCB Piezotronics
4-conductor, low noise, shielded FEP cable, 10-ft, mini 4-socket plug to (3) BNC plugs (labeled X, Y, Z)
Vibration Switches | PCB Piezotronics
The vibration switch can sense vibration due to faults such as imbalance, misalignment, looseness, worn bearings, cracked gears or lack of lubrication. IMI Sensors offers a complete selection of electronic and mechanical vibration switches to suit many applications and installations.
Model 686B01 USB programmable electronic vibration switch with 2 ... - PCB
The 686-Series Smart Vibration Switch is a low-cost electronic vibration switch designed to monitor vibration levels on rotating machinery (ie. fans and cooling towers) and trip an alarm or shut down machinery when a specified vibration limit is exceeded. An onboard accelerometer with precision, microprocessor-controlled
Model K2007E01 | PCB Piezotronics
USB Smart Switches; Electronic Switches; Mechanical Switches; Pressure Transducers. ICP® (Up to 250 F) Charge (Up to 1200 F) Electronics. Power Supplies; Charge Amplifiers; Digital Output; ... SMART SHAKER Model K2007E01. Add to Quote. Product Description; Specifications; Documents & Downloads; Videos;
Model 633A01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 633A01:Digital, industrial, ceramic accelerometer, 0.9 to 15k Hz, top exit, integral cable terminating in USB connector
Industrial Electronics | PCB Piezotronics
PCB Piezotronics specializes in a diverse range of electronics that power ICP® and charge mode sensors, essential for monitoring machinery health.
Model 686B11 Smart Vibration Switch Installation and Operating Manual - PCB
The 686-Series Smart Vibration Switch is a low-cost electronic vibration switch designed to monitor vibration levels on rotating machinery (ie. fans and cooling towers) and trip an alarm or shut down machinery when a specified vibration limit is exceeded. An onboard accelerometer with precision, microprocessor-controlled
Understanding Vibration Switches - PCB
Vibration switches are relatively simple instruments used to protect rotating machinery against catastrophic failure due to excessive vibration. This is particularly true for large fans as found on cooling towers. Vibration switches continuously monitor vibration on a machine
Model 070A103 | PCB Piezotronics
USB Programming cable for 649-Series Product. Connection Type: 2-socket; Size - Length: 2.0 in (50.8 mm) Cable Style: Multi Conductor - Shielded
4-20 mA transmitters and Vibration Switches | PCB Piezotronics
Vibration monitoring of vibrating screens and feeders is critical to determining machinery health and preventing overloading or catastrophic damage to equipment. Because this type of equipment is intended to operate with high levels of vibration, low sensitivity high range sensors are optimal.
Digital Output and Wireless Connectivity | PCB Piezotronics
USB Digital Accelerometers: Take on-the-spot vibration measurements through your smartphone or tablet. IO-Link Accelerometers: These Vibration Sensors are configures with the universal, open-source IO-Link communication protocol for digital data processing at the edge, remote monitoring, and more.
BNC Switch Boxes | PCB Piezotronics
Switch boxes assist with terminating the cables of permanently installed sensors at convenient, safe, data collection locations.
Displays And Alarms - PCB
These products also include alarm capabilities, which allow a rotating asset to be automatically shut down without the need for immediate generalist intervention. The model 683A panel meter can be used with either ICP sensors or 4-20 mA vibration transmitters depending on the options selected.