Search Results for vacuum suction rod
Low Outgassing Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
Low outgassing ICP® (IEPE) accelerometers may be launched with the payload or used in a vacuum chamber to simulate launch conditions. High Temperature Accelerometers. Environmental stress screening is often performed in thermal vacuum chambers to verify operating characteristics. PCB® Model 357A07, (p.
The new variant of the R-Series V as a rod version is the sensor in the highest-grade stainless-steel housing that protects the sensor and the precise non-contact technology from liquids, corrosion and extremely aggressive environments.
Data Sheet R-Series V RM5 PROFINET (Doc Part No. 552118)
The Temposonics® R-Series V brings very powerful sensor perfor-mance to meet the many demands of your application. The RM5 sensor is the version of the RH5 rod sensor in a protective housing (super shield housing). The main advantages of the RM5 are: The housing made of high-quality stainless steel offers very good corrosion resistance.
Model 356M98 | PCB Piezotronics
This accelerometer features low out-gassing construction that is ideal for use in thermal vacuum chambers for environmental testing. The high sensitivity and low noise allows for measurement of micro-vibration.
Data Sheet EH CANopen -
hydraulic cylinders. The position magnet mounted on the piston head of the hydraulic cylinder travels over the sensor rod with the built-in waveguide to provide a precise, non-contact.
Model HTM602D01 | PCB Piezotronics
Capable of withstanding continuous temperatures of 325 °F (162 °C) without decay in performance, higher than any other IEPE accelerometer in the industry. [1] Conversion Factor 1g = 9.81 m/s². [2] 1Hz = 60 cpm (cycles per minute). [3] Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method.
NovaSensor Filtration Air Restriction (FAR) Sensor
The FMA Series of Air Filter Restriction Sensors are available in multiple positive or vacuum pressure ranges, mating with an integrated AMPSEAL 16 (3-way) electrical connector (Drawing No.: C-776402-1-
Accessories for Industrial Position Sensors - Temposonics
H3 Sensor Rod. for R-Series V RFV. Industrial Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. R-Series V Position Sensors Toggle Sub Menu. R-Series V RH5 R-Series V RP5 R-Series V RM5 R-Series V RF5 R-Series V RFV R-Series V RDV TempoLink® Smart Assistant TempoGate® Smart Assistant ...
ROD END LOAD CELL Revision: D Optional versions have identical ... - PCB
1380-02A ROD END LOAD CELL Revision: D ECN #: 43827 Performance ENGLISH SI Measurement Range 1000 lbf 4448 N [5] Sensitivity(± 10 %) 2 mV/V 2 mV/V [6] Non-Linearity ≤ 0.25 % FS ≤ 0.25 % FS Hysteresis ≤ 0.15 % FS ≤ 0.15 % FS Non-Repeatability ≤ 0.05 %RO ≤ 0.05 %RO Resonant Frequency 10 kHz 10 kHz Environmental Overload Limit 1500 ...
NovaSensor Filtration Air Restriction Sensor -
The FMA Series is available in multiple positive or vacuum pressure ranges, mating with an integrated AMPSEAL 16 (3-way) electrical connector (Drawing No. C-776402-1-GEN) and a 1/8-27 NPT female pressure connection port.
Data Sheet R-Series V RFV PROFINET - Temposonics
The RFV sensor is the R-Serie V with fl exible rod. The main advantages of the fl exible rod are: Straight and curved line The fl exible measuring rod enables position measurement on straight and also curved line. Compact for transport and storage For transport and storage, the RFV sensor can be coiled up. This saves costs and space.
High Sensitivity Pressure Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
They are capable of measuring high-intensity sound pressures from 111 to 210 dB at any static pressure level from full vacuum to 1,000 psi (6,895 kPa). PCB also offers a charge output high sensitivity pressure sensor, Model EX171A01.
Heavy Truck - Connor Manufacturing
The products we supply include Door Rods, Control Rods, Hinges, Interior Brackets, Hood Assist Springs, Hood Assist Assemblies, Deck Plates, PRND Shift Lever Assemblies, and Parking Brake Assemblies. Our Custom Springs include Extension, Compression, Conical, Clock, Torsion, and Coiled.
R-Series RH Powerlink - Temposonics®
the sensor rod with the built-in waveguide. Temposonics® RH is a robust, high-performance rod-style sensor for installation into a hydraulic cylinder. The sensor is suitable for long-term operation under harsh industrial environments such as steel industry and metalworking plants. MEASURING TECHNOLOGY
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosure CUBE-SC3NN12HN5 General ...
• #6 ground wire or rod and earth ground materials • Bond strap (optional, from cable bond clamp to bond post) • Any exterior cable strain relief, per company practice • Slotted, hex, and Phillips screwdrivers • Torque wrench • Assorted cable ties, clips, or fasteners (optional) • Can wrench (216 type tool)
Model 080A200 | PCB Piezotronics
Armature Insert w/internal reference accelerometer for air bearing shaker 396C10/C11, 10 mV/g, 2-20,000 Hz, 1/4-28 SUT mounting thread. This unit is not calibrated.
Absolute, Non-Contact Position Sensors Technical Data ... - Temposonics
The pressure pipe placed within the drilled piston rod contains the protected magnetostrictive sensing element. - Compact dimensions - Suitable for operating pressures up to 280 bar - Supply voltage (12 VDC) - Easy installation and replacement - Output signal: • Analog: VDC Magnetic field strain pulse Magnetic field position magnet Mechanichal
Model 078W30 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 078W30:4-conductor, twisted bundle, low noise, shielded, flexible polyurethane cable, 30-ft, 1/4-28 4-socket plug, IP-68 rated to triple splice assem
Temposonics® EH is a compact rod-style sensor and the ideal solution for direct stroke measurement in small hydraulic cylinders. The positi-on magnet mounted on the piston head of the hydraulic cylinder travels over the sensor rod with the built-in waveguide to provide a precise, non-contact position measurement. The EH is ideal for a variety of
Extreme High Temperature Sensors for Propulsion Testing - PCB
PCB manufactures high temp (up to 1400 F) accels/pressure sensors for testing/monitoring aircraft gas turbine engines and rocket propulsion/exhaust systems.