Search Results for vertical cargo plane
Dipole Arrays S.M4-445 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Vertical: 3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane: 16 ° ... E-Plane | 445 MHz . Radiation Patterns. H-Plane | 445 MHz . Ordering Designations. Model Product No. Description Frequency; 4-stack dipole phased array: S.M4-445: 0° Electrical Tilt: 420 - 470 MHz: Add to quote: 4-stack dipole phased array ...
162 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
2fa1-nasp -d46w | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol part no. 2fa1-nxsp-pcbc8 coding part no. color ral no. a 2fa1-nasp -pcbc8 jet black 9005 b 2fa1-nbsp-pcbc8 cream 9001 c 2fa1-ncsp-pcbc8 signal blue 5005 d 2fa1-ndsp-pcbc8 claret violet 4004 e 2fa1-nesp-pcbc8 leaf green 6002 f 2fa1-nfsp-pcbc8 nut brown 8011 g 2fa1-ngsp-pcbc8 blue grey 7031 h 2fa1 ...
Marine Antennas CXL 108-185C - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Vertical: 3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane ... (E-Plane) for 178 MHz. Multi-Purpose Mounting Bracket. Ordering Designations. Model Product No. CXL 108-185C: 100000513: Add to quote: Related products. Brackets and Mounts. Amphenol Procom design a wide and varied range of Wall Brackets and Antenna Mounting Poles. Robust professional install and longevity.
Marine Antennas CXL 1090-1LW - AMPHENOL PROCOM
To be mounted on vertical or horizontal mast tubes, 16 to 54 mm in outer diameter. The cable can be led either on the outside or along the inside of the mast tube. ... (H-Plane) Ordering Designations. Model Product No. Frequency; CXL 1090-1LW: 100000637: 1050 - 1130 MHz: Add to quote:
ProFin Plus -
Vertical: Impedance: 50 Ω ... ** Simulated in free space with no whip, no ground plane and no additional cable. Radiation Patterns. WIFI 2400 MHz, side view . WIFI 2400 MHz, top view : WIFI 5500 MHz, side view . WIFI 5500 MHz, top view 4G/5G 650 MH z, side view
Industrial | Markets - Amphenol
AgilLink™ 1.50mm Wire-to-Board G886 series is the most common solution for transferring power and signal. This series can carry a maximum current rating of 2.5A. Amphenol ICC offers a comprehensive range of these headers including, vertical and right-angle DIP, and vertical and right angle SMT, to meet various customer requirements.
ug-88 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Matrix MIL-DTL-83723 series provides many choices within the range of a medium sized, environmentally resistant circular connector. With three coupling style choices- bayonet, threaded and quick-disconnect - the versatility of this family makes it increasingly popular for panel mount, box mount and line-to-line applications in aircraft.
GNSS Combination Antennas ProNexus Plus - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Frequency: 4G/5G 8x8 MIMO: 617 - 960 MHz, 1710 - 7200 MHz WIFI 6x6 MIMO: 2400 - 2500 MHz, 4900 - 7200 MHz
usb wateproof | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The connector takes up only about 1/8 of the space of a standard USB Type B interface, and has five circuits, with one circuit reserved for future use in host identification between devices. ... usb wateproof | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 12401610E4#2A | USB 3.2 GEN2 | Amphenol 2. Vertical or Right Angle. 6. 11.2. 3.7. 3. Amphenol is one ...
A 2x2 MiMo LTE and WIFI multi purpose shark fin antenna for GNSS, GPS ...
* Measured with no whip and 5 m (197 in.) of RG 58 cable on a 500 x 500 mm (19.6 in. x 19.6 in.) ground plane. ** Simulated in free space with no whip, no ground plane and no additional cable. EU AND UK DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Hereby Amphenol Procom declare that the product type ProFin Plus is in compliance with EU Directive 2014/53/EU and
Whip Antennas GF 2/70 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Shortened half-wave (2 m) / half-wave colinear design (70 cm) – no ground-plane required. High positioning gives performance equal to conventionally mounted car roof antenna. FME FastCabling system (cable to be ordered separately). Simple tuning procedure by means of two tuning screws on matching unit. Easy removable whip for car wash.
18 element par.Yagi 615-733MHz - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Polarisation Linear (Vertical or Horizontal) 3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane 23 ° 3 dB Beamwidth, H-Plane 25 ° Impedance 50 Ω Gain 14.4 dBd (16.5 dBi) VSWR < 2.0:1 Front-To-Back Ratio 20 dB typ. Antistatic Protection All metal parts DC-grounded (Connector shows a DC-short) Mechanical Connection(s) N(f) on 3m RG213/U cable Materials Boom, 25 mm dia ...
Yagi Antennas 7014390 -
Linear (Vertical or Horizontal) 3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane ... H-Plane | 385 MHz . Ordering Designations. Model Product No. Frequency; 12 element Yagi: 7014390: 370 - 400 MHz: Add to quote: Accessories; Galvanised steel crossover bracket 32/50 mm: 0900912/00: Add to quote:
Blog - Positronic The Science of Certainty
The effects of the global semiconductor shortage have had serious and ongoing effects across industries. From the supply chain shortages accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters to volatile markets, factory fires, and trapped cargo ships, the reasons for the shortage are as complex and unprecedented as the shortage itself.
Omni Antennas CXL 2-2C -
Vertical: 3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane ... Typical radiation pattern 175 MHz (E-PLANE) Typical radiation pattern 175 MHz (H-PLANE) Multi-purpose mounting bracket. Typical Gain and VSWR curve. Ordering Designations. Model Product No. CXL 2-2C: 100000087: Add to quote: Related products. Brackets and Mounts.
Dipole Arrays S.M2E-160 -
Vertical: 3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane: 36 ° ... H-Plane | 160 MHz . Ordering Designations. Model Product No. Description Frequency; 2-stack lightweight dipole array: S.M2E-160: 145 - 175 MHz: Add to quote: Accessories; Galvanised steel parallel bracket: 0300120/00:
Base Station Antenna Components PMC 1250 -
The PMC 1250 can be used to create a certain desired radiation pattern in the horizontal plane using two vertically polarised antennas mounted side-by-side in a certain, prescribed distance, and feeding them both in the correct amplitude and phase relationship. ... 175 MHz band. The PMC 1250 is equipped with two vertical 38 mm mast tube ...
Marine Antennas CXL 1800-6/DECT -
Vertical: 3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane ... (E-PLANE) Typical radiation pattern (H-PLANE) Ordering Designations. Model Product No. CXL 1800-6/DECT: 100000189: Add to quote: Related products. Brackets and Mounts. Amphenol Procom design a wide and varied range of Wall Brackets and Antenna Mounting Poles. Robust professional install and longevity.
Rectangular Connectors | Products - Amphenol
D-SUB connectors in the EPC series to 50 crimp/solder contacts adhere to the ASNE0237 and ABS1145 standards. They are plug compatible with standards UTE C93-425 models HE 508, MIL-C-24308, DEF 5935 pattern 110 & IEC recommendation 48B.
Omni Antennas 422x.06-445-Txx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The 422x Series omni antenna is designed for demanding applications where a durable and high performance colinear is required. The centre fed dipole design and feed network gives a stable radiation pattern across a wide bandwidth, and allows tilted beam designs to be effectively employed without large pattern distortions.