Search Results for vpx connector
ferrule | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Shop our Medical Connector 300240! M23 Checkmate™ Quick Locking Connectors. 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17 and 19 positions available. • Enhanced next generation anti-vibration dual-ratcheting coupling system. ... 3U VPX 56 CHANNEL 25G ETHERNET SWITCH ared Sibrava Phone: 607 643- 845 • Email: • Up to 56 channels of 25G ...
openvpx network switch | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for openvpx network switch C360 G04 041 G3 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 3U 10G VPX ETHERNET SWITCH - Amphenol Aerospace Amphenol VPX switch coupled with Samtec HQDP cable and Amphenol media converter CF-020010-29NZ for conversion of 16X channels of 10G-Base-KR to 10G-Base-SR 850nm multi-mode fiber optic links. ...
6U VPX 10G 48-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switch - Amphenol Aerospace
The 48-port 6U VPX switch is a form, fit, and function replacement to the GXB-460. Products; Technologies Markets; Drawings & Models ... Rectangular Connectors; LRM - Line Replaceable Module HDB3/HSB3 Connectors HDAS Series Connectors ...
Search Results for fpc%e8%bf%9e%e6%8e%a5%e5%99%a8 - Amphenol
Search Results for fpc连接器 OCP ORv3 AC Input Connector and Cable Assemblies Amphenol OCP-compliant AC Input Connectors and Cable Assemblies are designed to meet OCPs V3 Universal Input power distribution architecture standards and provide a convenient method of routing power directly from the busway to the power shelf within the ...
294-89 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
P Module 10 Gb/s PE Evolution Module 16 Gb/s PE2 Evolution Module 2 32 Gb/s 1. Connector Type RVPX-Rugged High Speed Board 3. Size 08 8 Position Insert 16 16 Position Insert Daughter Card Module Position Part No. Amphenol R-VPX Connectors P0 RVPX-P08VCX* RVPX-P08VMX* P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 Differential RVPX-P16DC X*RVPX-P16DM Single-Ended RVPX ...
VPX 3U 5 slot ½ Size ATR ackplane - Amphenol-BSI
VPX 3U 5 slot ½ Size ATR ackplane Enabling the Evolution of Technology ... • Optional RTM assembly • Dimension: 177.20mm x 101.00mm x 3.86mm • Multiple utility connectors for signal access • VITA 62 Modular Power Supply • Optimised for high-speed signal performance • Edge plating to minimise EMI emissions
3U VPX 10G 48-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switch - Amphenol Aerospace
48-port 3U VPX-managed Ethernet Switch configurable for system connectivity, speeds, port types, ... and interoperation with various high-speed media converters and connectors for system interfacing. Features & Benefits: Up to 48 channels of 10 GbE interfaces on a single card. Many of the ports are configurable between 10G-Base-T and 10G-Base-KR.
Rugged Media Converters & Ethernet Switches - Amphenol Aerospace
The newest High Speed/High Density Connectors in the Integrated Solutions Product portfolio include the Centaur Series which combines our extensive legacy of Mil-Spec connectors with the latest in high-speed technology, providing both a durable and high-bandwidth system that supports data rates up to 56 Gbps in a lightweight, aluminum D38999 ...
32-Channel 10G Rugged Ethernet Switchbox - Amphenol Aerospace | 6U VPX ...
Amphenol’s Rugged 32 Channel Ethernet Switch Box provides an unmatched level of flexibility to meet any system requirement. The switch box is a 32 port standalone Ethernet Switch box that is configurable for system connectivity, speeds, port types, and interoperation with various high-speed media converters and connectors for system interfacing.
3U VPX 25G 56-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switch
The 3U 56 Channel and 25Gbps VPX conduction and air-cooled Ethernet switch is an addition to our 10G technology in 3U and 6U configurations. The switch is configurable for system connectivity, speeds, port types, and inter-operation of various media converters and connectors for system interfacing.
box header connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Connector Insertion Loss (dB) ≤0.05√F(GHz) Insulation Resistance (MΩ) ≥5000 Proof Voltage (V) 1000 Screen Efficiency (dB) ≥110 Power Rating (W) 400W@3GHz Nut Torque on 7-16 coupling nut 25 N*m Nut Torque on 4.3/10 5 N*mcoupling nut Spanner flat on 7/16 coupling nut 32mm Spanner flat on 4.3/10 coupling nut 22mm ...
Amphenol Socapex - 连接器、军用连接器、圆形连接器、PCB 连接器、线束
根据空间要求定制的坚固可靠的互连解决方案. 了解 Amphenol Socapex 用于太空应用的尖端互连解决方案。我们的连接器可靠、经过测试、坚固耐用,能够满足航空航天工业的严格要求。
Power Module - Amphenol Aerospace | 6U VPX 24-Channel Rugged Ethernet ...
6U VPX 24-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switch; Power Module Power Module Contact: Jared Sibrava Business Unit Director +1 (607) 643-1845 ... Amphenol Connectors Cross Reference Guide Military and Commercial Electrification Part 3 – Building the Bridge to Fully-Electric Platforms ...
SMP Connectors - RF Connectors - Amphenol RF
The SMP interface is a subminiature interface in the same scale as MMCX connectors but offers a frequency range of DC to 40 GHz. It is commonly used in miniaturized high frequency coaxial modules and is offered in both push-on and snap-on mating styles. The available detent systems, full, limited, and smooth bore, provide respective levels of ...
R-VPX - VITA-kontakter | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex R-VPX är ett höghastighetssystem för sammankoppling mellan kretskort som är utformat för att uppfylla och överträffa VITA 46-standarderna. Det är ett modulärt COTS-system (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) som stöder Ethernet, Fiber Channel, InfiniBand och andra protokoll. Det är ett robust system som är utformat för tuffa miljöer och är idealiskt för kommersiella och ...
vibro pipe | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
View the complete line of accessories for our vibration transmitters and vibration alarms. iT001 - 1 Amp power supply for up to 7 modules; iT002 - 2 Amp power supply for up to 14 modules; iT004 - 4 Amp DC power supply for up to 28 modules; iT031 - TBUS connector for iT Transmitter, 17.5 mm; iT032 - TBUS connector for iT401 vibration alarm
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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97-55-255-16 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Buy 0.5ft Amphenol CO-058BNCX200-000.6 Cables Factory-Direct: RG58 BNC Coaxial Cable Assemblies by Amphenol combine 50 Ohm RG58 coax cable with pre-terminated BNC Male connectors for a reliable low-loss interface with your RF equipment. Performance beyond 4 GHz is guaranteed with our 95% Tinned Copper Shielded MIL-C-17 type RG58C/U coax.
Dual Channel 100G Ethernet Copper to Fiber Converter
Ruggedized SATA Connector MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force Connectors Ruggedized VME64x
R-VPX Evolution 2.0 - Conectores VITA | Amphenol Socapex
A série Amphenol Socapex R-VPX Evolution 2.0 oferece um sistema de interconexão COTS que proporciona taxas de transferência de dados sem paralelo de até 32 Gb/s, tornando-os os conectores VITA 46.30 mais rápidos disponíveis. Estes conectores estão qualificados para aplicações Open VPX e são totalmente intermutáveis e intermontáveis com os conectores VITA 46 existentes, excedendo as ...