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ETV38999 Lightweight Composite Connector - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol ETV38999: Lightweight compliant connectors with non-plated composite shells, low-cost insert components, and robust performance. Ideal for UAM, eVTOL
High Power 38999 Connectors with High Current Contacts
The Amphenol Tri-Power connector series incorporates your choice of RadSok contacts, Temper-Grip High Current contacts, or standard high power contacts. Paired with the proven performance of the MIL-DTL-38999 connector series, the Tri-Power series offers a variety of tooled arrangements specifically designed to carry high current (70 to 250 amps per contact, 240 to 1000 amps per connector).
PROTIMETER Timbermaster -
2.1 Automatically Temperature Corrected (ATC) Readings Switch the Timbermaster ON and select the appropriate wood calibra-tion scale as detailed in sections 1.1 or 1.2. Using either a Hammer Elec-trode, or a hammer and nail of nomi-nal 2 mm diameter, make a hole in the wood to be tested. Remove the Ham-mer Electrode or nail and push the
Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit
Page 2 Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit Figure 1: Removable Media Dialog The Setup Wizard (Figure 2 below) should appear after several seconds. If it does not, go to the root directory on the supplied media and run setup.exe. Figure 2: Setup Wizard Window The Setup Wizard presents a number of dialogs. Amphenol Advanced
Thermal Overcurrent Circuit Breaker 1410-L1/L4 1
DC 50 V 0.63...2 A DC 28 V 2.5...10 A UL, CSA AC 250 V; DC 50 V 0.63...10 A Standard current ratings and typical internal resistance values Type No. 1410 single pole circuit breaker Configuration L integral mounting or PCB mounting Mounting 1 footprint 16.3x4.6 4 footprint 17.5x4.6 Number of poles 1 1-pole, thermally protected
Centaur High Bandwidth 38999 Connectors -
Amphenol Centaur High-Bandwidth 38999 Connectors support data rates up to 56 Gbps for high-bandwidth applications. Lightweight aluminum D38999 shell.
MIL-DTL-26482 Series I Filters (FPT) | MIL-DTL-26482 Series I Filters ...
Intermateable with MIL-DTL-26482 Series connectors; see Matrix 26482, Catalog MIL-DTL-26482, Series 1. Quick positive coupling with visual confirmation of mating
Telaire Air Quality Sensors
2 Series is ideal for applications where CO 2 levels need to be measured and controlled for indoor air quality and energy saving applications such as demand control ventilation. All units are factory calibrated to measure CO 2 concentration levels up to 5000ppm. T6703 The Telaire T6703 CO 2 Module is configured for applications where CO 2
MIL-DTL-26482 Series I Filters (FPT) | EMI Filters | Products ...
2:17. MIL-DTL-26482 Series I Filters (FPT) Combines the unique design features of the miniature PT Series with an EMI filter. View Product Non-ITAR Filters Filters for when ITAR isn't a requirement. View Product Flex/Rigid Flex ...
Telaire Air Quality Sensors
2 Series is ideal for applications where CO 2 levels need to be measured and controlled for indoor air quality and energy saving applications such as demand control ventilation. All units are factory calibrated to measure CO 2 concentration levels up to 5000ppm. T6703 The Telaire T6703 CO 2 Module is configured for applications where CO 2
Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8340-T
to IEC 60068-2-78, test Cab Mass approx. 98 g per pole Standard current ratings and typical internal resistance values Current rating (A) Internal resistance values (Ω) per pole F1 F2 K1, M1, T1 K2, M2, T2 1 493 953 2 669 2 457 0,05 276 152 452 376 0,1 58 37 100 94 0,25 8,2 6,0 15,5 14,7 0,5 2,3 1,47 3,9 3,2
Reduced Flange 38999 Jam Nut Receptacles - Amphenol Socapex
11 35,2 25,1 49% 13 38,4 28,1 46% 15 41,6 32,1 40% 17 44,8 36,1 35% 19 49,5 38,1 41% 21 52,7 41,1 39% 23 55,9 44,1 38% 25 59 48,1 34% 38999 Standard 38999 Reduced Flange F312/F059 K Average 20% weight reduction: Examples : 38999 Series III stand off version: TV07WCI15-35P F459 = 40,7 g 38999 Series III Reduced flange stand off version ...
MDP FTV|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
8K UHD (7680 × 4320) at 60 Hzおよび4K UHD (3840 × 2160) at 120 Hz ; MDP FTVのご紹介 ...
建設機械|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
主要部位別のインターコネクト製品 . gt シリーズ (vg95234準拠). アンフェパワー シリーズ. 丸型. ms シリーズ (mil-dtl-5015). 航空宇宙,産業機器. ac シリーズ. 航空宇宙,産業機器
小型樹脂 防水丸型コネクタBUシリーズ
BUシリーズは、プラグ外径18.0mm、 最大12芯、2点バヨネット嵌合の 小型樹脂 防水丸型コネクタです。 本カタログでは代表的な製品仕様を紹介します。 ここに掲載している仕様のほかに、 ・定格電流10A、 5A+2A、10A+5A
SIM MPO|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
sim mpo. カタログ; sim mpoは、simモノモジュールコネクタやsim 2&4ベイモジュールコネクタ に組込み可能な光インサートです。 mtp/mpoコネクタをそのままインサートに差し込んでロックします。修理時も、簡単に取り外し可能です。
Amphenol Air LB - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
2 - Pull the wire to the rear of the tool until the end of the tool is resting on the contact shoulder. 2 - Le sertissage des contacts sur le câble s™effectue avec un outil de sertissage complØtØ d™un positionneur rØglØ pour la taille du contact. L™outil doit Œtre conforme à la norme MIL C 22520/2 ou 7, nous prØconisons les pinces ...
½-“˜Æ dåe(p’”ÄÉô€=q‘¤ÆÉd€%™àΧ ƒ™ «¥™ ÍJ«FøÁT€Õ}ƒ‡Ö † ƒ.Qj ¼Ô –¢06AgŽPÃZ‚%žÁ[W ’;t•‰@*AC£op~[“óÌù h( \‰8U`~ “ãˆ8ßb J°ÜÆhCàV œ9ã„ýòõ‘e ‰–„" y¹0z Pª æÎ-;†-í¼ÜƸ °G?Ì B£³œÁ,–Q $ˆ $1 H‹*ü°Â#§½°+Ç Ó¾’òTóÚ— « 6Cý ...
UHDコネクタ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
uhdコネクタの特長-その2- 小型コンタクト. uhdコネクタ用フォーク&ブレイドコンタクトは、nafiコネクタの優れた電気・機械特性を小型高密度なコネクタに与えるべく開発されました。 uhdコネクタの特長-その3- プレスフィットコンタクト
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