Search Results for weight of l6-60 socapex fan out
Contact Us - Amphenol
To contact someone from the company, please fill out this form. Subject Category * Market. Your Name * Your Email * Part Number (if applicable, seperate multiple by comma) Message * Country * Submit. HQ Contact Info. Amphenol World Headquarters; 358 Hall Avenue; Wallingford, CT 06492; Phone: 1 (203) 265-8900; View our Businesses ...
MPO Field - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
DESSINE PAR : TECHNIQUE : Amphenol Socapex B.P.29 74311 THYEZ CEDEX INDICE : INDICE : MISE A JOUR : REMPLACE LE : LAMBERT E 03/07/20 TV 07 R0 TV 07 S3 50 Ø28 28 82 Ø28 60 TV T13 RECEPTACLE WITH MPO INSERT MULTIMODE OR SINGLEMODE CHANNEL Voir plan 1/2 Ø23 +0.1 0 Panel Cut out +0.1 22,3 0 Large key MPO ...
Fibre Optic - Amphenol Ltd
Discover MFM Single Way Fibre Optic Connector. Circular Connectors / Fibre. A range of high-performance, low-loss Fibre Optic connectors.
Board-Level Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol SOCAPEX R-VPX Evolution Capable of 16+ Gbps data rate transfer and meets VITA 46 & 47 performance requirements. Amphenol SOCAPEX R-VPX Evolution 2.0 Qualified to data rates in excess of 32Gb/s. Fastest VITA 46.30 connectors in the world. ...
Businesses - Amphenol
Each of our Amphenol businesses partners with its customers across different market segments and regions to connect our world through leading-edge innovation.
Businesses - Amphenol
Each of our Amphenol businesses partners with its customers across different market segments and regions to connect our world through leading-edge innovation.
Certificate of Approval -
liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. Issued by: LRQA France SAS, Tour Silex 2 – Espace Wellio, 9 rue des Cuirassiers 69003 Lyon France ... This is to certify that the Management System of: AMPHENOL SOCAPEX SAS 948 Promenade de l'Arve, 74311 THYEZ, France has been approved by LRQA to the following ...
lcp-gf30 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 10153311-001tlf matrix-26482-series-ii-catalog - 16617 MIL-DTL-26482, Series 2, Matrix BAYONET COUPLING CONNECTORS WITH CRIMP REAR RELEASE CONTACTS AMPHENOL CORPORATION 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, NY 13838-1395 • 800-678-0141 • MIL-DTL-26482, Series 2, Matrix® J ...
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
Amphenol's ExtremePort™ OSFP 224G interconnect system is comprised of a 60 position, 0.6mm pitch connector built for use in high-speed serial applications. Mini Cool Edge IO Amphenol introduces the next-generation OverPass™ solution - Mini Cool Edge IO.
10118194-0001LF | MICRO USB | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of MICRO USB. Contact us today for more details of MICRO USB 2.0, part number 10118194-0001LF.
Series III - TV - Amphenol Ltd
More than 60 arrangements of contacts, including high density versions; Size 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 22D contacts; Signal, power, twinax, coaxial, quadrax contacts, optical termini; Contact protection: 100% scoop-proof shell; Interfacial seal ensures sealing around each contact and prevents electrolytic erosion;
BNC Jack to BNC Jack Adapter 75 Ohm Straight Bulkhead
BNC Jack to BNC Jack Adapter 75 Ohm Straight Bulkhead
TVP00R CTVP00R BS-C6170 D38999/20 JN1034A Wall mounting ... - Amphenol
Hermetic Contacts 85 60 85 60 85 85 N/A Hermetic Contacts according to M39029 Standard 803 803 803 605 539 462 N/A Tested using silver plated wire. 5 Insert availability and identification JT LJT TV SJT Status Crimp Hermetics Service Total Contact Size Class€Class Rating Contacts 22D 22M 22 20 16 12 8 8 == 10 12
MIL-DTL-26482 Series II Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Test Voltage AC (RMS), 60 cps: Sea Level: 50,000 ft. 70,000 ft. 110,000 ft. I: 600: 1,500: 500: 375: 200: II: 1,000: 2,300: 750: 500: 200 ** Service Rating is comparable to MS rating A. Miniature connectors rated Service Rating I will provide a minimum flashover voltage at sea level of 2,000 volts AC (RMS). Service Rating II is comparable to MS ...
Certificat d'Approbation - Amphenol Socapex
exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. Issued by: LRQA Limited, 1 Trinity Park, Bickenhill Lane, Birmingham B37 7ES, United Kingdom Page 2 of 2 Site Activités 948 Promenade de l'Arve, 74311 THYEZ, France ISO 9001:2015 Conception, production et vente de connecteurs et autres solutions d'interconnexion électriques et ...
Supply Chain - Amphenol
We continually evaluate our suppliers to confirm that they are acting to ensure the sustainability of our world while behaving as responsible global citizens. We work to promote fair labor practices throughout our supply chain and prohibit the use of forced, bonded, child and indentured labor.
Policies - Amphenol Ltd
Amphenol Corporation Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement. The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (“CTSCA”) and the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act of 2015 (“UKMSA”) require certain businesses to provide disclosures concerning their efforts to address the issues of slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains.
apex fci | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Find various types of apex FCI connectors for wire-to-board, board-to-board, input/output, FFC/FPC and backplane applications. Compare features, specifications and datasheets of different products and series.
Rugged MRU Series USB 2.0 | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
Amphenol MRU series of USB 2.0 Type A connectors provide IP67 protection for enclosures per IEC 60529. With data rates up to 480Mb/s, the connector series is designed to provide a standard USB interface for enclosures exposed to harsh environments.
Fan Connectors | Card-to-Wire (CTW) - Amphenol CS
The fan header on the motherboard provides a way to transfer power and control signals to the PC fan, allowing it to operate at the correct speed and with the appropriate cooling. Wire-to-Board Fan Connectors. Wire-to-Board fan connectors are used to connect a fan to a circuit board or other electronic device.